Sleep Over ?? #1

Born for the Stage


Having no answers to what he said, Chaerin hurriedly put on her shoe and awkwardly laughed. “I have to go to the girls, oppa—see you later.” She grabbed her bag and walked away; but before she could exit the cafeteria she heard him say “Yah—I’ll walk you there, Chaerin!”


But it was too late—she was out. Jiyong just sat back and watched the door sway. He sighed. Aish—I’m going crazy. He thought as he closed his eyes for a moment.


From the moment he saw her perform on that stage back in New York until he saw her again in an LG store a few months back—she never left his mind. He admired everything about her – from the way she rocked a stage to the way she dress herself to even the slightest tapping of her fingers whenever she’s bored.


There was no denying it—he likes her. Oh damn yeah he does. And Teddy-hyung would kill me.




Meanwhile, Chaerin stopped in front of the studio door. She needed to steady her breathing and her heartbeat that was going to open her chest anytime soon because of its rhythm. If she stayed with him any longer she could have said words that she would regret.


What did he meant by those words? She asked herself as she finally caught up with her breath and entered the studio.


“Chaerin-ah!” She heard Dara screamed and immediately approached her. Bom and Minji followed as well. “When shall we celebrate?” Bom asked. “We could stay over in our house tonight for the party as well!” Minji added to and the never ending party plans started.


Chaerin was having trouble in listening with all of them that she had to sigh and called a stop, “Yah—what do we celebrate?”


The three girls looked at her as if she said the most ridiculous thing, “What are you asking, Chaerin-ah.” Bom said in a matter-of-fact voice. “Of course we are going to celebrate the completion of 2ne1 members!” She said as the other two nodded.


“We could do it by sleeping over in Minji’s house!” Dara squealed. “We’ll have popcorn and movies and—” Bom screamed “CORN!”


“Yes—yes, corn for Bom and then we’ll have beer!” The fresh vocals said as Minji and Chaerin looked at each other. “Unnie, even though we will be in my house, beer is still not allowed.”


“But Minki—in the West, kids your age are already allowed to drink.” Chaerin supported since she thought that maybe a little booze could clear her thoughts. “Yeah—and besides, alcohols are also good for your health.” Bom added.


Minji just couldn’t help but give up and allow the older girls persuade her, “Alright—but only a little. Let’s have a limit of eight cans.”


“Each?” The Park sisters confirmed, “Aniya! Eight cans for everybody.” The younger one scolded.


“Alright—tonight in Minkki’s house, popcorn, movies and—”




“Umm—yeah, corn and beer. But right now, let’s practice the tracks and choreography that we have right now.” The leader said as she goes back to her professional mode. She was going to play her cards right and this time, she won’t be disappointing anyone and together with this new family, they’ll reach the top and remain there.


“We’ll talk later about the new projects and other things that we’ll show in the K-Art festival.” She stood in front of them as the girls looked at her with a look the she deserve. These girls respected her, as a friend and comrade and now—as their leader.


“For now,” Chaerin, now CL, put her hand in front of her as the girls followed suit and put their hands on top of hers, “2ne1—”






Jiyong, with thoughts quite jumbled looked at the video he recorded right before Big Bang started rehearsing. He was thinking whether or not to get rid of his new found feelings about a certain dongsaeng of his.


There would be no problems if he could just forget about it, yet he knew that that choice was not a fair game. This was no longer a simple crush he could just throw a way—this was something serious. On the other hand, if he would fight for this and tell her, that would mean suicide. He would have to gamble a lot—even things he could not afford losing at the moment.


G-Dragon forced Jiyong to look again at the video, now wasn’t the time to think about his love life, now it was all about Big Bang.


There were some mistakes here and there yet if you don’t have the eye like his or YG’s, it’s hardly noticeable.


Daesung, Seungri and Seunghyun were playing in a corner while Youngbae was looking at the video beside him.


“Ji?” the mohawked friend called, “Yeah?” the blonde answered before turning to his best friend. Youngbae was a childhood friend and by his tone, Jiyong knew that it was something serious.


“You like Chaerin don’t you?” It was too straightforward for him to just say it but Jiyong was nonetheless perturbed. His best friend could read him like a hawk and by the way he was acting—he knew Youngbae would notice his change of attitude sooner or later.


He ran a hand to his blonde locks before sighing. “Have you ever felt that feeling where in you wanted someone so much yet you couldn’t have her?” He held the gaze Youngbae gave him for a while before saying “’Coz I think that’s what I feel for her now.”


Youngbae looked at him before saying, “I felt that with Dara once.” Then he looked at their goody friends fooling around as he leaned his head on the ceiling-to-floor mirror they were leaning on. “I always thought I wasn’t good enough for her.


“Love—it’s all about gambling. It’s your choice whether or not to bet your lot or not.” He said before the best friends fell into a comfortable silence. Unlike the noisy friends they have, Jiyong and Youngbae’s friendship was deep enough that silence no longer scared him.


“But what if I can’t afford to gamble my lot? What will happen then?” Jiyong asked. Youngbae’s answer was straight and bold—one that scared Jiyong, “Then you’re not worthy of her.”


“Hyung!” Daesung called at both Jiyong and Youngbae. “Are we still practicing?” He asked his leader. Jiyong, again, put aside his personal thought and put on a smile for their angel. “Nope, we can all go home now.”


“Let’s grab dinner!” Seungri exclaimed with Seunghyun adding “Barbeque and ice cream!”


“Yeah—we all need a break after this rehearsals.” Youngbae said as he stood up, “Okay—where do you guys want to eat?” Jiyong asked.


“Um, I’ll skip tonight. Minki asked me for a favor and I need to be home before 8.” Daesung said awkwardly. His little sister told him not to say a word about the girls sleeping over because if he did, he was so sure that their sleep over would become bigger—just add four bodies and they’re done.


He could handle the noise his Dara-noona make, or Bom’s constant corn requests but he doubted he could handle an extra scoop of Big Bang’s chaos as well—especially if his parents are not around for the whole weekend. Meaning—the siblings could have the house all for themselves and have it open for intruders.


“What favor did Minki ask, hyung? Maybe I can help?” Seungri nudged at him. The maknae couldn’t just let a favor from his lady love pass by without him helping—big or small. The one thing that Minji asked him that he wasn’t able to do was when the girl asked him to jump off a cliff.


He wasn’t able to jump because his Youngbae-hyung pulled him back.


“Ah—ah, nothing.” Daesung answered in an unsure tone. His three hyungs were already eyeing him cautiously. —I’m done for it.




Minji glared at her older brother across the dining table. Bom, Dara and Chaerin were also glaring at the grinning boys across them.


Seunghyun, Youngbae, Seungri and Jiyong sat across the girls with innocent grins on their faces. “Well—shall we eat?” Seunghyun asked as he eyed the food prepared by the girls (except Chaerin) on the table. “Yah! Alien! Who told you that you could also eat our food? We spent the whole hour preparing these for ourselves then you come uninvited and ask us if you could eat as well? *$$&^(*)*%#@!” Bom erupted.


“Aish—you’re just mad because you don’t want to share, noona!” Jiyong replied as the boys snickered beside him. Bom quickly reached out and pulled at Jiyong’s hair harshly. “Ah—ah, noona, that hurts! It hurts!”


Dara pulled at Bom and Youngbae tried taking Bom’s hand from Jiyong’s hair. Gosh—the horror of a hungry Bom’s tantrum.


Jiyong pouted as he massaged his aching scalp. “Aigoo, since you’re all here, let’s just make most of this night, let’s eat everyone!” Dara said after she pinched the bridge of her nose.


Bom glared at the guys getting their fill and took her plate of corn before saying “We’re not sharing corn and beer!” Everybody just laughed as the red head began feeling her plate.


On the other hand, Jiyong glanced at the female beside Dara who was happily eating the home made food in her plate. He just smiled and noticed that she was avoiding him.


Ever since the boys arrived at the Gong’s, Chaerin never greeted him personally nor stayed close with him. He guessed that what happened earlier in the cafeteria made things awkward for them.


“Since, you guys came uninvited—” Minki started, “You clean the dishes!”


“Deh!” Seungri answered happily while his hyungs groaned. “Minki is right, why don’t you guys follow him?” Chaerin said as she ate her kimchi. “Deh!” Jiyong quickly as the boys looked at him. “What? Hunchae is right.”


“If I know better—you agree to whatever Chaerin says…” Youngbae whispered beside him and Jiyong quickly kicked his best friend under the table. “Ow.” Youngbae yelped before glaring at a grinning Jiyong, “Youngbae-ah, have some more kimbap!”


Yes, this will be a big night…



To be continued...

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Chapter 29: Ahh~are you stop writing this ? I think you are >_< feel so undOne!
cries a river
why does all of the stories i really like a lot have been stopped halfway D;
Chapter 29: Aaah! I just find this out! Oooooh I'm so interesting on this! I'm sure you probably don't consider continue this but I'm sure I'm not the only I wanna know more! (Sorry for my english)
twinnovation #4
I love this story so much, omg.
Chapter 29: I started reading just a few days ago, and your story's so addicting that I've already finished what's been posted so far! Are you thinking about continuing to write?
exoforeva #6
Chapter 29: Pls update!!!update juseyo!!!!I love the story!!!!
Chapter 29: Update pls darls!
Chapter 29: Please update :)
Chapter 29: When will you update this story? This story is really good please don't abandon it:(
Chapter 29: Omggg i love this sooo much! Please update this story author-nim ;3