Meet Luna

At first sight


“Guys? Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked them. I didn’t get any reaction. Minho kept laying on the couch playing with a basket, Taemin still focused on study his banana milk and Key and Jonghyun didn’t stop arguing over the pocket mirror.

“Go away! I need to look good for the girls” Jonghyun said and held the mirror as far away from Key as possible.

“It’s my mirror and besides It’s more important that I look good than you!” Key scolded and snapped the mirror away from Jonghyun.

“Give me that babo!” Jonghyun said and tried to get the mirror from Key.

“Guys! I need to tell you something important!” I tried to get attention. No one reacted again.

Key jumped on top of Minho’s stomach there was laying on the couch. “Ouch!” Minho complained but Key ignored him and just held the mirror high up in the air so Jonghyun couldn’t reach it.

“Aish! Give me that!” Jonghyun yelled and jumped as he tried to snatch the mirror away. Key evilly laughed as Jonghyun wasn’t even near to reach it.

“That’s what you get for being low!” Key mocked him and kept holding the mirror high. “MINHO! Help me and I’ll give you some of my singing lines!” Jonghyun begged Minho.

“As that’s ever going to happen. And besides how am I going to help you when Key’s FAT body is standing on top of me?!” Minho complained underneath Key.

“Hello?! I need to talk to you!” I shouted in frustration over no one would listen to me. They continued ignoring me.

“I’VE MET A GIRL!” I screamed. They immediately turn their heads to me and stopped what they were doing.

Jonghyun gave up on the mirror and sprinted over to me. “You’ve met a girl, hyung?!” He asked with candle lights in his eyes.

I nodded. “She’s coming over in some few minutes” I said. Jonghyun ran to Key again. “Give me that mirror! I need to look good.” He said and snatched it away from Key.

“Hyung, is it really true?” Taemin carefully asked with his innocent voice and finally cut his attention of the banana milk. “Yeah… But you need to mnow something about her. She’s not like the other girls. She’s--“

I didn’t get any further before Jonghyun cut  me off. “ONEW FINALLY GOT A GIRL!” Jonghyun screamed when he was done with the mirror. “Wohoo!” Key cheered and clapped his hands. “Cool dude!” Minho said and gave me a high-five. “Does she drink banana milk?” Taemin just asked.

“Yes Taemin I'm sure she does. And listen to me for a minute, will you? She’s special and--“ I got cut off again. “Duh, of course she’s special hyung. Everybody in love say that” Key said. “Hey, don’t ruin his dreams!” Jonghyun scolded Key and playfully smacked his shoulder. Key hit him back and soon they were in a fight again.

“She’s blind okay?!” I shouted to get their attention. There got silent again and I finally got their attention. “What?” Minho asked and wanted to hear what he heard was true.

“She is blind” I repeated slowly. Key furrowed his eyebrows. “Like in can’t see?” Taemin asked and took a zip on his banana milk in confusion. I nodded. “Yes, like in can’t see. I know you might think this sounds crazy but she’s really amazing. I have never met a girl like her. She’s so beautiful, sweet, smart, funny and everything I have dreamed about. Please try to accept her.”

They were just completely quiet and starred at me in disbelief. I starred right back at them to prove I was not lying. Surprisingly no one moved or said a thing. I couldn’t remember when I had experience such silence between us before.

“Onew? Are you here?” Min’s voice broke the silence. Her beautiful creature walked into the living room. She stopped walking when she felt the guys' gazes on her. They didn’t stop starring as they had no shame in life. A sly smile crept upon Min's face.

“So… Shinee, huh? You guys really are shiny” She said. She shook her haid and blushed. “Sorry just forget I said that. That was way to cliché. I mean I can’t even see you… Urgh forget it” She mumbled and looked on the ground. I couldn’t help but chuckle of her dorkyness.

“Can I… Try something?” Taemin asked with a shy voice and looked like he mostly wanted to hide behind Minho. Min smiled. “Sure” She said. Taemin took some steps towards Min. He gently laid a hand so it covered her eyes. He held out four fingers. “How many fingers do I have here?” He asked. Min chuckled. “Eh… Four?” Min randomly guessed.

“You’re not blind at all!” Taemin beamed in joy as he was the new Sherlock Homes. “That was purely luck” Min excused herself. “If I could see I wouldn’t have chosen the correct answer so you could but me, would I? That would just be purely stupid”, Min smiled.

Taemin scoffed and kicked the ground. “Hmrf… I guess you’re right” He grumbled. In a try to lighten Taemin up again Min asked: ”Did you enjoy the banana milk Onew bought you?”

Taemin looked up from the floor. “She picked the present for you” I explained. Taemin looked from me to Min and thenn on the empty banana milk in his hand.

“I LOVE YOU NOONA!” Taemin screamed on literally jumped on Min for a hug. “Taemin behave!” Minho ordered and pulled him away from the shocked Min.

“Eh… I’m glad you liked it” Min smiled a bit nervous. Taemin just nodded enthusiastically. “You can by my a present every time you want!” Taemin grinned. Min smiled probably happy for Taemin to break up the little awkward mood.

Min’s P.O.V

Even though I was pretty shocked after Taemin attacked me I was still thankful for him to lighten up the mood a little.

“Yeboseyo?” Onew’s voice broke the silence as he answered his phone.

“But… We have time of today” he continued talking.

“Yes, I’m sorry. Can they come here?” He asked. As he got the respond he hung up.

“What’s going on?” Jonghyun asked.

“A sudden schedule came up. Our project with F(x) has to be today. Since we can't reach the SM building in time they come here” Onew explained.

“I’m so sorry about this, Min. Can we please continue this later? I promise we won’t get interrupted” Onew apologized.

Jonghyun snickered. “Dude, it sounds like you were interrupting in doing ‘it’” He said. Onew seemed to ignore his erted comment but I actually found it a little funny in a strange way so I couldn’t help but laugh a little. It did sound like that.

“Hey I like this girl!” Jonghyun said happily when someone finally laughed of his jokes.

I chuckled a little and found my phone to call Hae-Won to pick me up.

“Yeboseyo?” She answered.

“It’s Min. Um… Can you please come and pick me up?” I begged using my sweetest voice.

“Why can’t Jin Ho just drive you home? He always does that” Hae-Won wondered.

I had lied to her about where I was going the past days. Since she said she wouldn’t let me see Onew I lied to her about being with my cousin. I felt bad for lying to her because she always took so good care of me but until she realized that Onew was good for me I had to keep lying for her.

“About that… Eh he had to go to a meeting so he has already left. Please?”

Shinee sent me weird looks and didn’t understand why I would say Onew already had left.

“I’m sorry Minnie. I’m at the dentists and really can’t leave right now? I can only pick you up a little after seven. Will that work? Or else you can you call a taxi. Just say that you’re blind and they will come right away.” Hae-Won suggested.

“S-sure. Bye!” I hung up. No way I would call a taxi. I had to many bad experiences with taxidrivers. When they find out I was blind they would use that opportunity to on me. Luckily Hae-Won had already come picking me up in the right time. But I really wouldn’t want to risk that chance again.

“So?” Shinee asked me waiting for an answer about if she could pick me up.

“Um…” I nervously scratched my neck. “She can’t pick me up” I said with a tiny voice afraid of their reaction. I wouldn’t want to stand in the way when they worked.


“Yeah…” I nodded.

“Well ‘ll drive you then” Onew said and was already on his way.

“No Onew. You can’t reach in time before F(x) comes and we need you” Minho said.

“Oh” Onew said and thought of what to do. I felt really awkward in the situation and didn’t really want to stand in the way anymore.

“It’s fine I’ll just walk home” I said and starting to walk in the direction I thought was the door.

“Ow!” Key wailed as I walked straight into him. “Omo! I’m so sorry. Please forgive me?” I panicked. Wasn’t he known for really having diva manners?

Key was silent for a second and then started laughing. “Chill. I won’t bite it’s okay” He assured. I blushed a little of how stupid I was.

“Well then… See you soon” I waved and started to leave. “Wait Min! You can’t walk home.” Onew stopped me.

“How do you suggest I come home?”

“Eh… I don’t really know that yet but--“ I cut Onew of.

“Once again: goodbye. I can do things by myself okay?” I said in an irritated tone and walked towards the door again. I really hated when people thought I couldn’t do anything myself. I wanted to be independent and I knew I could. On the other side it wasn’t really Onew’s fault he didn’t knew how sensitive I was about that subject.

“Noona wait! You can just say here with us” Taemin shouted. I shook my head. “No it’s fine. I won’t stand in the way for your work” I said.

“You won’t I promise. Puh-leeeeease?” Taemin begged. Wow, even though I couldn’t see his face his aigo was unbearable.

“Okay then. But just say if I’m in the way. I won’t interrupt” I said.

Just when I accepted, the sound of loud girl voices was heard. The girls entered the apartment.

“Hi guys!” They said. They all started to greet each other so I just backed a little out to the side. I felt like the ugly duckling surrounded by swans. Even their voices were so beautiful. I sighed. “What does he even see in me?” I mumbled low enough for no one to hear.

“Hey Min. What are you doing squashing up against the wall? Come out here and meet F(x)” Jonghyun said and pulled me out on the middle on the floor. “Thanks a lot” I mumbled. I could feel all eyes set on me.

When they were done studying me, which felt like an eternity, someone finally spoke up.

“Who is she?” A female voice asked.

“This is my girlfriend, Min. Please welcome her well” Onew said proud and pulled his arm around my waist.

They were all silent for a moment when they all started cheering and clapping. “Wow you look so cute together!” The giggled.

“Can I ask a question? Are you by any chance… Blind?” A girl voice asked nervous by my reaction.

I smiled. “Yes I am”

“Woah, that’s so cool!” Someone cried.

“Not exactly but it’s okay” I smiled.

“Onew, you’re totally not like the other heartless boys. I wanna marry you” Someone joked.

“Hey! Onew you’re stealing my girls” Jonghyun wailed. “Do you know any other blind girls, Min?” Jonghyun joked.

“That you can take advance of? I don’t think so” I laughed.

“Why are you all so caught up on this? She’s just a girl with no sight” A cold voice interrupted the happy mood. All became silent.

“I don’t understand you, Onew. Why on earth do you want to date a blind pig like her?” She rudely asked.

“Hey! Don’t talk that way about Min! If you can’t behave get out of here, Luna!” Key scolded her. Actually I was a little surprised that Key defended me. I mean he didn’t seem so excited about me and wouldn’t he want to take side with the girl he had known for a long time?

“Why Onew? I want to heat your honest answer. So you can get girls to think your sweet and caring and then dump Min for them?” The cold female voice ignored Key.

“Stop it, Luna!” Onew’s angry voice yelled. I couldn’t help but feel a little bit scared of his loud and angry voice. I had never heard him mad before and it was terrifying. But the rude girl didn’t even seem to notice his tone in voice.

“Why is that blind so much better than me? Why!?”

“ENOUGH!”Onew screamed. Everybody froze. “Don’t ever call her that again, understood?!” He snarled in the coldest voice I had ever heard. “And that’s the exactly reason I don’t want you anymore!” He shouted.

“Did they date?” I thought and got an uncomfortable feeling inside, jealousy.

“You’re so rude and mean. You have no manners. You’re selfish. I could go on forever but I’m just going to cut it out simple: I do not love you.” Onew asked with a firm but cold voice.

The girl named Luna, completely untouched by the harsh words, continued.

“She’s just a stupid brainless fangirl! Can’t you see it? I bet she’s not even blind. You’re all falling for her little play!” Luna shouted.

“Shut up Luna! Why are you behaving like a total ?” One of the girls shouted.

“Are you taking her side?! Really!?”

“Ok, that’s it. We’re going home.” She said and pulled Luna out of the room.

“Min, I’m really really really sorry about this. I don’t know what got into her. She’s not usually like this. I’m so sorry on her behalf.” A girl voice said and I could feel how ashamed she was.

“It’s okay” I said but Luna’s voice still echoed in my head.

“Why on earth do you want to date a blind pig like her?”

“So girls can think you are sweet and then dump Min for them?”

“Why is that blind so much better than me?!”

“She’s just a brainless fangirl!”

“Are you okay, Min?” Anouther girl voice asked and laid a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m f-fine” I said even though I was on the edge of crying.


I nodded.

“I’m sorry guys. Can we do this another time when Luna acts human again?” The girls asked.

“Yes, that’s fine. Yell at her for me” Key said. The girls chuckled a little. “We will I promise”

As the girls left the guys also disappeared out of the room except for Onew.

“Min I’m deeply sorry about this. I shouldn’t have--“ I cut him of and went right to the only question on my mind.

“Do you love her?” I asked trying to stay firm.

“Min, it’s only you I promise. I will never love an evil creature like her. But I do love you” Onew said and gently pressed his lips against mine to seal his words.

As he said those words all by confusion and sadness disappeared and a sparkling feeling replaced it.

Onew, loved me?


So finally an update for you guys. I hope you’ll enjoy it :-)

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Chapter 5: LOL well that escalated quickly
Chapter 2: Well.... Wasn't a prince and on a white horse... More like an awkward man with great timing :3
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha cutie clueless Onew xD
X'D Onews a meany xD I love it! XD
Chapter 37: Although they moved fast. Like real fast. Almost as fast as the light. It was cute and adorable. Hehehe
CheekySaku #6
Chapter 5: They move too fast. They barely met and Onew is already confessing his undying love for her and kkissing her? Something's has got to be wrong with your head. It actually would've been better if they took things slowly
Chapter 37: awww what a cute ending
ChocoPandaa #8
Chapter 36: Oh finally you mister! ><
Tsk... you better put Luna in jail for this! What kinda idol murders? LOL.
....wait so is Min blind again?! >:O Nooooo!!
Chapter 36: om my god I can´t believe that ____. How could she? How could she do something like that? and what is going to happen to Min now???
ChocoPandaa #10
I knew Luna was just playing.... being all good and all. -.-"
Why do I have a feeling that Taemin's gonna save her? xD