How to bend bad day: bad, worse and just got dicthed of Onew

At first sight


The flash of light disappeared just as fast as it came. My eyes widened when I realized what Yoseob was doing. I quickly tried to remove my face from his but his hand kept pulling me nearer.

“Let go!” I said and struggled to get away from him. When it finally succeed I wiped my lips because it felt wrong that it wasn’t Onew’s lips there was on mine.

“What are you thinking!? You can’t just kiss somebody like that!” I scolded the shameful Yoseob.

“But you tasted to nice”, Yoseob low mumbled. “Ew”, I thought. That sounded completely wrong coming from Yoseob.

“Yoseob I am not doing this to hurt you but you need to understand. I am with Onew and I am way too old for you. Find someone your age”, I said a little nicer. There was no need to be rude if there still was hope we could be friend after this.

Yoseob’s face flashed with anger. “When are you going to realize I’m not just an immature kid? I’m only four years younger than you!” Yoseob shouted.

Surprised by seeing Yoseob angry I tried to calm him down and put things in a nice way. “Yoseob, please understand. There are still a lot of other girls your age out there”, I said.

Yoseob got up from the bench we were sitting at. I tried to grab his arm to make him stay but he shook it off.

“Fine then! You will have your wish granted, Min! I will let you be alone because I’m just a baby not worthy your time. I understand”, Yoseob shouted.

“Yoseob please, can’t we just stay friends?” I begged and tried to calm him down. I didn’t want to lose our friendship. He was the only friend I had in this school. Everybody else saw me as an old woman going back to kindergarten.

“No Min! You can’t have both! Go make friend with that disgusting ashussi of yours! I’m sure he will be happy”, Yoseob scowled. With that he furiously walked away.

“Yoseob please stay!” I shouted after him but he didn’t even turn around. Instead he just did something I never thought Yoseob would do. He raised his middle finger and shouted: “ you Min!”

“Bwo!?” I was left confused. The Yoseob I thought I knew would never do something like that.

“Hi Min!” Taemin shouted and hugged me when I arrived. I just grumbled in response. Taemin raised his brows at my sudden bad mood but I didn’t explain further.

“Is Onew home?” I bluntly asked. I needed to talk with him about it. He would understand.

“Actually he is. ONEW!” Key shouted when he heard my question. A minute later Onew ran out from our room.

“Min!” He smiled and hugged me. Despite my bad mood, a little comforting feeling spread in my body.

“Onew I need to talk with you about something”, I said. “Sure”, Onew said and kissed my cheek.

I blushed a little but continued. “Promise you will listen this time?” I asked him.

Onew shot me a confused look. “Don’t I always do that?” He asked as he had no idea how he had acted the last days. Instead of answering I started to explain.

“I have become good friends with this guy in school. His name is Yoseob. But then today-“

Onew’s phone rang again. Onew shot me an apologizing look. “Just one minute Min, I promise”, he assured me. As naïve as I was I believed him.

“Yes? What is it?” Onew asked the person in the phone with a rather annoyed voice.

“I don’t believe that. Don’t act this way”, Onew said.

The guys and I changed confused looks. “Who is it?” Taemin asked us as anybody had an answer.

Onew sighed and hung up. “Look guys I’m sorry but I really have something important coming up now. Min, can you tell me about it later?” Onew asked me.

Just as I was about to nod Taemin interrupted. “Enough Onew! Listen to your girlfriend for once! You never do. You are too up in yourself to notice her. What is it that is so important there’s over your girlfriend!?” Taemin shouted.

We were all a little surprised by Taemin’s sudden outburst. He was not usually like that. Onew shifted uncomfortably.

“It’s just… Luna has something really important to show me. I’m sure Min understands, right?” Onew didn’t even wait for my answer but hurried out of the door.

But I was not so sure his Min understood anymore. “He just ditched me… Because of Luna?” I whispered. As an answer Key and Taemin hugged me from both sides to comfort me. 

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Chapter 5: LOL well that escalated quickly
Chapter 2: Well.... Wasn't a prince and on a white horse... More like an awkward man with great timing :3
Chapter 1: Bwahahaha cutie clueless Onew xD
X'D Onews a meany xD I love it! XD
Chapter 37: Although they moved fast. Like real fast. Almost as fast as the light. It was cute and adorable. Hehehe
CheekySaku #6
Chapter 5: They move too fast. They barely met and Onew is already confessing his undying love for her and kkissing her? Something's has got to be wrong with your head. It actually would've been better if they took things slowly
Chapter 37: awww what a cute ending
ChocoPandaa #8
Chapter 36: Oh finally you mister! ><
Tsk... you better put Luna in jail for this! What kinda idol murders? LOL.
....wait so is Min blind again?! >:O Nooooo!!
Chapter 36: om my god I can´t believe that ____. How could she? How could she do something like that? and what is going to happen to Min now???
ChocoPandaa #10
I knew Luna was just playing.... being all good and all. -.-"
Why do I have a feeling that Taemin's gonna save her? xD