
Born for the Stage




Due to the unexpected rain, Jiyong and Chaerin made a dash—hands still intertwined.


“Ohmaigad—oppa, the rain doesn’t look like it’s going to stop soon!” Chaerin said as Jiyong guided her through the streets. True, the rain poured so badly that the chances of it stopping was minimal. . Jiyong cursed, it looked like he had no choice but to lead them to his home. It was more convenient and it was near. Teddy would surely kill him if he found out that his dear cousin caught a cold while spending time with him.


You see, Teddy put him in charge of his cousin. A knight, a baby sitter—whatever you want to call it.


He had no problem in staying under the rain—somehow he finds it quite comforting after a stress-filled day. But quickly glancing back at the girl behind him, Jiyong concluded that she was not the type who would play under the rain. And besides—her clothes were already sticking on her like second skin now. She had curves.


Okay, the respect for Teddy became reason 2 of him not violating this girl because of her current state. Reason 1 was still unknown for him.


After a few more turns, Jiyong told her “Come in.” Chaerin didn’t even realize where they were. It was a modernly styled building. “What? You’re going to freeze to death of you just stay there.” Jiyong was already inside. So this is his home? Chaerin never entered any other home before, especially not one of the opposite . She shrugged off the silly thought and entered.


Gaho came in running to her as Chaerin went down to take off her sneakers. She was told that it was a polite thing to do when entering Asian homes. “Hey, jagiya—did you miss me?” Despite of the coldness from the rain and her drenched clothing, Chaerin actually felt warm. Gaho was one reason; the mutt was already snuggling towards her. But then there was this warm aura around his house. One that was welcoming.


“Oh my,” Chaerin looked up. It was a woman. “Ah—annyeong.” She greeted as she stood up with Gaho in her arms. The woman smiled, and Chaerin swore it was a familiar one. “Here—dear. Jiyong told me to give this to you.” The woman handed her a plush white towel. “Ah—thank you.” Chaerin smiled.


As much as the blonde observed the woman, she could see that the woman was wearing Armani. Not bad.


The woman smiled. “Oh—let me take that excited mutt while you dry yourself.” The blonde didn’t even hesitate. “I’m Dami by the way, Jiyong’s noona.” So that’s why the smile was so familiar. Chaerin thought as she dry her hair. She was actually a very pretty lady with the same almond shaped eyes as her baby brother and the eye-catching toothy smile. “Can I ask you something?” Dami asked her with those innocent looking eyes.


“Deh.” Chaerin replied suddenly sounding all shy towards the older female. Dami leaned closer and Chaerin had to step backwards. “Are you—” the innocent smiled was suddenly gone, only to be replaced by a bolder and teasing smirk “dating my brother?”


Did she just ask me about—Chaerin’s eyes widen. The Kwon siblings seem to have identical personalities as well—they both have the talent to make her all flustered. “Ah—” Chaerin was supposed to reply but the other lady cut her off. “Of course you are—why would he bring you here if you’re not, right? He didn’t even bring Youngbae here before. And why are you two playing under the rain at this hour of the night? Hm?”


She was talking like a five-year old and Chaerin looked like—“Aegyo! I like aegyo!” The lady beamed, she seemed to forget that Gaho was in her arms since she quickly hugged the blonde despite her wet clothing. “I highly approve—” Then Dami released her with excite all over her face. “Ji-goon, noona highly approves!”


Chaerin doesn’t even know how to respond on that particular creature. Is Korea a bad decision? She kept on meeting the randomest of the randomest of people. (There’s no such word.)


“Please marry my brother soon.” She cooed. “Yah, noona!” Good—the other Kwon is here. How come there are so many Kwons in her life, anyways? Dami quickly let go of Chaerin, waved a quick goodbye and left with a bang.


Chaerin was still in daze. “Hey—” The door opened and Dami peeked, “Go and make many babies, lil ‘bro—I love you.” Then left again.


Jiyong doesn’t even know how to kill the awkward moment. Great, noona just had to made things complicated. He thought as he looked at the still traumatized girl. “Well—um,” Jiyong scratched the back of his head, he was suddenly shy—not because of what his noona did—it was because he doesn’t know how to entertain this particular situation.


“My closet is that way—” he pointed at the corner near his bedroom. Okay, Jiyong’s house is like an open room, there were glass walls separating one room from the other but the bedroom, the bathroom and his closet were hidden from the public’s view due to cemented dividers. “Pick any clothes you want, inside you would find the bathroom.”


When you enter his residence, you would be welcomed by a wall of bricks with framed pictures of either the Big Bang dudes, the girls, a combination of the first two, Gaho, his sister and of course himself. On the right was the living room and two doors—one was leading to his bedroom and the other to his closet and bathroom. He preferred the two rooms linked for better access. On the left was the dining are and his super clean kitchen.


Chaerin soullessly walked towards his closet with a towel on her head and her drenched bag tightly pressed on her chest. What Kwon Dami said was still a big blast for her. How could someone so bold exist? And I thought that the Park sisters were near extinction. She nonchalantly opened the door only to face a massive collection of clothing racks, shoe shelves and tables and tables of accessories.


This sort of reminded her what she left back in New York. Okay, this kid is really no joke. She even double checked the tags and she almost freaked how real they were. Some were even limited editions.


Her heart almost exploded with jealousy.


She could totally match him; she almost cried out loud when she saw some clothes she was so sure she also had, “He is really a fashion fiend.” She pouted. Did he do it on purpose? To make me all envious with his collections? Chaerin couldn’t really wear everything at once right? So she chose a simple black Chrome Heart tank top and sweat pants she was so sure would look too oversized on her and made her way towards the bathroom.


It was actually pretty warm around his house—it could be because he got a really expensive and is-worth-it heater or it was because of her own madness.


Chaerin could still remember how his hand fitted hers in a comforting manner. Comforting, yes—but why was she still blushing with the mere remembrance of it? She could even smell his cologne still—or maybe it was the natural scent of his closet?


She got out wearing the clothes that she had no plans of returning.


The mouth watering smell of food quickly filled her senses until she realized how hungry she truly was and to her surprise, Jiyong was cooking—again. “Ah—hunchae, help yourself with some hot chocolate while I prepare dinner.” He told her when he turned. Good—now why are they wearing the same tank top again? “I really hate you, oppa.” She said with a not-amused pout.


Jiyong chuckled as he poured her a cup of warm choco. Chaerin sat on a stool facing him and accepted the drink whole heartedly. “What’s so new about it?” He asked as he returned to his duties. “You really have to shove it in my face how your clothes are better than mine do you?” She asked as she warmed her hands on the cups’ surface.


“Oh come on—as if you ain’t got better. Teddy-hyung told me about your obsession towards clothes, hunchae.” He told her. She wasn’t seeing it but she was so sure he just smirked. No—don’t smirk, Dami-unnie! She just shove her thoughts with a big gulp of her chocolate. ‘F’ to the burn.


“What? Teddy gave you a briefing or something?” She asked coolly and it was the most difficult CL summoning she ever did. He just shrugged. She rolled her eyes.




Chaerin stared at his back, nope he wasn’t as muscular as Youngbae or Daesung but he wasn’t that thin either. He could all act feminine but in front of her, even with a spatula at hand he still looked like a god—I did not just think that. She just blushed on her own words now.


“Oppa.” She called. The only way out of her own little world was a conversation. “Hm?” He asked, still not facing her. “Why are you calling me hunchae?” She asked. He called her that these part few days and she doesn’t even know what that means. He faced her and now that she could see the tank top it looked like a couple thing now. She blushed yet again. No—turn back, don’t look at me.


“Hun hun — Chaerin. Hunchae. Heart-warming Chaerin.” He said before turning his back again. Good, at least Jiyong didn’t notice the deepening blush on her cheeks. “I find you heart warming at times—you know—when you fight back over silly conversations.” He told her. Unknown to the cat eyed girl, Jiyong was also blushing over his words. Good thing he was cooking or else he would be forced on facing her.


Could he actually sleep tonight with the scene he initiated earlier? He was so bold to lock their fingers. And yet he felt warm all over. That trick with the Mrs. Leader was cool though. G-Dragon told Jiyong.


But no—he wasn’t allowed to feel that kind of emotion.


Chaerin didn’t say anything for the past few minutes and time started to cut on his patience. He wasn’t the kind of guy who breaks the beauty of silence but now—“Stop looking at my back, hunchae.”


He heard the girl sigh then was followed by “Oppa—what’s love?” that question just made him look back at her. She was so serious with it. “Why did you ask?”


She looked at him and said “Well, two years ago, you told me that what I felt for Jay was nothing close to love. Back then I couldn’t understand it—I want to understand it now.” If she was so inexperienced on it then why not let him talk about it? Jiyong relaxed his shoulders as he turned off the stove to prepare their meal. “Well, love is described in a lot of words—yet nothing could actually define it as a whole.” He replied. True, humans spent millions and millions of years discovering the true meaning of that emotion, yet geniuses failed and everyone just gave up and fully surrendered to it.


“Then, how about you—what is love for the infamous G-Dragon?” She asked him. “Well—” he placed two plates on the table. “If you ask G-Dragon about love he would say it would be music.” He paused for a while as if attempting on contacting his alter ego. “Yep—Music is Love and Love is Music.”


Chaerin raised her brow as if she just heard the most stupid of explanations. “That’s lame.” She said in a disgusted tone. Jiyong just shrugged.


Last two years ago, he told her that there was no point in getting hurt by what Jay Park said to her for he was not worth it. He told her that it wasn’t love but a mere attraction to an icon. Because if she truly felt love, then she’d screw their friendship and told him all about it. Love shouldn’t be all too selfless for it would turn out to be self-destructive one day. Yet it shouldn’t be too selfish for oneself for one day the secrets would just bite you in your while your loved one slip from your grasps.


“Then what does Kwon Jiyong think about love?” She asked again.


Jiyong thought again as he transferred the dish to the table. “Love is like this specialty dish.” He raised the plate a little so she could follow his lead. “For example, I love you so I would make this specialty dish only for you.” She nodded but he caught the blood that was climbing again on her cheeks.


“If you accept this, it would mean that you like me as well. And if you would like the taste of the dish then that means you appreciated it plus, it would mean that what I feel for you is genuine.” He explained. “Love should be a mutual feeling between two people.” He tilted his head as he watch her taste his food. “It shouldn’t be one sided for it would be both selfish and selfless.” Jiyong got the pleasure of seeing her eating happily.




“Can I stay over for tonight?” she asked much later. Jiyong, who was done doing the dishes looked at her with a raised brow. “Eh? What do you mean?” Gaho—she’s you mom, not mate. He mentally kicked his son. Now—was this his main competition? That Zico boy won’t stand a chance. The Kwon twins are too scared to stand up against him.


“Well—it’s still raining badly, and I don’t wanna leave.” She said as she played with Gaho more—she wasn’t even looking at him. He wouldn’t mind having this scene everyday. Holding hands, wearing couple items, eating together…


And he’s dreams are better to be kept to himself still.


“Suit yourself.” As he plopped down on the sofa and turned the TV on.  She sat beside him with Gaho in her arms—honestly, what is she doing? “Wait—let’s watch Arirang now—” She said while attempting on getting the remote from him. “Yah—it’s my TV set so I decide on what we’ll watch, arasso?” He said while he held her wrists stop her from robbing him of his remote.


“Let’s just watch a decent movie, then!” She whimpered—now the spoiled brat was out. “I wanna watch MTV, okay?” Jiyong replied. Who knew what was latest in the music industry, right?


After bickering after bickering—they both agreed on watching High School Musical. What? It was about music but it was also a movie. Yet nobody gave the movie their full attention. They ended up talking.


“Why didn’t Dami-noona stayed?” She randomly asked. “She stays sometimes, but she had her own crib.” He explained.


Truth was, Dami was the only one who knows his whereabouts and visits him. His sister pays for the rent and at the same time, giving him enough allowance that he could actually pay for his own fees. Aside that, he works down at the Black V.I.P. It was an easy yet lonely life for him when he’s at home. In fact, it could be easier if he would let the boys hang around but their too rough to be in his pad. Youngbae and T.O.P would mess the living room by eating chips everywhere. Daesung would spread the pillows and leave them anywhere. Seungri would break a vase—or a lamp—whichever comes first.


Yet he brought this rain-drenched cat inside.


He must be crazy.




The next morning he woke up with a mixture of comfort and annoyance. Why annoyed? Well, that cat literally made him sleep on the floor and dominated his bed. Two, she let Gaho sleep beside her—she was actually treating the mutt more human than him. Why comfortable? That is still a mystery.




He was not a morning person, being the type A he inevitably was, but he immediately rushed to the aid of the girl who just screamed. What could happened? He asked half worried and still half annoyed.


Oh no—Chaerin just attempted cooking pancakes. “Um—sorry?” She asked. Light smoke was everywhere, flour on the table and his stove was soaked while the cat-eyed girl held a bowl. He concluded she poured water on the stove.


It was an unbelievable mess, yet he couldn’t stop from laughing—yep, he could get used to this.


A/N: A break from the drama . Waddyathink guys ?? This was made in a rush since this chapter had been sitting in my folder for like dayssss already . Give me comment, deh ??

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Chapter 29: Ahh~are you stop writing this ? I think you are >_< feel so undOne!
cries a river
why does all of the stories i really like a lot have been stopped halfway D;
Chapter 29: Aaah! I just find this out! Oooooh I'm so interesting on this! I'm sure you probably don't consider continue this but I'm sure I'm not the only I wanna know more! (Sorry for my english)
twinnovation #4
I love this story so much, omg.
Chapter 29: I started reading just a few days ago, and your story's so addicting that I've already finished what's been posted so far! Are you thinking about continuing to write?
exoforeva #6
Chapter 29: Pls update!!!update juseyo!!!!I love the story!!!!
Chapter 29: Update pls darls!
Chapter 29: Please update :)
Chapter 29: When will you update this story? This story is really good please don't abandon it:(
Chapter 29: Omggg i love this sooo much! Please update this story author-nim ;3