
Born for the Stage


Stylists, make-up artists are all moving around inside the dressing room for the YG talents. Several students are either vocalizing or stretching while some were just trying to calm their guts before the opening ceremony starts.


Park Bom, who was already wearing her stage outfit was waiting for her make-up to get done while her fellow performers, G-Dragon and TOP were already calmly sprawled on the couch—head to toe looking as professional as they originally are—aside from GD who was still choosing which headwear to wear.


“Aigoo, isn’t the dress too short?” Seunghyun glared at the exposed legs of his girlfriend as she stood up to practice her vocals. Bom looked at her dress and said an immediate, “No.”


“You’ll be wearing something long for the club performance, okay?” He said as he remembered that aside from the public opening, everyone would be performing for a club dinner later that day. So far, the rest of Big Bang along with Minji and Dara are already in The Socialite for the preparations, meanwhile the female leader was…


“Oppa?” Lee Chaerin ‘tsk-ed’ at the other leader while she held two different headwear’s for him to choose from. Jiyong just pouted at her impatience, “Hunchae, fashion usually takes time~”


“I know that Mr. Girl’s Desire—but you have to consider that I have to go to the club or else YG would be scolding us again.” She said as he finally chose one. She gave the other cap to his stylist as she proceeded to gather her things.


“Oppa, don’t dehydrate yourself, okay? Drink lots of water before you and the guys go to the next venue.” Chaerin handed him a bottle of water, “We need your talent later.”


Jiyong just watched her as she gathered her things and kept his smile to himself. “You still have an hour before you are expected to arrive at the club so take time to relax first.”


Chaerin caught him staring at her before raising her brow, “Are you even listening?”


Jiyong bit his lower lip before he took the liberty to actually grab her wrist and drag her out of everybody’s view.


“Don’t you really want to see me shimmering on that opening stage? Can’t I really persuade you to stay?” He asked as they were now safe in the hallway outside their dressing room. “No.” She said as she gently pulled her wrist from his hold, “YG appointed me as head, I need to be there.”


Seeing him pout because of a childish reason, she put her hand on his nape to get his attention. She succeeded. She suddenly felt like she had the right to actually do that intimacy with him. “We would be meeting again after five hours.” Chaerin smiled.


“Go and impress all of those people and…” this time she grinned, “Don’t miss me too much.” It was meant to be a joke, only she didn’t expect the hug that she got from him.


It actually felt nice, to have her in his arms just like that—it felt so natural for Jiyong. He just hoped that Teddy won’t be seeing them like that again…


… So he could continue doing those kinds of things with her and not having his kicked out.




Teddy was a far cry from the embarrassed older cousin that he was earlier that morning. At that moment, he was the professional alumnus of YGSA and was now spearheading the dinner party later. He was watching the technical staff do their thing to prepare the small stage.


Tonight it would all be about smooth music, no booming Pop or other heavy genres.


He continued to watch as his cousin walked in and looked at him rudely, like she always does, but he knew that everything was forgiven. Also, he couldn’t quite think what could have Kwon Jiyong did again to have Chaerin’s cheeks turn pink.


When was the last time he saw Chaerin that open?


He couldn’t even remember.


Teddy once suspected that Chaerin had already exposed herself to that crazy little thing called love years ago, and even guessed that her downfall was caused by the destructive emotion. First loves are always scary.


It could destroy a person until he would reach the point of no return. That was his theory. And she proved him right when one December evening, when he was visiting New York – he caught her throwing things.


She excused it with the reason that she had cleared her closet with unnecessary things… Teddy didn’t quite understood but he guessed as much.


And now, remembering the broken Chaerin before and the blooming Chaerin now, Teddy couldn’t quite decide whether or not to let her cross the line again.


She was already as close as a real sister to him. He loved her enough that he had bargained with Jiyong for help.


Teddy watched her glide from one committee to another, taking the role of leader so naturally that he had to retreat to his office. It’s in the blood to lead. He thought as he sat on his swivel chair. He looked at his table where some pictures were standing proudly inside of frames.


One was a picture of his girlfriend, another was a picture of his parents, both members of BIG BANG and 2NE1. And his sister, or cousin—Chaerin.


He frowned when he remembered the damned bargain he did with the BIG BANG leader. It was just, when he saw her back, he immediately thought of ways to get her back to life. He considered a lot of things that could probably bring his cousin back to the art of performing and that’s where he saw Jiyong on his turn tables while making the whole club jump with his music.


That kid was one of his protégés; that G-Dragon—the best one out of all of them actually.


Teddy then thought on the probable mistake that he did. If what he suspects really exists between the two leaders, Chaerin and Jiyong, then what he did was probably one reason for his cousin to really hate him.




“I can introduce you to one producer friend of mind, Ji.” Teddy told Jiyong right after he stepped out of the DJ booth. Jiyong just gave his favorite hyung a WTH look, because typically, one doesn’t blurt out serious stuffs like that in an impulse.


He knew GD, knew his parentage. Knew how the lad wanted to be cut off of his ties from his parents and make his own name by himself. Teddy knew that what he could offer would sway the boy—after all, despite the hip hop image and background, Teddy was still a business man.


He led the boy into his office and didn’t even bother to give any warning talk. “This producer works for one of the Entertainment companies here and I can recommend him to you.” Teddy said.


“I am thinking that this comes with a price.” Jiyong said, the playfulness of his DJ soul was now nowhere to be found and was replaced by the same seriousness as that of the business man in front of him. “Of course not.” Teddy smirked as he thought that Jiyong got the point of the conversation.


He handed him the picture of Chaerin—his cousin from New York. Jiyong hesitantly received it and Teddy swore that he saw a glimpse of shock from him.


“That’s my cousin.” He said as he turned his chair to the right. “She quit.”


The boy in front of him waited for him to continue and he did, “She was born like us, like Dongwook, like Jiyeon… Like you. She was born for the stage.


“Have you ever imagined leaving the stage, Jiyong? Forgetting that burn in your throat to sing the words out or execute some kind of move that you have in your mind.” Teddy turned to Jiyong and saw him with his head quite low and gaze deep in thought.


Just like he thought – no performer could actually leave the stage once it has a claim on you. It had been an addiction to all of them.


“You want me to bring her back.” Jiyong concluded as he erased in his mind the last memory he had with this girl. Teddy doesn’t need to know that.


“Yes.” Teddy said. “In exchange for a chance to prove yourself, I want you to bring my cousin back to the stage. Remind her of what she was born to do.”


Jiyong thought the pro’s and con’s of the contract might give him. He could do it. He saw her weakness, he’ll know how to bring her back. It could be a small price to pay for his dreams. “Deal.”


Teddy sighed- the scary part was over. He agreed. “You might have a little trouble, Ji. She’s a stubborn girl – one you don’t meet every day.” He said in an easy manner, “She was here a few hours ago, forced me to give into her demands – so I tell you to be ready for a rollercoaster ride.”


He just watched Jiyong smirked and continued on listening. “I am appointing you to be her second guardian. Ensure that she will be okay in YGSA.”


“She’s attending YGSA?” Jiyong asked, deeply curious now knowing that Lee Chaerin would be studying and training with them in school. “Yes she is.”


“You two are quite a match when characteristics are involved so I think you’d get her trust sooner or later.” Teddy said and then remembered how his cousin looked like before.


Love can be the meanest mistress in life.


“You can’t fall in love with her, Jiyong.” His tone was in a brand new level of seriousness. It gave Jiyong a glimpse of who Teddy Park really was – a brother. “She was broken once,” He looked at the boy in the eye to make his point clear that the rule should be followed at all times. “You will be there to build her again until she can make it herself. You will not break her, Jiyong – is that clear?”


It would be easy not to fall in love. He was almost known to be as emotionless to his real self. Jiyong knew how love can destroy a person and he refused to be broken. Yes, it would be easy. “Of course, hyung. Our relationship will be friendly and professional.” He answered.


“Good.” Teddy said before turning his swivel again; it’s back facing Jiyong – a sign that he was now dismissed and the deal was sealed.


He stood up to get ready for his second set or mix.


Besides, if he would be embracing the entertainment world in the future, a love story cannot happen – not when he’s living his dream.




He remembered the talk like it just happened and Teddy questioned if he really made the right rule. He only did that to protect Chaerin’s healing heart but, he wasn’t able to foresee that Jiyong would be breaking his promise. He knew the boy. He was a man of his own word because Jiyong was like Teddy. They do what they say and as much as possible, they try not to break a promise.


Even though Jiyong tries to deny the fact that he likes Chaerin, Teddy knew he would never admit it verbally. Never declared it officially. Meanwhile, in Chaerin’s part – she seem to like him back. She doesn’t just smile like that to a boy. She doesn’t blush like that so easily whenever they talk about love.


She was also blooming and more willing to perform, as if she has an inspiration of her own inside her mind. Like she was dictating the lyrics of a song to someone special.


And he knew that look. That look he sees whenever Seunghyun and Bom looked at each other, whenever Youngbae and Dara talked with each other, whenever he sees Dongwook looks at Han Byul when he thinks she’s not looking or… when he sees his woman look at him.


He knew…


He knew…


He can never fix this…


A/N: Omo , the truth is out !! What will they do ?? Anyways , I am promoting the BFTS Trailer again :)



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Chapter 29: Ahh~are you stop writing this ? I think you are >_< feel so undOne!
cries a river
why does all of the stories i really like a lot have been stopped halfway D;
Chapter 29: Aaah! I just find this out! Oooooh I'm so interesting on this! I'm sure you probably don't consider continue this but I'm sure I'm not the only I wanna know more! (Sorry for my english)
twinnovation #4
I love this story so much, omg.
Chapter 29: I started reading just a few days ago, and your story's so addicting that I've already finished what's been posted so far! Are you thinking about continuing to write?
exoforeva #6
Chapter 29: Pls update!!!update juseyo!!!!I love the story!!!!
Chapter 29: Update pls darls!
Chapter 29: Please update :)
Chapter 29: When will you update this story? This story is really good please don't abandon it:(
Chapter 29: Omggg i love this sooo much! Please update this story author-nim ;3