Meeting in the arcade

Never alone

Your  pov :

You drove as fast as you can but knowing all the escape routes in Seoul after trying to escape from them since the day your parents left you and your brother only with the large amount of debt that they owed to the loan sharks. You glance over your shoulder and saw that they were far away but was slowly catching up. You sigh and changed lanes as the car infront of you was driving at a very slow paced that pisses you off. 

"Till the end you won't give up won't you." you muttered under your breathe and smirked as you sped over the sea of cars that seemed to be driving way to slow for your liking. Seeing from your side mirror, you saw that they were stuck in between vehicles as there was a traffic up ahead and also the vehicles were too fat. Your smirk grew wider at the sight, but that didn't last long as some of the sharks had came prepared and was on their bike, hot on your tail. You mentally curse and increase your sped, expertly cutting through vehicles. 

You quickly park your bike at a near by alley which was safe and went to join the crowd that was walkiing along the road side. You let your hair down so that they wouldn't regonise you easily. As you glance over your shoulder, you saw the two guys that were chasing you going thre other direction. You scoff and walked away pretending to be some normal tennage girl going for some shopping though it was still school hours. You glance around your surrounding before slipping into the near by shoppping mall. 

You took of your school blazer, rolling up your sleeve, untucking them. Satisfied, you went to the arcade but not before taking off those damn glasses of yours. Flinging your wrist, you easily threw in into the bin that was a few feet away from you. As you made your way to the arcade, you were gaining much attention from the crowd. Most of them were boys but there were also girls looking your way to. Some were whistling as you walk past them, some checking out your milky white skin and long legs but most of them were drooling at your beauty and the girls were also stunned by your natural beauty. They were trying to gain your attention but all you did was to brush past them as if they were nothing but thin air.

You sigh as you finaly entered the arcade which was quite a while now. You went to the counter and asked for a change of money for tokens. The person behind was a male around his twenties. He was also attracted to you which makes you irritated by the stares that you were receiving. In the end you got more tokens then you were suppose to. You smirk to yourself but the boy caught it and started to drool too. You saw that and rolled your eyes, walking off to the booth that you wanted and ended up at a basketball ball one. Placing your blazer at the side you slot in two tokens. 

As the ball came to you one by one, you picked it up and threw it into the hop easily. Every single one of the ball that you threw went in, not even a miss. As you were playing, a crowd had form around you and it was a all boys crowd. There were a few girls but they were all fuming as their boyfriends were checking another girl out. 

B.A.P's pov :

"Bwohya? What's so intresting there?" Zelo asked out loud, starring at the crowd that was crowding around one booth. They also noticed a few girls sulking by the side. 

"Seems llike there something happening there." Himchan smirked as he eyed the girls. 

"Let's go and check out." all of us went and see but was being blocked by the crowd. 

"Aish, it's useless." Daehyun mumbled and was about to go when he saw the crowd making way. He raise an eyebrow as well as the rest of the members but one by one their jaws dropped. 

Your pov :

Once you finish your game, you saw your score on the board written 2000. A grin came onto your face but you went back to a poker face. The fanboys that were crowding around you, jaws dropped when they saw your smile. You were being annoyed by the stares and decided to go back to your dorm when you saw B.A.P standing just right infront of you with their mouth hanging open. You smirked and walked up to the leader of B.A.P. 

"Skipping school huh?" you meet gazes with Youngguk. He furrowed his eyebrow woundering how the heck does this chick knows that he skipped school?

"Who are you?" he asked, meeting your gaze. 

"It's for me to know and for you to find out." you smirk at them. 

"Do you know us?" Himchan asked, blinking at you earning a smack from his leader. 

"Why wouldn't I? You guys hate me to your death bed so why wouldn't I know. And besides, we are from the same school too." you chuckle making your fanboys go crazy. Shaking your head you walked out with your fanboys trailing behind you and B.A.P dumbfounded.

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megoo1427 #1
waiting for update.....
Chapter 17: \(*O*)/ OH MAH GLOB.
ILBYJH712 #3
Chapter 16: You are here.....please update it more......
ILBYJH712 #4
Chapter 8: I wanna see how junhyung friends go crazy when junhyung cry...hmmm...update it please...i like it..
Chapter 15: YAAAY!! THANK YOU!! :3
OMG.. Update soon!
Chapter 14: mooooooooooooooreeeeee!!!