
At first sight


(A/N) Very very weak rated scene in this chapter!

No one’s P.O.V

Onew didn’t think twice before he chased after his girlfriend if they still were together. He ran down the stairs. He could see Min running right in front of him.

She ran out of the building and out of the streets. Onew followed her. Min ran surprisingly fast for a girl who never really ran before. In the past she couldn’t really run without bumping into people therefore she only walked.

“Min wait!” Onew shouted behind her. Min heard his shout but she didn’t turn around. She kept running. In that moment she was absolutely sure she was over Onew. Or at least that was what she tried to force herself believing.

“Min please!” Onew shouted once more. He still tried to catch up with Min. Min ignored Onew’s prayers. She kept running confidently until her legs betrayed her and she slipped over her own feet. She landed on the ground with a bump.

“Ouch”, Min moaned and tried to sit up again. Onew was with her faster than she could get up and offered her a hand. “Are you okay?” Onew asked Min.

Min didn’t answer. She just stared at his helping hand but refused to take it. Instead she fought herself to come up from the ground but failed.

“Please just let me help you”, Onew begged Min. Min hesitated a single time but ended up taking his hand and got up from the ground.

Before Min could escape again Onew caught her wrist. “Min, can’t we just talk?” Onew asked. His brain hadn’t quite got yet how they ended up this way. In his brain their relationship worked perfectly fine just yesterday. Now here they were both on the edge of tears.

“Please just tell me what I did wrong? Please explain it to me”, Onew asked Min. “You really don’t know what you did wrong yet?” Min asked Onew. He was unbelievable.

“It’s just… I don’t understand how we ended up this way”, Onew said with tears forming in his eyes. Min softened a little bit when she saw his tears. He actually did care after all. But that didn’t change what he had done.

“Onew you completely ignored me. You were never home. I understand that because it’s because of your job but when you finally were home you didn’t talk to me either. It’s almost like I’m in a relationship with Taemin instead of you”, Min explained.

Onew frowned by her last choice of words but she continued. “But what’s totally not okay is that even though I have suffered so much just to be with you that small amount of time you are ready to break up with me just because Luna claims she has seen be with another guy. You didn’t even give me chance to explain Onew!”

Onew was silent. He just stared into the air. He finally realized what he had done. Min was so faithful to him and still he accused her for something she couldn’t dream of do.

After a silent moment he finally spoke up. “I’m such a jerk”, he scolded himself.

Min nodded and turned around to walk away. “Wait Min!” Onew shouted and grabbed Min’s arm again. She turned around and decided to at least give him a chance to explain.

“I’m so sorry Min. I didn’t know what I was doing. I just… I forgot that you aren’t something that just stays with me no matter what. I’m so stupid to not appreciate you enough. Don’t misunderstand me, because I really do I just forgot to show it to you”, Onew said.

“Please Min. Just give me another chance?” Onew begged her. She stared into his eyes for a moment. her heart had already forgiven him but her brain told her otherwise. Min didn’t want to be this easy. If so, he would just do it all over again.

Min shook her head. “I’m sorry Onew. I don’t think I can do this anymore”, she apologized and turned to walk away from him.

Onew’s firm grab caught my arm. “Min please. I promise to do better”, Onew assured her. She shook be head again. “Don’t promise something you can’t keep Onew. No matter how much I want to believe you, you are going to work again tomorrow. Then this will start over again”, Min said.

Onew shook his head. “No Min. This won’t happen again, ever. I will never do something like this again.”

Min removed Onew’s hand from me. “Goodbye Onew-“

“No Min! I love-“

Min interrupted him before he could go any further. “Don’t use that word on me.”

Onew refused to do as she told him to. “Yes I will because I do Min”, Onew said and he turned her head to him. “I really do love you and I refuse to lose you over such a stupid mistake”, Onew said while he looked directly into her eyes with those incredible eyes of his.

“No Onew. I don’t… I don’t want to believe you. I’ll just end up getting burnt again. This is final Onew. You really changed something in me and if I hadn’t met you that day in the park I would still be blind. I really appreciate you for that Onew but I think it’s best for both of us if we place the dot here. Someday you will find another girl who is strong enough to deal with your tough world. As much as I wanted myself to be, I’m not.”

“I don’t want another girl!” Onew shouted in frustration. The tears were streaming down his cheeks now. “Please Min. I love you so much I don’t want to lose you. What I did was unforgiveable but please at least try. You are the most important thing in my life right now and I refuse to lose you. I will quit Shinee for you. I will quit all my contact to other girls. I will quit my job. We can run away together but please… Please don’t leave me like this”, Onew begged Min.

This time Min didn’t respond. She hasn’t prepared herself for him to say such big words. He didn’t even look away from her when he said them. He looked into her eyes all the time, as he really meant it.

“Am I overreacting?” Min thought to herself.  “It wasn’t like he cheated on  or something. We just needed to figure out how we were going to deal with this relationship. We needed to trust each other more. I would be the spoiler if I gave up on us so easily. I would be the wimp. I would be the one to quit us.

It wasn’t going to be Onew , his job, his fans or Luna that broke us up. This would be on me. The fact that I had feared the most, that we broke up, would I make happen in real life. There was no way I could deny Onew after what he just said,” Min thought.

Onew’s eyes still glistening of tears and his cheeks were wet. Min didn’t want to be the cause for his tears one more time.

Onew’s eyes winded as she took a step closer to him. Her hand reached out to wipe his tears away but he caught her hand on the way. He held her cold hand close to his cheek.

“Is that a yes?” Onew whispered not daring to raise his voice to break the mood. Instead of answering Min leant in for a kiss. But what she planned to be a soft kiss turned out to something more.

Onew captured Min’s lips and her hands reached around his neck to pull him closer. The sweet taste of Min’s lips made Onew completely sure. He was definitely never going to lose this girl. Even if it would take all the other things he had away from him.

Min lightly bit in Onew’s lip. As an answer Onew opened his mouth to meet tongues with Min. Their tongues curled around each other.

The need for Onew was bigger now than ever even though Min had him in her arms. She just wanted to get even closer to him. Onew lifted her up and she curled her legs around his body.

Onew moved his lips away from Min’s mouth and planted kisses down her neck till he reached her collarbone. He stayed there and on the same place.

Min couldn’t help but moan slightly by the new found pleasure. She had never felt this way before. Onew was completely hers but she wanted for of him, she wanted his body.

Her body was heated up and her heart was racing. Onew did all the right things and his clumsiness was gone with the wind. His actions were swift but firm. Min grabbed his head and moved his mouth to hers again.

“Yah. Get a room!” Someone passing by yelled. Min couldn’t help but giggle embarrassed but Onew was too to let this pass.

Without even letting Min down from him he walked back into the building, still making out with Min. Somehow he managed to open the door to their building and carry Min up the stairs.

“Someone didn’t break up!” Jonghyun sang when the kissing Min and Onew entered the apartment.

“Taemin cover your eyes!” Key shouted and placed his hand over poor Taemin’s eyes. Even though Taemin couldn’t see Onew and Min his heart still hurt. A forbidden feeling grew deep inside the maknae. He couldn’t deny that he almost wished they would break up.

Onew and Min ignored the cheering members. Onew carried Min right pass them. Wihtout communicating with words they agreed with their actions.

Onew pushed the door to the bedroom open and placed Min on his bed. Onew pulled Min’s top of her. Min suddenly felt bare and to make them even she removed Onew’s shirt as well. They continued like that until there were no more clothes.


I know ,I know.  Just kill me now. A lot of you are probably not so satisfied with this result of their fight but… I HAVE THE POWER FOLKS! XD

Consider this long (I think) chapter as an apology to you. It has been too long since I’ve written on this. But I have vecation for 6 FREAKIN’ WEEKS(!) so more chapters are coming! :D

Btw, for you erts out there: Next chapter is not going to be rated. Sorry but I’m too innocent! :P Lol jk :D

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Chapter 5: LOL well that escalated quickly
Chapter 2: Well.... Wasn't a prince and on a white horse... More like an awkward man with great timing :3
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha cutie clueless Onew xD
X'D Onews a meany xD I love it! XD
Chapter 37: Although they moved fast. Like real fast. Almost as fast as the light. It was cute and adorable. Hehehe
CheekySaku #6
Chapter 5: They move too fast. They barely met and Onew is already confessing his undying love for her and kkissing her? Something's has got to be wrong with your head. It actually would've been better if they took things slowly
Chapter 37: awww what a cute ending
ChocoPandaa #8
Chapter 36: Oh finally you mister! ><
Tsk... you better put Luna in jail for this! What kinda idol murders? LOL.
....wait so is Min blind again?! >:O Nooooo!!
Chapter 36: om my god I can´t believe that ____. How could she? How could she do something like that? and what is going to happen to Min now???
ChocoPandaa #10
I knew Luna was just playing.... being all good and all. -.-"
Why do I have a feeling that Taemin's gonna save her? xD