Of Sweetness and New Ones

Born for the Stage


“I’m a little worried about Chaerin and Jiyong.” Dara started as she and Youngbae prepare the American breakfast for the group. Pancakes are already in the table, while eggs are still on the pan. “Why?” Youngbae asked as he looked over his shoulder.


“They seem to have some kind of misunderstanding going on.” Dara explained. “Yah! Aliens—stop eating the pancakes! We won’t have any left if you keep on eating them!” Youngbae scolded as he watched the supposed-to-be-oldest-people eating their meals beforehand.


Bom woke up first and complained that she was hungry. The vocalist woke her sleeping boyfriend and told him that she was beyond starvation. And when he didn’t wake up, she took a pillow and covered his face with it—nearly killing him.


Seunghyun was forced to wake up and dragged her angry girlfriend towards the kitchen.


When they opened the fridge and found that there was nothing ‘edible’ on it they woke Dara and Youngbae.


And here they are now, Dara was cooking the eggs, Youngbae was mixing the juice, while the aliens were on the dining table—waiting.


“I noticed that too, Ji’s not his usual self these past few days—especially after what happened in the club.” Youngbae said as he leaned on the counter beside his girl. “Chaerinnie is confused too.” Dara said as she put the last egg on the plate and turned the stove off. “Though he seem to be an inspiration to her. Rinnie is more dedicated on everything now.” She added.


“Though he’s quite distracted, I see that he’s using her in some of his recent lyrics.” Youngbae said as he peeked at the living room and noticed that the maknaes are now awake. “There are hints everywhere.” He concluded before he called the siblings and Seungri to the dining room.


“Yah—breakfast is ready!” He said when the three failed to come. “Noona—can you check on them?” He asked Bom who was almost drooling at the food in front of her and though hungry, Bom walked zombie-like towards the living room.


Bom then saw the three taking pictures of the two type A’s in the house—the leaders.


“Omo—guys, you should see this! This is the answer to all of your doubts!” She was suddenly awake, took her own phone and snapped a photo as well. Without further ado, Seunghyun, Dara and Youngbae were joining Bom on the door frame, watching the two leaders spooning.


Jiyong’s arm was protectively yet casually wrapped around Chaerin who was still hugging her bear. Her back to his chest—it looked obviously romantic and cute but the group knew that the two Type A’s didn’t know their actions during their sleep.


“Shall we wake them?” Minji asked as she closed her phone. “Let’s leave them like that for a while.” Daesung told her sister as he got up. “Type A’s are seriously scary when woken up in the wrong time.” Seungri said as he got up as well and went to the dining room.




Jiyong woke up because of the feeling of something rough and hard underneath him. He had and noticed that he was already on the floor.


Aware that dust and germs are all over the tile, he shot up—fully awake and looked around him. The mattresses and pillows are no longer there and so he was fully sleeping on the floor. Irritated that they took his darling sleep away from him, he got up and went to the bathroom to do his morning rituals. Jiyong then went for the kitchen where he found Chaerin sitting on the chair with one leg up close with her chest.


Wasn’t it just last night that he had kissed her? Shyly, he sat beside her and sipped some of the juice Youngbae prepared earlier.


She was seriously quiet beside him, dazed and unaware.


“Where are the guys?” He asked as he took a bite of the pancake prepared on his plate. “In Daesung-oppa’s room, preparing to go to school.” She said in a zombie-like voice.


Frowning, he further inquired about the girls. “In Minki’s room—preparing as well.”


“Um, Chae? What’s wrong?” He asked as he faced her. Slowly, she turned—showing her emotionless features to him; somehow he concluded that she hated the mornings more than he hates it.


“Have you ever woken up finding the mattresses and pillows you have used the night before gone and that you’re sleeping in an outrageously dirty floor?” She asked the now speechless Jiyong. “Never in my life have I felt a need of bath before now.” She turned and returned to her dazed self.


He couldn’t further agree.


Later, with lots of scolding, screaming and running around, the group is now on the road and walking towards YGSA. Unlike normal students, the people enrolled in YGSA don’t have any weekends. It wasn’t forced on them but the students chose not to stay home or party around and instead rehearse and practice their asses off.


That’s how serious they are in their work. However, the pressure had an extra scoop on the gang’s cup because they were given the responsibility to head the performances for the upcoming K-Art Fesitival.


“What’s the plan today, Ji?” Youngbae asked at his best friend who was listening on some raw tracks on his phone. “How about we practice Lollipop today, what do you guys think?” The latter asked after he had thought of—and besides, collabs meant more time with her.


He had thought of it last night. He might not admit his feelings to her personally but that doesn’t mean that he should really stay away from him. Jiyong was professional too and that character refuses to build awkwardness in between groups just because of his feelings towards Chaerin.


He could just admire and love her from afar—She would be leaving after this sem ends. He thought bitterly as his friends thought of the possible choreography for the song.


“So does that mean we have to wear colorful things and out of the world outfits?” Bom asked in horror. If anything, she doesn’t like to act all cute at all—Seunghyun had the worst experience of it.


“The concept of the song is literally cute so I guess we really have to wear cute stuff, alien.” Seunghyun said as he transferred Bom’s bag to his other hand. The rapper always liked carrying her stuff for her and his friends wonder if he really was a boyfriend since he acted like a slave whenever he’s with his lady love.


“Chae—can you think of some lyrics for this?” Jiyong called the female rapper and handed her his headphones.


The group entered the gates first and left the leaders behind.


“Wow.” She said as they slowly walked towards the studios. The beat was heavy—pure ghetto and just likes that she had thought of some raw lyrics of her own.


“What do you think? Good for 2ne1?” He asked. Chaerin looked at him and for a moment decided to forget whatever he did to her last night. “It’s too short though. We could have done a heavy hip hop song with that beat.” She said as she replayed the raw track.


“I was thinking of it as something like an intro song, it has to be short.” He said while grinning ear to ear. Actually, he didn’t even consider the other members’ voices when he made that beat. It was purely for his Hunchae alone.


And he knew she could blow it.


Like he could for Big Bang.


Before she entered the studio, he stopped her with a hold on her arm. “I have something for you.” He grinned as he took something from his pocket. Chaerin, now curious, waited patiently. He showed her a ring—one with a strawberry and whipped cream as designs. “This is your price for getting a promotion from temporary member to official leader.”


“How’d you know that I like strawberries?” She asked. No way—everything was starting to become too much of a coincidence. He just shrugged and took her hand and put it on her ring finger.


“See?” Jiyong admired the accessory that was now wrapping her ring finger. “It looks perfect on you!” He said with a big grin.


She just looked at him and teased, “Yah—where do you think you’re putting that thing? That finger is for intimate rings only!” Jiyong just pouted and said, “But it’s an intimate ring! It’s a gift from me. It’s your promotional gift!”


“I don’t see the connection though!” She laughed but didn’t dare remove the ring.


When they entered the studio, their friends were already starting some warm up so the two of them sat up in one corner as they write down the possible lyrics for his beat.


“Aigoo, I’m not sure how to look at them.” Bom said to her boyfriend. Seunghyun looked over and saw the leaders laughing at some kind of notebook. “What do you mean?” He asked.


“Are they that close because they’re both leaders or because they’re starting to be lovers?” Bom said without any ado. She was straightforward as Seunghyun further looked at the leaders. “You could look at them both.” He said as he lied down on the floor. “If this ‘relationship’ could bring them to heights on inspiration then it’s good for their positions as leaders.” Bom sat next to him and looked at him straight in the eye.


“However, I heard Rin doesn’t plan to stay—I’m not sure how will that affect their personal and professional selves though.” He said, finishing their talk.


Meanwhile, “Yah! Maknae! What kind of choreography are you teaching my sister huh?” Daesung asked as he saw Seungri teaching Minji some kind of hip dance.


“I’m not teaching her, hyung!” Seungri defended, “She was the one who thought of it!” The young one put his arms to protect his head as he his always-smiling-hyung attempted to smack his head. “Oppa! Stop it, when yill you allow me to dance like that?”


“Aigoo, ero-maknaes should be a banned in this institution.” Daesung said as he saw his sister pout in protest. The girl was about to say something when they heard another beat being played.


They looked back and saw G-Dragon play a beat from the stereos. CL was already holding a mic.






And just like that, the boys and girls moved into the beat—enjoying a yet another good collab between the leaders.




“Yah—” Chaerin called as Jiyong put his headphones down after they finished recording a song for 2ne1. Jiyong turned and gave his full attention to her. The others had already left for dinner and like always, they were left alone to wrap things up.


“Do you think I can do this?” She asked him as she played with the ring he gave her. “I have never lead before.” Unknown to everybody, ever since YG announced her as leader, she insecurities inside of her which she just couldn’t share with her members.


Because she was the member—she can’t complain.


“Of course you can.” He said as he moved from his swivel chair to the couch beside her. Déjà vu much? She thought suddenly as she waited for his words to come out. “We always have insecurities. Each and every one of your members has it too—but YG won’t name you as leader if he saw that you’re not ready yet.


“Believe me, Hunchae—you can do this way better than you give credit yourself for.” He told her and immediately saw her eyes twinkle.


“You always know what to say don’t you?” She asked. He just grinned then leaned his head on her shoulder, “That’s me.”


Feeling the sudden tension with their position, she slowly stood up and said “We’re leaving in a while right?”


Sad that she moved from him, he nodded and said “Yeah—where do you want to eat? I’m treating you dinner tonight since you’re such a good girl today.” He just grinned. “Anywhere you want oppa, let me just get my stuff in the studio.” She replied however, she left Jiyong shocked when she left singing, I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chap stick…


It left him dumbfounded and couldn’t help but think about his impulsiveness last night. “She was asleep, right?”




The airport, as usual, was full of people—Korean and foreign, all busy to either catch a cab or catch their plane.


A group of stylish looking people moved in the crowds as they try to blend in because years of being away from their mother country seem to make them unfamiliar and new.


In the middle of the group stood someone tired from the long travel but it didn’t stop him from looking around and forcing his body to adopt on its environment. He just gave a sigh as a shapely female clung to him.


He looked at her with a sudden annoyance and guilt but didn’t dare show it. She was part of this too and now, ever since they landed in Seoul—they were comrades.


“Welcome back to Seoul, Jay.”





A/N: My edit over there ^ is such an epic fail XD Aigoo -- I really want to update constantly but school starts tomorrow (AGAIN??) , anyway -- what do you think of this chapter ?? Aigoo -- someone is back !!

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Chapter 29: Ahh~are you stop writing this ? I think you are >_< feel so undOne!
cries a river
why does all of the stories i really like a lot have been stopped halfway D;
Chapter 29: Aaah! I just find this out! Oooooh I'm so interesting on this! I'm sure you probably don't consider continue this but I'm sure I'm not the only I wanna know more! (Sorry for my english)
twinnovation #4
I love this story so much, omg.
Chapter 29: I started reading just a few days ago, and your story's so addicting that I've already finished what's been posted so far! Are you thinking about continuing to write?
exoforeva #6
Chapter 29: Pls update!!!update juseyo!!!!I love the story!!!!
Chapter 29: Update pls darls!
Chapter 29: Please update :)
Chapter 29: When will you update this story? This story is really good please don't abandon it:(
Chapter 29: Omggg i love this sooo much! Please update this story author-nim ;3