Thoughts and Challenges

Born for the Stage



The past week had been quite hectic for Lee Chaerin. Like she promised, she focused in helping the 2NE1 girls reach their debut. Recordings and non-stop practicing were all in her schedule.


Also, the Kwon leader seems to build quite a relationship with her, probably not in the romantic genre but they were now closer than before. He favors her now—hmm, probably the result of that awkward confrontation they had last week. Or maybe it was because she saved him from buying a new house. Jiyong laughed so hard when he found out that she couldn’t cook a decent pancake. In the end, they cleaned his whole kitchen and he made a rather perfect breakfast.


The Kwon twins have been giving her extra attention. Like they would point out the slightest mistake or they would buy her sandwiches only to be thrown away by Jiyong—or to be eaten by either of the aliens. Sometimes she even wonders if what they show her is pure admiration or something deeper. Because if the reason is the latter—then she’s got a lot of problems at hand. Oh yeah, they were still constantly fighting each other playfully over her now. It’s either they bully each other or the real Kwon will do it for them.


As for her Dami-noona, the woman kept on traumatizing her. One day, Jiyong told her that his noona actually sent him a box full of baby clothes. They ended up donating it for charity. Weird.


Her Bu-ney kept in touch. Constantly buying her ice cream and he even got her plushie! Jiho was still sweet towards her and Chaerin is quite awkward with it. Her not being able to give back what he’s trying to show her was reason enough. Like what Jiyong said, love is supposed to be a mutual feeling. Also, the fact that Block B, the CAI Big Bang version, was being led by her best friend is no help at all. One time, when Bu-ney sent her home, Jiyong was there and boy could she feel the tension.


That kind of situation sort of telling her, go now ‘coz blood will be spilled.


How come there are two Ji’s and four Kwon’s in her life anyways? Life was so unkind with her.


Plus, she dyed her hair back to its hazelnut glory. The color was a close call but it was still a far cry from her view—like she was suddenly all grown up. You might ask where she’s going right now, well—she’s going downtown to meet her baby.


A lacy top underneath a sleek rider jacket, black jeans and some heels; her earrings were busy with some long earrings and her long graceful locks were tied in a neat ponytail. Nope, Lee Chaerin wasn’t usually dressed like this in Korea but damn, I miss this. Ever since she came in Seoul, her fashion sense always told her to dress comfortably—but it was also because the situation demanded it.


Of course, in order to practice carefully (and give out so much SWAG, unconsciously at that) she had to be comfortable. Minzy and herself seldom practiced with heels. And she sticks to her street fashion because she likes it and because she enjoys nagging the Kiko the . Kiko was forever the fish bone in . Zico once warned her how Kiko performed on stage, saying that the girl was definitely an all-kill when she had her days in CAI. And with Jiyong? The Kwon leader was just too much of a gentleman to say a big PISS OFF towards a lady.


The girls warned her about how YG gives a day off towards his students—how? He simply locks the whole school and put a sign NO CLASS TODAY and that’s it. He was the first school president who could act that irresponsible and get away with it. And today was one of those days were a sign of NCT was posted on the school gate.


Chaerin checked her phone again and saw a brand new message:


Where you at, biatch?


The girl just chuckled and entered a building—at least that’s what the address told her. She checked out the halls and didn’t mind the racks of clothing that was lined up, nor the American staffs that were staring at her. Nope, she looks like a boss and doesn’t hesitate on using it.


She entered one room where a photo shoot was being built. “Hey—.” She called in English towards a tall guy who was talking to a stylist. The man immediately turned and squealed. “Hey, baby.” He hugged her—how she missed him, Jeremy Scott. Chaerin just giggled and said “Weren’t you just calling me biatch a while ago? What? A change of heart?”


“You know I love you—now, get in there and—” Jeremy pointed at a room Chaerin presumed was a dressing room before her baby actually handed her some clothes, “Change into these. Now hurry up, the photographer isn’t free all day you know, darling.” A photo shoot? “J—you didn’t tell me anything about a photo shoot.”


CL was one of the promotional models of Jeremy and of course, his favorite muse. But now—“I can’t. My parents would freak out if they find out I’m not in Hawaii.” She handed him back the clothes. “What?” Jeremy freaked.


Chaerin gave out a big sigh, “You know I love you, sweetie but I can’t.”


“Then who’ll model for this? I actually have a Fashion Event here in Korea and I needed new pictures for a slide show tonight—you ain’t backing up on me today, young lady.” Jeremy scolded and Chaerin just rolled her eyes. Her stubbornness was one reason Jeremy loved her anyways. “Don’t you have extra models here?” She asked him.


Was she an idiot?


“Of course not. I just arrived early this morning, I have to organize a major photo shoot and I have no time to look for models, so hurry your up and get dressed.” He said. She even wonders if it was simply jet lag—or not. Mad Fashion Designer coming through.


“What if I get you models, myself?” She proposed. Jeremy Scott raised a brow. “Nah—girl. No bad assed Korean could pose my like you do, now stop wasting time.” He pushes CL to the dressing room. “No—I swear, they’re good. I guarantee you—I’ve been tutoring them.” She said in a rather business like tone. The man stopped. “You sure?” CL nodded—“Okay—20 minutes to get them here.”



She immediately sashayed out, grabbed her phone and dialed a few numbers, talked to some, shouted at others and pronto—they were here. “Baby Rin—what’s wrong?” Dara asked. CL counted them.


Dara, Youngbae, Bom, Seunghyun, Minzy, Daesung, Seungri and of course the Kwon leader. “Good—I got eight people to replace me.” She said with a naughty smirk while the others raised a brow. “Replace you? You’re not going into human trafficking stuff, right?” Seungri asked as he pointed at the new brunette.


“Hm, you’ll have to find out. Now follow me.” She said as she walked in back to the building. “What’s all this about, Rin?” Seunghyun asked. “Don’t worry, oppa—I guarantee you’re all safe.” She started on calling the others oppa as a sign of a new beginning. Jiyong still doesn’t know if he liked that fact or not—her calling others oppa.


“Yo—J, here they are.” Chaerin said in English. “You sure they’re good?” Her best friend said after he walked towards the group. “Trust me in this?” She asked.


Jeremy scanned the whole group and decided that they would do. “Hey—I’m Jeremy Scott.” He introduced. At his disadvantage, only three people could talk in English. That is, Bom, Jiyong and Youngbae.


The red head immediately squealed. Well it’s not everyday they meet a big Fashion Designer, right? Jiyong held Chaerin by her waist and whispered “You’re selling us on a Fashion Designer?” She looked at him with a questioning look but he smiled and said “Thank You.”


“Now you—” Jeremy pointed at Seunghyun as the latter pointed at himself. “You I wanna dress myself, come on.” The infamous T.O.P paled before he was nudged by his girl. “What?” He asked Bom in Korean. “Go on—he wants to dress you, go.” Bom pushed Top towards Jeremy. “Yah—are you seriously doing this to me?” Top asked as he was pulled by the designer towards the dressing room. “Of course, this is major day for my fashion life! Remember, I love you!” She screamed before turning to Chaerin.


“So what do you mean we replace you?” Bom asked as she ignored the worried yelps of her boyfriend in the dressing room. “Ah—noona, aren’t you worried for Seunghyun-hyung?” Daesung  asked.


“Well, I’m off limits right now—you know, with my parents and stuff.” Chaerin answered as she laughed at Daesung’s question. Another yelp, “I’m actually worried now.” Youngbae replied. “Dun worry, my bff over there is fine—he won’t do anything to oppa, right?” CL said as she looked at her friends.


The others shook their heads. Moments later, Seunghyun came out wearing the latest edition on the Jeremy Scott collection. The others followed with Chaerin looking at the sidelines.


Everybody seem to enjoy the life of being the center of the cameras.


Bom looked good—real good in fact, but the oldest of the females needs to be more creative in her poses. Minzy—she needs to loose those limbs, she looked stiff, Stiff looked y on her. Chaerin noted. Dara was natural, so was Seunghyun. Daesung still looked shy and Youngbae tried to look cool. Seungri—well, he is confident, yet—“Hey you—” Jeremy pointed and yelled at English. “Me?” Seungri asked in Korean. “Yes you—don’t try to shadow the others, it’s a group shot for crying out loud!”


Seungri looked at Youngbae—to Bom, to his Ji-Hyung then to Chaerin. “What did he say?” Chaerin rolled her eyes as she was assigned to be the translator of the day. “He said that you shouldn’t block the others—so move over.”


And back to CL looking at her friends, G-Dragon, well, he was creative. She just shook her head before she drifted back to reality. Too much thinking would kill her brain cells and might excite her already beating heart. “Yo, J.” Jeremy looked at her. The man frowned. “Girl—I like your hair blonde, why change it?”


Chaerin fixed her fringe and just shrugged. Her friends left to fit the second set of clothes. “I’m going to go buy food for the gang, Bom speaks English most fluently, and you could talk to her while I’m out.”


She sashayed out.


She was almost crazy—thinking about Jiyong all day and night. I did not feel like this with Jay before—so what is this? She touched her chest and was surprised at the pace of her beating organ. Chaerin bit her lower lip in frustration, Jeremy already caught her staring at the dragon for like five times already during the group shot—how much more when he did those solo frames?


Chaerin wasn’t stupid of course. She wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Love already destroyed so much of her before. It had always been her flaw and her fall.


She entered a random store to buy food when—“Well, lookie here—if it isn’t the newbie.” Oh no, Chaerin recognized that voice. “What do you want, Kiko?” Chaerin’s turn was way too perfect. One she perfected by practicing in front of her mirror—of course, no one would know that. Swag is gained, not born with.


Chaerin noticed that the wasn’t only the one around, three girls just flanked her sides. Great—more haters. “What I want, Lee?” Kiko actually had the nerve to poke Chaerin’s shoulder. “You—out of my and Jiyong-oppa’s life.”


Chaerin scoffed. Was she serious about this? CL lowered her Thierry Lasry sunglasses and gave the girl a mocking look. “Why?” She smirked. “Do you see me as a threat?”


Kiko flinched—like every time she was in the presence of the Queen. “No. You’re just troublesome as it is. Jiyong-oppa is too concerned about the 21 girls that’s why he’s hanging out with you.” In fact, the was right. Did he really spend time with her in order to help the girls? Was that it?


Chaerin flicked some of her hair that managed to hang on her shoulder. “Biatch—you ain’t without your crew.” That’s right. Let’s just focus on the current situation, shall we? Chaerin thought. “So, yes. Let’s just say I have him between my fingers, yeah? What are you going to do about it?” The only thing that will make Kiko go nuts was her admitting that she and Jiyong are close. Yeah—I’ll rub it on your face.


“You’re such a . Get out of 21 and fight me like a real girl.” Kiko stepped closer and she clearly was towering over CL. “Call me whatever you want, but I will never be a cheap, insecure like you.”




Chaerin’s gasp. Oh no—that was the line—the actually had the guts to slap her! “Did you just—”


“Yeah—what are you going to do about it?” Kiko cooed as her girlfriends laughed. “Oh wait, was the slap too much for you? Do I have to punch you instead? You know—you being a boy and everything?” That was it, . Did she just call me a boy? Oh no—it was her fashion sense again, wasn’t it?


Chaerin smirked and fixed her hair. “Nothing, because I’m not stepping down on your level. And really? A boy? Damn girl, I could walk in those fake Givenchy heels better than you do. Didn’t you know—illiterate es always make the wrong moves—and you dear, are surely one.” CL gave Kiko a head-to-toe look. “Commoners like you should know your place in the balance of this world—that is, fifty million steps below me. Look at you—taking care of your outfit like nobody noticed.”


“Marc Jacobs? Fool me. I know those are knock offs. Uncle MJ would flip looking at his creation being plagiarized and worn only to end up as a major fashion faux pas.” Chaerin added. She then smiled. How to annoy your hater more: tip 01—smile. Chaerin swore Kiko’s nostrils were in the size of burgers when she ended up her little speech. “You, tonight at club Queen. We’ll settle this once and for all.” Kiko challenged her before collecting her girls who just admired Chae’s Louboutines.


Is she insane? “Are you sure Kik—at The Queen?”


“I rule that club, but after two months of being away—I suddenly have the urge to make a major comeback. And I assure you, I’m a  Queen, Lee—not you.” Kiko replied. “No, Kik—I am the real Queen. Royalty is in my blood.” Chae said—the food forgotten.


She left the four girls gawking at themselves with a big naughty smile playing on her lips.


She yet to thank Teddy for renovating The Queen for her; her pictures hanged like Royal portraits in that club. Kiko would never know until tonight. Chaerin’s smile became a sly smirk as she finished her thoughts, Club Queen is simply the gem of my crown—the capital of my empire.



A/N : Sigh - I hope this makes a good chappie :'C Anyways, here is J.Scott and a hint of Chae's outfit and new hair . . . blah blah blah , I really have nothing to say . Omo - but I am really anticipating on this battle .






Okay, I don't know if this is chestnut enough but it just don't look like blonde to me , okay ??

These two images aren't mine - they belong to their respective owners.

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Chapter 29: Ahh~are you stop writing this ? I think you are >_< feel so undOne!
cries a river
why does all of the stories i really like a lot have been stopped halfway D;
Chapter 29: Aaah! I just find this out! Oooooh I'm so interesting on this! I'm sure you probably don't consider continue this but I'm sure I'm not the only I wanna know more! (Sorry for my english)
twinnovation #4
I love this story so much, omg.
Chapter 29: I started reading just a few days ago, and your story's so addicting that I've already finished what's been posted so far! Are you thinking about continuing to write?
exoforeva #6
Chapter 29: Pls update!!!update juseyo!!!!I love the story!!!!
Chapter 29: Update pls darls!
Chapter 29: Please update :)
Chapter 29: When will you update this story? This story is really good please don't abandon it:(
Chapter 29: Omggg i love this sooo much! Please update this story author-nim ;3