
pick me not.
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Last week.. 


Today is our flight on our way to Manila. Mama said we don't need to stay here, in the US anymore. She settled her business now and her people can manage it. 


I've lived my whole life here in US so there will be a huge adjustments for me. But I'm sure Mommy and Mama will help me. They always do. 


Mommy always helps me with tagalog words because she talks to Mama in tagalog when they're fighting. Even though I don't understand, I still find it fumny because Mommy is so loud with her tagalog words while Mama is just silent and just lets Mommy say everything she wants. 


We've packed everything we need and we're on our way to the airport. 


"Are you excited, Avi?" Mama asks. I don't know.. 


"Yeah. I'm kinda looking forward to it, Ma." I just said. I don't know what to expect, but I hope everything will be fine. 


"You'll get all the fun when you get used to Manila's atmostphere, Avi." Mommy assured me. I'll always be thankful for them. 


After the long flight, we arrived at NAIA. Mama just called Grandma's driver to pick us up. It will be a new day tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. 


We arrived at Grandma's home in no time. Her house is pretty big. And it looks very neat. 


"Avi, my apo!" I smiled at her and gives her a hug. I missed her! She used to visit us in the US from time to time. 


"I missed you, Grandma!" She looks happy. And so are we. 


"Avi, go take a rest na. We'll have a lot of things to do tomorrow." Mama said. Right. I feel so tired. 


"You too, Mommies. I'll head up na po. Good night." 


After I did my night routines, I scrolled through my phone and I remembered that I'll message Aeri about my transfer. 


I met Aeri in the US because her Dad and Mama is business partner. We met at a formal event for Mama's business that time and we clicked. We're the same age so it's not that hard to talk to her. 


And, she also has a filipino Mom. That's why her and Mommy are amigas already! Thank God she's here with me in the Philippines. I gott

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Your storytelling has truly captivated me, author. Each chapter draws me in with its allure, leaving me eagerly awaiting the next installment. Your skillful craft keeps me engaged, making each reading experience a delightful anticipation. Your work is truly appreciated, author.