
pick me not.
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I just woke up and I feel much better than last night. It's only 6AM and I could feel a bit of the sunlight touching my skin. I stretched my arms and feets like a baby who just got out from her swaddle blanket. 


I took my phone from my side table and I saw a note beside it and it says; 


Drink meds when you wake up. I need to go home. Get well soon. -W 


What? So her, coming in here wasn't a dream? What the hell happened last night? The last thing I remember was Winter, calling me on my phone? I don't remember what happens next. .. did I do something stupid?


I have to prepare for school, I'll think about it later. I'll be late at this point if I don't start preparing. I messaged Aeri to ask her to wait for me in the parking lot so that we could go together. 


My throat still hurts a bit so I'm just drinking warm water and not cold. I feel like I lost my voice so much when I didn't even do anything, I've never even shouted in my whole life. 


When I arrived at the parking lot, I saw Aeri and Ning waiting together outside her car. "Avi, dito!" Ning shouts so I just waved my hand to let her know I saw them. 


"What happened to you?" Aeri sounds worried so I just shook my head. I'm scared to talk 'cause I might choke or something.. 


We're finally here at the classroom and the first thing I looked for was Winter. Well, first, because of what happened on their birthday, second about last night.. and third, she wants to talk to me.. 


I saw her with Kendall, they're talking to each other and they're both smiley with each other and that made me smile. Aeri and I sat on our seats but this time we switched. I'm seating beside Winter instead of Aeri. 


I poked her arms. She didn't look. Kendall and Ning are talking so I thought this is the right time to talk to her. "Hey.." I whispered. My throat still hurts but atleast she finally loooked. "Okay ka na ba?" She asks, also whispering beside me. I nodded and smiled at her but she just looked away after I answered. 


"I thought she wanted to talk.." I mumbled in my seat and I think she heard me mumbling 'cause she looked at me again. "We'll talk after class." She told me with a serious look. 


Woah, that scare

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Chapter 47: ang bait ni win 🥺🥺
joyie4ever #2
angst po ba tu…
201 streak #3
Chapter 62: grabe yung dalawa, naki sleepover 🤭
Chapter 61: Ano na colle…galaw galaw naman jan… nagpaparamdam na c avery sau…
201 streak #5
Chapter 59: Mga ginoo, may nangyayari na! 🤭🤭
Chapter 58: maraming salamat po author sa kwento nyo. Pinapasaya nyo napo di Winter👏🏻🥳
gandlafchua #7
Chapter 58: AYAN NA AYAN NA
Chapter 57: Sana mag move on na c kendall…
Chapter 55: Kawawa naman lagi c Winter… cya lging naiipit..
Chapter 53: Wag ka po sana ma iyak author😩

Your storytelling has truly captivated me, author. Each chapter draws me in with its allure, leaving me eagerly awaiting the next installment. Your skillful craft keeps me engaged, making each reading experience a delightful anticipation. Your work is truly appreciated, author.