Chapter 31- Dara

"You're not my type"

A/N: thank you very much for my new subscribers!^^ I'll assure you that i will cherish each and every comment you post here! ;D Enjoy this update~



Narrator's POV:


"Huh? Where am i?", you senselessly asked.


"Ugh. Whatever.", your sarcastic little sister said. Please somebody remind me how old she is again?


"There's a long day ahead of you and yet you're being a sleepy head as ever.", she added.


"Hmmm... As if i wanted what's going to happen later.", you simply shrugged the thought off.


"Hmp. Don't deny it. But you liked Henry before. And he likes you back.", Lin wriggled her eyebrows.


"That's 10 years ago, Lin. And you're not even alive that time... How did you know?!"


"Erm... Dad is quite talkative. And he's being excited all by himself.", Lin explained.

And just in time...

"HEY KIDS! Shen, you have a visitor. You'll surely be happy.", your dad barged in. Speaking of the evil ones...


"You know what Lin. It's not right for a person with manners to NOT knock when entering somebody else's room.", you stood up from bed and fixed your hair.


"Oh. Uhm sorry.", your dad closed the door gently making sure to not make any noises.


"I pity him.", Lin hopped off your bed and left your room also. Leaving you staring at the mirror reflecting on what you just did to your father.




You went down to the living room after fixing your appearance.


"Hello shen!!! Long time no see! I missed you.", Dara, henry's younger sister tackled and hugged you tightly as if you'll run away from her.


"I came to visit you before your engagement party with Henry Ge. Aren't you happy that i'm here?", she released you.


You used to be very close with dara. You even treated her like a younger sister. Like how you treat Lin... which is NOT so sister-like. But she also is used to it. She's just sooo friendly like that. And she won't stop bugging the stupid boring life out of you.


"No. Infact, I'm very happy to see you.", you faked a smile which doesn't look obviously fake at all.


"Wow. I'm so happy because we'll be sister-in-laws in just a few hours!!!", she exclaimed excitedly.


*Ugh~ Oh common... We're not yet even married... Just an engagement... An engagement... Yeah...*, you thought but just smiled in reply.


"Where are your parents and brother?", your stepmother asked while having her nails fixed by some nail artist. *Ugh~ you money-faced old woman... You sure love looking as fancy as ever huh...*


"They're all busy inviting some friends at the party tonight and some other preparations was being organized."


"So... The seremony will start in 5 pm right?", she asked. "Yes my dear.", your stepmother answered.


"I would like to go shopping some clothes with my future sister-in-law!"


"But shen has to have her hair, clothes, and make-up done before the ceremony. And it will surely take time.", your dad said.


"Erm please...", she pleaded while rubbing her hands together.

"Please please please please please pl--"

"Okay okay...", your father approved.

"Just make sure to be back before 2 pm. Okay?", your father assured.

"Yes of course! Yay!", she cheered.






"Aren't we going shopping? Why are we here?", you and dara are now waiting for a program to start in a studio.


You should've known better. Dara is a kid who always crosses her fingers behind her back while promising. You were doubtful that her intentions for bringing you with her is just shopping. Of course NO! That sneaky girl will bring you somewhere else.


You crossed your arms and waitedd for an explanation from her. "Uhm look here... I had this TWO backstage passes from a friend and i want to use this with you.", she explained.


"Why me?", stupid question.


"Well because we'll be future sisters!", she replied with a glass-breaking voice. I knew it.


Was it just you or did you just heard thunder growling?

This moment felt like it will be the worst nightmare in your life other than that day your parents left you with a compilation of bills higher than Mt. Everest.

You shuddered at the thought and felt goosebumps and tears threatening to show.

*You're stronger than this Shen. And you know that.*


Shen forced herself to speak up. "But what's so special about this program anyways...", you mumbled almost cursing under your breathe for agreeing to come here and waste time.


"Hmp...", dara scanned through her bag and showed you a picture of 6 guys. "See this?", she pointed at the picture, "They will be interviewed here!!!"


*Crap... That... Is... EXO-M...*






A/N: LOL! she's busted! xD Ehem, anyways, sorry if it's just a short update but i have something else for you!^^


Chanyeol will cover up my short update with his killer hair flip xD



huhuhu~ i forgot to greet Lay a Happy Birthday last time... So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAY! :D












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updated!~^^ Happy New Year gulls~


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ilabya45 #1
Chapter 41: Go kreeeessssss :D 파이팅!!!
Update soon :)
Really good so far.
Chapter 40: Update soon~!
Chapter 40: update sooon...

ahhhh poor Kris *sobs*
Chapter 39: update soon author-nim..
Chapter 39: ANSHDHAHJAHSH author nim update soon D: OMG KREASEE
Chapter 39: ohh noooo. he crying...

this is a sad chapter :(
oh nooooooo.....cancel the engagement...Shen dnt love the guy..she loves kris...and kris loves her..
CaramelsDreamer #9
Chapter 38: Update soon^^
Chapter 38: Update soon~