A date with 6 guys?

Never alone

Your pov :

"You know us?!" Himchan asked with much hostility, earning a smack from his leader. Scowling he turned and threw a glare at him which in the end became a starring contest.

"Aish, what did I say wrong?!" he growled ruffling his hair in annoyance. The leader shifted his attention back to his fellow member, attempting to bore a hole into his soul.

"For asking a stupid question of course! If she doesn't know us why would she recognize us? ." Younguk muttered the last part while to let out a low chuckle that sounded more like a boy than a girl. You caught Daehyun's gaze on you and turned your body around so that you were completely facing him and giving him your fullest attention while your fanboys were scowling at him for catching your attention so quickly while they had been standing there waiting for your attention since forever.You both didn't say anything but just stare into each other orbs.

Unconsciously, you begun observing his features, mentally taking pictures of them and storing them in your memory lane. You noticed he had big eyes that look almost too innocent to be a gangster. He also had a sharp nose and a plum lips which makes him more innocent yet cute looking. *Wow, didn't know that he was that good of a looking, I have to admit.* you let out a amuse smile continue starring at his face which he too was doing the same.

Daehyun's pov :

She turned around and we met gazes, starring into each others eyes not intending to break off any time soon. Soon my eyes went lingering around her small but pretty face that caught everyone attention including us, B.A.P members. I was quite impress by how she manage to catch our attention so easily unlike the girls in our school except for 2NE1 of course. They were mysterious girls unlike the numerous s in our school that have nothing better to do than to cling onto us like a kola bear. She somehow resembles one of them, ~~~~.

She has big sparkly doe eyes, sharp yet straight nose and pink and slightly plum lips along with her rosy cheeks that makes her look cuter than ever. She has pale skin that somehow matches to ~~~~~, and how her eyes are just likes hers. *Don't tell me..* SHAKES HEAD *Ani, they can't be the same person though I must admit that Yong ~~~~ is quite cute when she is wearing her geek specs but this girl is beyond her standards. That's right, they are both different person only somehow they look alike.* Daehyun managed to convinced himself about you being two different person.

Author's pov :

You two finally broke off the starring contest with you looking away first. Daehyun managed to convince himself that you weren't the person he was thinking off but still had doubts about his conclusion. While you were thinking about how you guys would actually come to hate each other when they were actually quite nice to be with on seeing how they acted when they encounter you. Smirking, you grabbed your blazer and put it on but nit before rolling up the sleeve as it was quite humid.

As you put on your blazer you could feel them gawking at your school uniform.

"Wae?" you turned around and smirked upon seeing their epic faces. Youngjae lifted his index finger and pointed at your school logo while you just stare at them waiting for the question you expected to be asked.

"Y-you..." he started but it came out as a stuttered which makes him look even more flustered but at the same time cute. You mentally smack yourself for thinking that way. *Aish, Yong ~~~~ what the hell are you thinking?! They are suppose to be your enemy but...* your mind trailed off as your heart tells you otherwise.

Sighing you nodded your head in confirmation to their question which cause their jaw to drop wider. You let out a hearty chuckle which made your fanboys go crazy and surprisingly the B.A.P members went momentarily making their mind go blank for a second. Shaking your head, you let out a amuse sigh and started walking out of the arcade making the fanboys sigh and went back to what they were doing. B.A.P were still standing there with their mouth agape but soon realized that you are gone. Quickly dashing out of the arcade they saw you walking down the alley but was confronted by one stranger.


[ Your side ]

*Aish what is it now?* you thought as you saw a man in his mid-thirties came wobbling towards you. You raise an perfectly shape eyebrow and moved a side when he lost his balance and went crashing to the ground. You just stare down at the drunk man and scoffed walking away but got stopped by the same man as he got hold of your ankle and his hand started making way up your leg with disgust you, pissing you off.

Effortlessly, you swung the leg that was in his graspe and it hit his throat cutting out the air of him, making him go to unconscious state. Another smirk came onto your face as you were satisfied but felt pity to this man but shook it off after a moment or two. Just as you were about to walk away to felt a hand reaching out to grab your shoulder. Youi kept your gaze on the floor and as it got close enough to you, you grab hold of it and swung the person over your shoulder, pining him down onto the ground without much energy wasted.

The next thing you saw made your jaw dropped.

"Jung Daehyun?!" your mouth went ajar as you quickly got off him and offered him a hand as you saw him grunting in pain.

"What the hell was that?" he growled as another pain shot up his spin as you had threw him onto the ground swiftly and the impact could break anyones spine. Fortunately for him, you were quite exhausted and didn't use your full strength if not the results would be differ from now.

"I should be asking you guys, what the hell was that? Stalking me home?" you asked in curiosity as you bend down to the know sitting Daehyun. All of them started 'coughing' while Daehyun went red in the face.

"Well?" you look at him still waiting for his answer patiently.

"We...." he trailed off, avoiding your gaze.

"We?" you followed him, still starring at him with your intense gaze until he groaned and ruffle his hair.

"We just wanted to ask if you wanted to have dinner with us?!" he groaned once more before hiding his face behind his hands in embarrassment but  peaking in between his fingers to see your reaction while the others just stood away pretending not to care but the actually do. After thinking that it wouldn't hurt you broke of into a grin which you fouind yourselve doing it more often now.

"Sure, why not?" you turned your head towards him giving him your rarest smile. At that moment, as if time had stopped for Daehyun when he saw your smile.

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megoo1427 #1
waiting for update.....
Chapter 17: \(*O*)/ OH MAH GLOB.
ILBYJH712 #3
Chapter 16: You are here.....please update it more......
ILBYJH712 #4
Chapter 8: I wanna see how junhyung friends go crazy when junhyung cry...hmmm...update it please...i like it..
Chapter 15: YAAAY!! THANK YOU!! :3
OMG.. Update soon!
Chapter 14: mooooooooooooooreeeeee!!!