Born for the Stage




Chaerin let her studded jacket trail the carpeted floor as she lazily walked towards the couch where in she dropped like a heavy lead ball.


How could I do something that stupid? She thought as she looked at the plain ceiling. Her phone vibrated but she didn’t care. Whoever was calling needs to wait another century to reach her right now because right at that moment, Lee Chaerin exists in nobody’s world but herself. Her whole soul was focused on how to decipher the heat on her chest as she remembered how Jiyong tasted.


He was a dilemma between sweet and . . . something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Bittersweet. A mixture of the sweetest chocolate and the darkest of champagnes.





Blood rushed to her cheeks and her hand made its way to her lips. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes to let the winged insects in her stomach die down.


The problem is, those damned winged insects never died down ever since she stormed out of The Queen. The adrenaline and excitement went back to their respective holes and then those winged insects were born.


Whatever…thing…she feels right now better stop or CL would go mad and die single. Oh—now that wasn’t an option.


She took out a notebook and a pencil and started writing down some phrases that were currently on her head. Who could blame her? That was her current out put of those feelings inside her. YGSA and her cousin, Teddy had been indeed a big influence in her personal life. However, writing down lyrics was a habit she got from that wretched guy who stole her first kiss.


Chaerin stopped from scribbling and thought, well, not really stole. It was me who initiated the kiss.


Grunting and blushing, the blonde took her phone which immediately showed the seven missed calls on its screen. She ignored it and dialed the number she knew all too well.


She looked at the sheets on her notebook and grimaced at the words—or at the feelings and thought behind them.


One ring…two rings…


“Hey?” A female voice answered and CL had to bit a smile. “Unnie, it’s me, Chaerin.” She replied. “Oh! Hey Rinnie—this is a surprise.” The woman answered. True, it was indeed a surprise for Lee Chaerin to call Park Han Byul first. “I’m going Skype—meet you there.” CL said before ending the phone.




“Dude, you need to breath.” Youngbae nudged the infamous G-Dragon as the blonde leader continued to stare at the heavenly lights of The Queen. He doesn’t get it. Why would the kitty kiss him? Sure she did it to mock Kiko…but why… Why did it feel so right? He thought before his head was hit by something soft.


“Yah! What are you thinking about you robber-of-my-wifey’s-kiss!” Dara exclaimed as she attempted to get another pillow to throw. Good thing that Bom was there though. “It’s no use throwing something soft, Darong. Here—try this.” She gave Dara a bottle of beer and said “This will knock him faster than those lovely plush pillows of yours.”


Or not.


“Calm down, girls. As far as I have seen, CL was the one who kissed him. The boy is merely traumatized.” Big Seunghyun answered before he was hit by Bom’s almighty fist.


The kids, meaning, Seungri, Minzy and her brother Daesung all went home because as what Teddy said, well past their bed time.


Speaking of Teddy, the capped terror was glaring at the blonde leader. Jiyong unconsciously shivered.


“I’m sure CL only did it to mock Kiko, Ji—so stop sulking like a love-sick high schooler.” Youngbae answered before he sipped on his beer. Dara slammed her bottle and said “So that’s what this is all about—you’re love sick! You like my wifey!” Youngbae and Top sighed. “Baby, I only said that to stop him from acting this way.” Youngbae said as he smoothed Dara’s petite arms to soothe her anger.


“Yeah Ji, stop sulking—unless you’re really bothered by the idea.” It seemed that the music inside the club died down as Teddy said those words.


Jiyong dared to look at Teddy’s eyes and immediately understood what he meant. You. Me. Outside. Now. So, he stood and started walking towards the door where a balcony was located.


The boy took in a lungful and air and his eyes darted towards the direction where the abode of the female who kissed him could be seen. Why Chae?


Why make things complicated?


Of course he like the girl. He liked her ever since he saw her perform on that stage back in New York. He liker her attitude and her fashion sense and he surely like her smile.


Jiyong had experience with girls before so he was sure that what he felt for Lee Chaerin was something odd. Something different than how he felt for those ex-girlfriends of his. This is something erratic. Like it was dancing between the line of friendship and love all together.


But he do know one thing, it wasn’t good.


“Jiyong?” He heard Teddy’s voice behind him and he knew that a confrontation was about to happen.


“Whatever you think that’s between Chaerin and I, its nothing.” He sighed as he felt a tug in his chest. What was wrong with him? “It was part of the plan.”


Teddy sighed as he moved to lean on the railing, his beer dangling on his hand. “Alright,” he said. “You said it yourself—so I’ll trust you to maintain that status between you two.”


“Don’t lead my cousin on if that’s what you think.”


Now what did Teddy meant with those words?




Chaerin looked at the finished lyrics in front of her. Somehow, after the talk that she had with her cousin’s girlfriend, Han Byul, her feelings were a lot clearer.


She now know the difference of the friend zone from the crush corner.


So just shut up and be mine

Don’t wait any longer

It comes with no voice, it’s a love that goes

I’m afraid that it might disappear


Han Byul was right. What she felt for Jiyong now was a lot different than the feelings that she used to have with Jay.


She never felt jealous before, nor love sick by just thinking of him. Nor did she miss him whenever he’s not around. And she did have that silly possessive claim on him. But this is not right—she can’t fall for the same trap twice. No of course not.


She was not stupid. But what she did earlier in the club was indeed a stupid action, so whether she liked it or not—she already was.


She likes Kwon Jiyong…and that will be her biggest secret again. No one has to know. Not Bom, not Dara, not Minzy, certainly not Seungri.


But what about Jiho?


CL just sighed as she slammed herself on the bed and repeated the raw music that Teddy sent her two days before.


Unaware, she started singing: So just shut up and be mine…


Yeah, as if I could say that to him. CL thought as she covered her eyes with her arms, Kwon Jiyong.


Yes, she was starting to be stupid because even the slightest mention of his name brought a blush on her cheeks and caused her heart to skip beats.


She was ridiculously in love with her mentor.




A/N: Let’s just say that this will be the calm before the warning of a storm XD Sorry for the late and short update guys :P

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Chapter 29: Ahh~are you stop writing this ? I think you are >_< feel so undOne!
cries a river
why does all of the stories i really like a lot have been stopped halfway D;
Chapter 29: Aaah! I just find this out! Oooooh I'm so interesting on this! I'm sure you probably don't consider continue this but I'm sure I'm not the only I wanna know more! (Sorry for my english)
twinnovation #4
I love this story so much, omg.
Chapter 29: I started reading just a few days ago, and your story's so addicting that I've already finished what's been posted so far! Are you thinking about continuing to write?
exoforeva #6
Chapter 29: Pls update!!!update juseyo!!!!I love the story!!!!
Chapter 29: Update pls darls!
Chapter 29: Please update :)
Chapter 29: When will you update this story? This story is really good please don't abandon it:(
Chapter 29: Omggg i love this sooo much! Please update this story author-nim ;3