Chapter Four

Boyfriend for hire

I really didn't want to do this but circumstances made me.

I took a deep breath and walked with Jung So to my friends.

Jung So's arm was still on my shoulder and I couldn't help but turn red.

"Umm... hey guys!" I said looking very uncomfortable.

"SungYe, you know this guy?" JuNa asked me looking at Jung So attentively.

"Ye-yes.. he's my..." I tried to say it but I couldn't.

"I'm her boyfriend." He answered in my place.

My friends' face were full of shock.

"What? Since when?" Ahra asked me not believing a word Jungso had said.

"Yeah. Earlier this morning you were complaining of not having a boyfriend. Sorry, but I don't believe you." Minye added.

"I know it's hard to believe. I couldn't even believe it myself at first. I've been asking Sungye to go out with me since the day I transferred to this school. She felt awkward about having to date a total stranger but by some sort of miracle I was able to persuade her." Jungso said smiling at them.

This guy has a rare talent for words. My friends believed every little lie that he said. They even jumped up and down and kept saying that they were happy for me.

WTF? Are they this dense?

"OMG! Let's all have lunch together. I'm sure our boyfriends would be more than happy to meet Jungso." Ahra said with an excited look.

"That's a great idea. I'd love to meet them." Jungso said.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to him.

"Just doing my job." Jungso replied.

"So, what are your boyfriends' name?" Jungso asked my friends.

"Well my boyfriend is Siwon Choi, Ahra's with Yesung Kim, Juna is with Han Kyung and Minye is with Kyuhyun Cho." Jinhye told him.

"Oh? They four of them are the school gems, right?" Jungso asked her.

How the heck did he know that?

"Yes. You've heard of them?" Ahra replied.

"Of course. They're pretty popular here."

I looked at Jungso and furrowed my eyebrows.

This guy is totally weird. How did he know things like that?

"Great! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun. Come on... I'm starving!"Ahra said leading the way to the cafeteria.

"Jungso, how come you know about Siwon and the others?" I asked him when my friends were afew meters away from us.

"It's called paying attention. I heard some kids talking about them while I was hiding from 3G a few hours ago." He replied with a shrug.

"3G? Oh... you mean those three guys that were after you earlier?"

"Yes. Anyways, let's go catch up with your friends. Don't worry... I'll behave." Jungso said with a wink.

I don't know why but when Jungso looked at me and smiled my heart started to race.

If only he didn't have to be so handsome.



When we entered the cafeteria it was no surprise that we sat at the private section. The section that was reserved for the elite members of the school.

It was a familiar territory for me. Back in my old school I sat in one of those seats.

That was back then.

I looked at Sungye. She was chatting with her friends. She saved me from 3G and even hired me to be her boyfriend. She was pretty and she seemed smart. So why did she have to hire some guy she just met to be her boyfriend?

Is she that desperate?

Is there something wrong with her?

She seemed nice.

She seemed much nicer than her friends who were obviously raised in a rich environment. They had that snobbish aura.

Is Sungye like them?

I really don't know a single thing about her.

It's not like me to just accept an offer like that.

But when I saw her...

I experienced what they called "Love at first sight."

Besides, she looked familiar.

Her friends' boyfriends started to arrive. When I saw them my eyes went wide.

It was them...

I took a deep breath and readied myself.

They're not going to be happy when they see me.

i'm absolutely sure about that.

Ready yourself Jungso, things are going to be interesting from now on.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 64: Awwww....loooooooooooooved it! Anyways done reading this one ^^
Chapter 67: I just finished reading this. Haha. I loved it~~~
jchloegian #3
I love it man!!!!!! can you write another fanfic with shinee's taemin in it? sorry if i sound demanding. its just your so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annyeong.. here I am again.. haha last fic to be read.. wahaha.. finally i read all your fics :) wooohh...^^,
WTFFFFF TWIN??????? HUHH????????<br />
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Annyeong. New reader. I like the story line! Mian, but leeteuk's name is not jungso. Its jungsu. And yoona not youna, nontheless, i like the story line ^^
HyunNi_Shin #7
OMG!!! it ended already??? i just read from chapter 57 today~~ sorry for being late eonni... so busy from last few weeks... <br />
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Firstly, i wanna say that this story is "AWESOME"!!!! i'm so loving it!!!! u're genius eonni!!! your story is very moving and play with readers feelings a lot!! i really feel like everything that u wrote playing like a drama like some kind of image in my mind. this is so DaeBak!! how can u think to make a very.... very.... very.... uhmm... i can't even describe it in words... but seriously u're the most genius fanfic author ever!!! u should published u'r story into book u know!! so that some director will make it into drama or movie ;)<br />
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I feel bad for Haeyin TT~~ i kinda like her... and knowing that she is actually Siwon's & Leeteuk's only sister~~ hmmm~~ i don't want her to die... no now... siwon & leeteuk just knew about her truth... they haven't even spent their time as siblings together!! but still... if that(to die) makes her happy than anything else... I can't say much about it...<br />
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Wait2!! Minye is Sungye's twins right?? she fall in love with someone in the class?? dugu 2x?? is he someone that well known?? I want to know more about Minye!!<br />
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and HeeYoon couple~~~ lalalalala~~ they're not alone... does that means they're together?? as in... in love?? did they notice that already?? omo!! i can't wait to read the sequel!! all my tense from coursework disappear after reading your fics!!! love it so much!!!<br />
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lastly... CONGRATULATION!!!! another story of yours end~~ chuka-hae eonni ^o^
AllMyHeart #8
Omg! It ended (( <br />
But it was a good fanfic. <br />
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I feel so sorry for Haeyin (((<br />
But I like the ending <3<br />
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Charanda!! <br />
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