
pick me not.
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I could feel Avi's stares pero hindi ko alam pano ko sisimulan 'tong pag-uusapan namin. Lalo na 'yung tungkol kagabi na pag-yakap niya sa'kin. Alam ko naman na wala siya sa sarili niya non dahil may sakit siya but those hugs were too much for me. It makes me wanna fight for us, Avi, but I can't. 


After eating a few bites of my food, I've decided that the first thing I'll talk about is, the birthday incident. I've already made it clear to RJ, I hope this one will end smoothly. 


I cleared my throat and looked at the woman in front of me. "Avi.." Tawag ko sakanya. Parang nagulat pa siya. OA ka talaga, Avery. "Hmm?" She answered with her cutest and softest voice. 


"Let me talk about few things first, okay?" She just nodded. 


"Well, first, I don't appreciate you and RJ fighting in front us, lalo na 'yung pinag-usapan niyo nung time na 'yun. If you guys have issues with each other, talk it out." I told her as if I am lecturing her. Hindi ko alam if naiintindihan niya ba 'yung ibang tagalog words.. "If you didn't understand some of the tagalog words I've said, let me know. I'll explain it further, okay?" I added. I have to be considerate and careful with Avi so she won't misunderstood me. 


"I'm really sorry about that. RJ got on my nerves that day.. she was getting too comfortable and close with you. I didn't like it." She explained so I just nodded. It's probably her adrenaline rush, she was tipsy at the time, we all were. 


"Don't do that again, hmm?" I tried to be as soft as possible. 


"By the way, Colle.." She spoke. "About last night.." I could feel the heat of my cheeks burning, but I stood my ground and, "Yeah?" I asked as if I don't know anything about it. 


"Did I do anything stupid?" She asked. 


I'll be lying if I say it didn't hurt, but it did. Pero mas okay na siguro 'to para sa amin parehas, I'll be the only one that remembers how she called my name, wanting that hug from me. I'm just glad it was my name whom she called when she needed help. 


"Nothing in particular.." Sabi ko pa habang tumatango-tango sa harap niya. 

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Your storytelling has truly captivated me, author. Each chapter draws me in with its allure, leaving me eagerly awaiting the next installment. Your skillful craft keeps me engaged, making each reading experience a delightful anticipation. Your work is truly appreciated, author.