Talk to Onew

Korean Boy Band? (Interactive Story)


“Onew…” I said whispering, “I’m not OK…”

“I bet you’re not, I can see it in your face” he said smiling and sitting beside me in my room’s bed.

“So? What happens?” he asked trying to look at my eyes, which had their direction to the floor.


“Key kissed me” I stated automatically hiding my face with my hands.

“Heee! And what’s the problem? Do you like him?” he asked clapping his hands.

“I think so… He makes me feel special when I’m with him”

Onew snorted, “Then why are you confused? You like him, he likes you, date!”

I looked at him and started to play with my hands in nervousness.


“But how do you know that?” I asked,


“How do you know he’s not just playing around?” I interrupted him.


“Key’s very cocky and playful sometimes; it wouldn’t amaze me if he’s a player with the girls…”


“But he’s not like that, right? Maybe I’m just painting a bad portrait of him in my mind…”


“He’s nice and kind… He’s just teasing!”


“Don’t you think that talking with him will solve a lot of things?”


“Yeah, you’re right! I’ll talk with Key. Thanks Onew!” I finished my talking with Onew and ran outside my room, leaving him sitting on my bed; I had to talk with Key!



But I didn’t say anything…”



I got out as fast as I could from my room.

If I don’t rush, I’ll regret it later.


I grabbed Key’s sleeve at the corridor and made him turn.

“H-Hey! What the-“

“Key!” I almost yelled, hoping that the members wouldn’t hear.

He, stunned, opened his eyes really wide and looked at my face.

I smiled and, quickly, stole him a kiss.


He froze. He didn’t close his eyes for a moment…

Please, please, please, please!

Then finally, he relaxed, closed his eyes and continue the kiss. He put his hands on my waist and I put mines around his neck.

His lips met in perfect synchrony with mine and it made me feel really, extremely happy, blessed,


It worked?


“Hey” he said breaking the kiss, “That was…”

“Sly?” I asked smiling. He gave me a big smile back and nodded giggling.

“_____~…” he whispered approaching his face again.

“Key… I like you” I whispered in his ear, “It’s your entire fault”

He looked at me smirking.

“And why is it my fault?”


“Because you go and kiss girls so openly… Do you even like me? You kissed me!” I asked looking at the floor.


He took my face between his hands and forced me to look at him,

“I don’t go and kiss girls openly just because. I do it with the girls I’ve fell for” he said kissing my front.

“Key…” I lifted my head and looked at him, completely blushed.


“I didn't want to ask you in this way, but you rushed and told me that you liked me so I don't really have a choice haha,


Wanna try and be my girlfriend, _____~?” He asked me caressing my cheek.

I hugged him and nodded,



He leaned his face again onto mine and gave me peck after peck, smiling.

Suddenly, we heard some voices coming out of one of the rooms.

“Taemin-ah, don’t look. You’re too young” that was Jonghyun’s voice.

“But I wanna go to the bathroooom~” Taemin complaint.

“So my conversation with her worked…?” and Onew asked ‘out’ loud.


I looked at Key who was laughing his a*s off and took his hand,

“Shall we let them know?” I asked smiling,

“What? They’ve already noticed haha!”


The End

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Chapter 39: omgggggggggggg! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i have Taeminnnnnnnnnnnnnn <3
Chapter 43: This is so perfect, ugh, Taemin is adorable. So good ^^
Chapter 41: Awwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! >,,,<
Chapter 39: OMO!!!
Taemin is so cute&sweet!
Gosh! I really like it!
Although...Taemin's not my ultimate bias~
*fangirling for a moment*
OMO!!! >_<
Hyun_Mi04 #5
Chapter 32: Jonghyunnie~!
Chapter 36: I ended up with Onew! Ahaha~ Loving this~~~ Author-nim! Daebak!!
Blue005 #7
Chapter 37: I ended up with Minho.... I'm sorry for my bestfriend who's bias is Minho.... Mianhae
Chapter 38: I ended up with Key :3 Kyaaaa my favourite :3 Thanks author-nim!
Chapter 41: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
i love you oneww!!
shhrimp #10
Chapter 38: Very cute :D