Chapter Eighteen

Boyfriend for hire


Damn it! I dropped it!

I ran like lightning down the stairs and went out the building. I went to where I think I dropped it.

I can't loose it!

I just can't!

I began to look at the ground, then under the benches. I was literally crawling on all fours.

I have to find it!

"Jungso! Wait!" I heard Sungye call after me.

I ignored her. I kept looking for it.

"What are you doing?" She asked me when she finally caught up with me.

"I dropped something very important." I said to her a little annoyed.

"Why did you drop it if it was so important?" She asked me.

Jungso... just take small breaths... 1... 2... 3...

I was about to shout at her but I didn't.

"If someone hadn't startled me then I wouldn't have dropped it." I snapped at her.

To my surprise she fell on all fours and started to look around too.

"What exactly are we looking for?" She asked me.

"I'm looking for my necklace. You on the otherhand is going straight to class." I told her emphasizing on the I and You.

She ignored my and kept looking around. I couldn't help but stare at her.

She was beautiful as always.

Her hair was longer now but...


It was her.

Just then I saw it. It was near a rock. I went to it and picked it up before Sungye could see it.

"I've found it. Come on. We're late for class." I told her getting up.

I helped her up. When our hands touched my heart beated fast again. I quickly let go of her hand and started to walk away.

"Wait! Don't I get to see it? I helped you look for it." She said catching up to me.

"No." I said placing the necklace around my neck and hid it underneath my shirt.

"I want to see it... Please?" She asked me.

I ignored her. She quickly hugged me.

I was shocked. I didn't move. Then she released me. The necklace was in her hands now.

Oh no!

"Give that back." I told her grabbing the necklace from her.

"Just let me see what it looks like." She said attempting to look at necklace.

I snatched the necklace from her and held it tight.

"Don't ever touch this necklace ever again." I told her angrily.

I placed the necklace on my neck again and walked away from her.

That was close.

She can't ever see the necklace.

If she did...

Things would get complicated.

I can't afford that to happen.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 64: Awwww....loooooooooooooved it! Anyways done reading this one ^^
Chapter 67: I just finished reading this. Haha. I loved it~~~
jchloegian #3
I love it man!!!!!! can you write another fanfic with shinee's taemin in it? sorry if i sound demanding. its just your so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annyeong.. here I am again.. haha last fic to be read.. wahaha.. finally i read all your fics :) wooohh...^^,
WTFFFFF TWIN??????? HUHH????????<br />
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Annyeong. New reader. I like the story line! Mian, but leeteuk's name is not jungso. Its jungsu. And yoona not youna, nontheless, i like the story line ^^
HyunNi_Shin #7
OMG!!! it ended already??? i just read from chapter 57 today~~ sorry for being late eonni... so busy from last few weeks... <br />
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Firstly, i wanna say that this story is "AWESOME"!!!! i'm so loving it!!!! u're genius eonni!!! your story is very moving and play with readers feelings a lot!! i really feel like everything that u wrote playing like a drama like some kind of image in my mind. this is so DaeBak!! how can u think to make a very.... very.... very.... uhmm... i can't even describe it in words... but seriously u're the most genius fanfic author ever!!! u should published u'r story into book u know!! so that some director will make it into drama or movie ;)<br />
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I feel bad for Haeyin TT~~ i kinda like her... and knowing that she is actually Siwon's & Leeteuk's only sister~~ hmmm~~ i don't want her to die... no now... siwon & leeteuk just knew about her truth... they haven't even spent their time as siblings together!! but still... if that(to die) makes her happy than anything else... I can't say much about it...<br />
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Wait2!! Minye is Sungye's twins right?? she fall in love with someone in the class?? dugu 2x?? is he someone that well known?? I want to know more about Minye!!<br />
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and HeeYoon couple~~~ lalalalala~~ they're not alone... does that means they're together?? as in... in love?? did they notice that already?? omo!! i can't wait to read the sequel!! all my tense from coursework disappear after reading your fics!!! love it so much!!!<br />
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lastly... CONGRATULATION!!!! another story of yours end~~ chuka-hae eonni ^o^
AllMyHeart #8
Omg! It ended (( <br />
But it was a good fanfic. <br />
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I feel so sorry for Haeyin (((<br />
But I like the ending <3<br />
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Charanda!! <br />
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