Preparations, New Shoes and Exhaustion

Born for the Stage


It wasn’t about a week when YG announced that the delegates will be coming for the opening ceremony. Vocal coaches, choreographers along with certain groups have busted their bodies in order to reach the desired performances for the opening stage.


Today was the last part of the rehearsals. The stages have been prepared. The tech runs well practiced. Now it was part for the artists to bring the opening into a success.


“I think you lack in some aspects like—” Jiyong looked at his partner while the young female in front of him waited for their judgment. “I mean, your voice quality is perfect however, your facial expressions are quite off.”


“He’s right.” Chaerin said as she held her ground while Jiyong lazily leaned on her. His arm was now lazily draped over her shoulder—though she looked careless about it, her insides were already firing fireworks.


The two of them were asked to look at some fellow performers for the opening ceremony—so here they are now, checking the 16 year old Lee Hayi do her thing. “Also—a little more ‘release’ and you’re good for the opening.” The female leader said as they watched the young girl bow at them.


“I’ll try harder then, sunbaenims.” She said before Jiyong and Chaerin exited the studio. Jiyong immediately stretched. “She’s the second to the last one.” He said as he catches up with her.


“Yeah—the girls are already texting me to go back.” Chaerin said before she pts back her phone on her back pocket. “By the way—you have yet to discuss what to wear for tomorrow.” She told him and wondered how she ended up his secretary.


“Oh—we’re done about that. Bom-noona and hyung are more prepared than I am.” He replied. “Are you sure you don’t want to join this collab, Hunchae? Don’t you pity me? Hyung and noona will just flirt with each other and leave me like an unwanted third party.” He added with a pout.


She only chuckled.


“Didn’t you hear what sajangnim said last week?” She asked with a grin. “He told us that it would be better if fewer members of the bands would perform—it would not give much hints about the total capacity of the groups and the program would be less dragging.”


Chaerin patted his arm and said, “So, see, Mr. Leader? Just work with what you have and don’t give your best too much.”


Then she walked ahead only to be pulled back by him. Unexpectedly, he intertwined their fingers. “I still think it would be better if you perform with us. Four people on stage are a lot better than three.”


Both were conscious of the onlookers. Both were shocked over his yet another impulsive behavior. Yet none of the two were able to resist.


“Um? So who’s the last one?” Chaerin asked him. Jiyong, who was still quite dazed answered a quick “Sungha Jung—a Music major.”


That’s the spirit, bro! G-Dragon squealed inside the male leader, Real men do the first step!



The heat of Jiyong’s hand still lingered on her palm as she entered the studio for 2NE1. To her surprise, Kim Jihye—one of the choreographers, was there. “Unnie!” She greeted then noticed the heels that were on the floor.


“Woah? Are we practicing for a ramp?” She asked as she picked one shoe, “How come nobody told me?”


“We’re rehearsing with five inch heels this time, Rinnie.” Jihye told her as she handed her a box with big YSL name on it. She just shrugged it off and opened the box – revealing wonderful black pumps. “Since they are new ones, the girls have already broken in their shoes.”


The both of them looked at the three girls that were trying to dance a little bit better in five-inch shoes. Bom who was as expert as Chaerin in sky high pumps looked at little bit slow and awkward. Dara looked troubled. Minji, meanwhile, was the best person to look at out of the three.


“You’re quite late, and we’re starting but you can break in your shoes first if that’s what you want.” Jihye said to her. Pitying her members she said, “No—I’ll break them in while dancing.” The leader stripped down her sneakers and put on the pumps in ease.


Jihye looked at her with worry, “You sure, sweetie? You do know that you’ll have bad blisters after right?”


“It’s okay, unnie. I won’t be performing on the opening stage.” Chaerin just offered her a smile. “The girls need help; I don’t have time to just sit in a corner just to protect my feet right?”


By the time they wrapped up their rehearsals, the Big Bang boys were already on the studio – patiently waiting for the girls to finish their practices. Chaerin have insisted an extra hour and so resulting them to end up a little late. Jihye also excused herself by the end of the practice to go to yet another rehearsal.


Damn these shoes. She inwardly whimpered as the back of her feet complained against the material of the shoe.


“Unnie—thanks for the help!” Minji said to her as the young girl jogged, now effortlessly, to her with those five inched heels on her feet. “Yeah—Chae! Thanks!” as the lead vocalist drank on the bottle of water her boyfriend offered her. “Wifey, come on! I’ll treat you some snacks in Black V.I.P!” Dara offered while she changed into her sneakers.


“Aigoo—I don’t even know how you guys survive those monster looking shoes.” Seunghyun commented. “Chae—you coming?” Youngbae asked as he watched the female leader fix her fringe in front of the mirror.


The gang was going to the Black V.I.P for a while before the crazy start of the week the next day. “Um, I’ll skip tonight.” She shyly said as she once again hid her pain with a smile. She can’t just grumble nonsense because of little blisters right?


Half of the group just acknowledged her and left however, “Ji—come on!” Youngbae looked back and noticed that his best friend didn’t even moved an inch from his sitting position on the floor. “Nah—I’ll have to walk Rinnie home.” The leader looked up and gave a small smile, “Teddy-hyung would kill me if he knows that I left his cousin here.”


“Well, whatever you say.” Youngbae said and left with  a goodbye.


Now it’s just them—again.


“Oppa, you should just go.” She said as she rummaged her bag for some towel. “You’ll be performing tomorrow, you need some relaxation too.”


Jiyong didn’t reply for a whole minute. “I’ll be practicing some routines more and besides, I could just call a cab for the ride back home.” She said while he sighed. He stood up from the floor and walked towards her. “Doesn’t that hurt?”


Before Chaerin could say anything, she just jumped as she didn’t even feel his presence behind her.


Wrong move. The quick jump made her feet move, thus made her worsening blisters rub against the shoe. She winced.


“Aish—the pain of new shoes and proud character.” He said as he gently push her to a bench. “O—oppa, it’s nothing serious!” She said as she watched him kneel in front of her and put one foot atop his knee. “You’ll be needing to dance properly during the competition. And to win—you would need your feet in perfect condition.” Jiyong slowly removed the YSL shoe as she flinched in pain. “Putting blisters on them won’t get you anywhere.”


He then proceeded to remove the second shoe. Same painful reaction.


He looked at it and noticed that it was not that bad but still, that doesn’t mean that it’s good. “Do you have some alcohol or any clean towels?” He asked her and noticed that his supply of clean towels and alcohol ran out. His bag got nothing except for clean clothes.


“No—I just ran out.” She said. “I was about to do some grocery later.”


With a sigh, we took her heels and put them aside. “Come on.” He went in front of her again, his back facing her—signifying Chaerin to climb on him. “I’ll give you a ride home. We’ll fix your blisters there.”


Though shy and awkward that she’ll be all over him, the female just did what he told her to do. She climbed on his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and just like that his smell—a mixture of male sweat and slight cologne engulfed her. And again, she was amazed on his strength.


Her weight was quite above average considering her smooth muscles from dancing and such and yet Jiyong carried her like she was nothing but air. His back pack was in front of him while her sling bag was hanging from his neck while her sneakers were on his hands.


“Next time, make sure you break in into your shoes first before dancing on them—and if possibly just don’t wear new shoes at all.” He told her in what she guessed a worried tone.


“I didn’t have time to get used to them.” Chaerin didn’t knew that she was talking too close to him. Her breath was literally tickling his ears and Jiyong can’t do anything but keep his shiver. “The girls needed me. And besides, you’re a leader too—you know our job gives us the worst of consequences at times.” He just chuckled at her fact.


“Yeah—true.” He replied. “We’ll pass by the convenient store before we go to your house. I guess I’ll have to cook dinner again.”


Chaerin just giggled at unconsciously snuggled unto him as they passed by the open halls of the school. The weather was a little bit chilly which made her think of something, “Wait—don’t tell me you’re going to walk from here to my house.” She remembered how much he liked walking, especially with these types of weather.


“It’s too cold and you have me on your back! And besides you’re going to perform tomorrow!” She exclaimed. He didn’t reply, at least not until they reached the parking lots.


He stopped beside a white Bentley.


“Wa—wait, you own a car?”




She pouted as she glared at his back.


Chaerin was seated on her sofa, now in a comfortable t-shirt and shorts assemble. She was still dazed about the fact that he owns a Bentley. A freaking white Bentley!


Imagine—he likes walking so much, even dragged her to walk every time he had to ‘babysit’ with her and now he told her that all this time a sleek white Bentley was sleeping on his garage?


“I told you Chae, I was planning to go to Black V.I.P tonight.” Jiyong said from the kitchen—preparing her blister-cure. “If I were to DJ all night and maybe drink a few shots, I would be needing my car. I don’t want to pass out in some cab and wake up in some unknown street without my wallet.”


“I understand that! What I couldn’t stand is why did you make me walk—and even ran under the rain one time, when you have that Bentley hidden in your garage all this time?” She pouted as she picked one Rilakkuma plushie and hugged it.

He only chuckled as he went back to her.


After Chaerin took a light bath, Jiyong also asked if he could use the bathroom right after he cleaned the aftermath of their dinner. As usual, he was the one who cooked. So here they are now, in the comforts of their house clothes with him in simple track pants and plain white shirt.


“Yah! Why are you carrying a needle?” Chaerin freaked out as he hold one sharp needle in one hand while he put a basin of water, a towel, small scissors and a bottle of alcohol on the floor. He didn’t answer her until he was sitting in front of the sofa.


“Yah! Kwon Jiyong!” She freaked out. Is he serious? “Do you know what you’re doing huh!” She shoved her feet away from him when he was about to reach for one.


“Hunchae, since when did I fail you? Honestly, it’s much safer and quicker if you prick it with a needle. I already sterilized this and even put it on the open fire by the stove. So Mrs. Leader, the needle is clean.” Jiyong explained to her before he grabbed at her ankle.


“Calm down, okay! Remember, you have one performance where you’ll have to wear strapped heels!” He reminded her.


She slowly calmed down but couldn’t erase the fear of a small needle. “Won’t that hurt?” She asked—totally forgetting to act all cool in front of him. “It’s a prick it. You won’t even feel a thing!” While he examined her blister.


“O—okay.” She agreed before inhaling a lungful of air. She closed her eyes and hugged the bear tighter. “If I feel even the slightest of pain, I’ll kick you!” Chaerin heard him chuckle.


“Is this true? 2NE1’s fierce leader, Lee Chaerin, afraid of a small needle?” He asked as he started puncturing her blisters. To think of it, he’s the only one who knows some of my fears, “Yeah—and spiders too.” She added.


“And anything that screams horror?” He guessed while he cute the dead skin that was left behind by the blister while she jumped a little. To her surprise, he had guessed right. She smiled against the smooth fur of the bear, “How did you know?”


“Just guessed.” He said as he looked at her eyes closed. Jiyong then thought that a big part of him really loves seeing Chaerin retreat to her child self. It’s like an unconscious gift given to him alone; like she’s showing a part of herself in which no one saw before.


He was putting the last gauze over the uncovered wound when the lights went out. “Jingyo?” She immediately called and he felt her reaching out. With one hand on the gauze, he reached out to hold her hand. “I’m right here, calm down.” He advised.


“The generators will be up soon right?” Jiyong asked her while they waited for the lights to come back. “Um, I doubt. Before I left this morning I saw some men fixing the generator of the building.” She replied as she never let go of his yet.


And he still needed to put gauze on her uncovered wound. “Do you have your phone with you?” Jiyong asked.


“Y-yeah?” Chaerin replied as she put her phone on and it immediately emitted some light. “Keep it on, I still need to put the last gauze on your foot.” He said and then realized, “I would be needing my hand back, Chaerin.”


Reluctantly, she let go. And had been silent the entire time.


“Hunchae?” He called as he put all the things in a nearby table—quite scared that she’d go hysterical. Jiyong just guessed that maybe a girl in her status had never slept alone with the lights on.


“Yeah?” It was a low voice but he nonetheless heard her. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your room.” He reached for her hands and slowly aided her towards her room.


He put the covers on her as she had lied down on the bed because he just realized that it was indeed a chilly night. “Do you need anything else?” He asked her.


“Oppa—it’s just blisters, I’ll survive.” She said in an amused tone. Lucky it was dark though, Jiyong obviously blushed at her statement. “Then—I’ll be going home now.” He leaned back, “Gaho and Yuna are probably hungry by now.”


And just like in drama’s—she stopped him. “Um, I know this is unlikely of me but,” Chaerin gave out a sigh “Can you stay for the night?”


His eyes widen at her shy yet arrogant request. It surely wasn’t like her to show her vulnerable side and those words just showed him how much she actually trusted him now. “It’s just for tonight—because I don’t really like the dark that much.” She said as she continued on looking down.


It was pretty embarrassing but fear got better on her part. If he wasn’t there, she’d probably under her comforter with her phone wide open. She felt the other side of the bed dip—and she knew he got on bed with her.


Silence ruled over them as they faced the awkward scenario by themselves. They were in the dark alone, in bed; he knew he stole a kiss—she knew he stole one.


“So um—why are scared of the dark?” He asked her. “I really don’t know when but for as long as I could remember, I have never slept alone with the light off. So, it’s habit I guess.” She replied. “How about Gaho? Won’t he get hungry and alone?”


“Nope, I always leave excess food on their plate; Yuna is with him.” He said as he started to get comfortable with her. “Yuna?” Chaerin asked as she faced his direction. He faced her too. “She’s a new pup I adopted, she’s the same breed as Gaho.”


“Why name her Yuna?” She asked him. “It sounds pretty.”


“It sounds ordinary. How about naming her Jolie—in French, it means pretty.” She suggested and he considered that.


More talks came in their way, laugh trips and other stories concerning more of their almost nonsense fears on things. In other words, they are learning more about each other. It was around midnight when the electricity went back and though they were still awake, Jiyong told her that he was already exhausted and decided to just sleep there.




The music was loud as Teddy watched Youngbae and Seungri hold a showdown on the dancefloor. He did not see Jiyong come in but guessed that the boy was yet again preparing for the big show the next day.


Although—he wondered why his cousin did not even show her face in the club since Bom and Dara were around and so, his brotherly instincts decided to call her.


One ring… two rings…


“Hello?” Her voice was a little bit tired and sleepy. “Hello, Rinnie, are you already asleep?” he asked her. “If I am, I won’t be able to answer your call. What do you want?” She asked him while her cousin just chuckled at her behavior.


“Did Jiyong walk you home?” He assigned that kid to ‘babysit’ his cousin because he trusts that one and besides, Teddy knew that  their characteristics match at some point or another. “I’m thinking of reasons why he’s not in his job right now on the DJ booth and you’re not here partying.”


“Yeah, he’s with me right now and he can’t come because he’s exhausted and I can’t walk! Now does that answer your question? Goodnight!” She hanged up.




Can’t walk?


Together with his cousin?


At this time of night?


“Kwon Jiyong!” Teddy was still on his phone, “I’m going to kill you!”


And let the party begin~



A/N: Enjoy the SD moment <3 Hahaha , calm down teddy bear -- your cousin is safe XD Also , thank you for the 100+ subs :)

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Chapter 29: Ahh~are you stop writing this ? I think you are >_< feel so undOne!
cries a river
why does all of the stories i really like a lot have been stopped halfway D;
Chapter 29: Aaah! I just find this out! Oooooh I'm so interesting on this! I'm sure you probably don't consider continue this but I'm sure I'm not the only I wanna know more! (Sorry for my english)
twinnovation #4
I love this story so much, omg.
Chapter 29: I started reading just a few days ago, and your story's so addicting that I've already finished what's been posted so far! Are you thinking about continuing to write?
exoforeva #6
Chapter 29: Pls update!!!update juseyo!!!!I love the story!!!!
Chapter 29: Update pls darls!
Chapter 29: Please update :)
Chapter 29: When will you update this story? This story is really good please don't abandon it:(
Chapter 29: Omggg i love this sooo much! Please update this story author-nim ;3