Chapter Thirty-One

Boyfriend for hire


I looked everywhere but I couldn't find Leeteuk. How am I suppose to talk to him if he's missing.

Come to think of it, Han Kyung and Kyuhyun are missing too. Juna and Minye were getting worried. It was late and they were gone. They didn't answerb their phones too.

What could have happened to those two?

I went around the hotel in hopes of finding Leeteuk but what I saw was Sungye. She was sitting near the poolside and was burrying her face in her hands. Full of concern I went to her.

"Sungye... what's wrong?" I asked her as I sat next to her.

"Siwon... I'm so confused. I don't know what to do...Jungso, he said something to me earlier... something that happened a few years ago... He told me about Minye... Siwon he knows Minye... He said that he's the one responsible for everything... Siwon he thinks Minye's..." Sungye started to say in between sobs.

"He told you about Minye?" I asked her in surprise.

"You know he knows Minye?" She asked me back.

I fell silent after that. Leeteuk told Sungye about Minye.

Why would he do that?

This is going to be difficult. Now Sungye knows. This is a sign. I should tell her everything. If my hunch is right and Leeteuk did tell her what he knows then I should clear things up.

This thing is blowing out of proportion and if I don't tell her now then things will just get worse.

"Yes. I do. What did he tell you? Please tell me." I told her.

"He said that he was the one responsible... he said that she died... he said that she, him and I were in an accident and that I was in a coma... I don't know! I just don't know!" Sungye shouted as she buried her face on my shoulder.

I took deep breath and looked at her. I waited for her to finish telling me everything.

This is it. I should tell her now.

"Sungye, Jungso has a very important role in our lives. Yes there was an accident. But after the accident, he three of you were unconscious and went into a coma. The three of you were fighting for your lives. A year after, Minye woke up. She didn't remember anything and refused to know anything at all. Your parents thought that it was best that she remained that way. They took her to New York and there she lived there up to now without any knowledge of what happened." I started to say.

"Leeteuk woke up two years after Minye did. His brain was damaged especially his memory. At first he was thinking straight. Then he started to think differently. He thought that it was you that he was going to marry and it was you that he fell in love with. He thought that you, Sungye was the one that died and it was Minye that was in a coma. Then there were days when he thought it was the other way around. The doctors said that the part of his brain that was supposed to process what's his real memories and what his pretend memory was blocked by a massive blood clot and it would take years before it would subside. We couldn't operate on his brain because there was already too much damage that was done." I continued on.

"We let things be the way they were... that is until you woke up. When you woke up and had no memory of what happened, we got scared. We thought that you would have the same reaction as that of Leeteuk. But you remembered nothing. As in nothing at all. Your parents had an idea. We were to create a whole new memory for you we started with your brothers, Kangin and Shindong. Sungye, you have no brothers. Kangin and Shindong are your nurses. They have been working for you for 3 years. . We then went on with your school and your friends. We introduce you to a few people. Your friends now are really your real friends. They thought you've just forgotten them. Even Jinhye was fooled. Now you know why they never went to your house or even visited you there." I said to her.

"So Kangin-oppa and Shindon-oppa are not my real brothers?" She asked me her voice trembling.

I nodded yes.

"Then we went on to your parents. The parents you know now are not your parents. They are just people hired to be your pretend parents while your real ones are in New York with Minye." I continued making sure that she was taking in what I just said.

"They asked me to stay beside you and make sure that nothing goes wrong. They asked me to keep Leeteuk away from you. You are living a new life now and Leeteuk would just mix everything up and end up in a big mess. Just like what's happening now. We didn't expect Leeteuk's mother to come back from abroad. She hasn't seen Leeteuk since he was three and she had no idea about Leeteuk's condition, or about you and Minye. She's a stubborn woman. She took Leeteuk and went to live with her college friend, who just happened to be your pretend parents. Everything was a mess after that. Thought we tried to silently fix everything... still we ended up like this." I continued on.

I looked at her confused face and I knew what was coming. She was going to be mad and throw a fit.

But she didn't.

"So what you're saying is that I'm not Sungye? If not then who am I?" She asked sadly.

"Your name is Sungye Jung. You have a twin sister named Minye. You've seen her before right? When you visited them last year. They told you that she knows nothing of what happened and you agreed thatit would be best that she didn't know for now. Your parents are my parents' best friends and eversince we were small the three of us were always together. They arranged me and Minye to get married, but I said no when I met Jinhye and I fell in love with her. It was also at that time when you met Leeteuk. You two fell in love. Leeteuk, had his career, he was the leader of Super Junior... the band that I had entered into. You met him at one of our concerts. You two became inseparable since then. But your parents knew... and they disapproved of Leeteuk. Not because they thought he wasn't right for you but because you were already arranged to be married to someone else. You then decided to elope..." I said to her.

"That explains the handkerchief that I have in my drawer at home and the musicbox... Siwon... how could you have hide this from me? So everything I knew... everything that I am... is a lie?!" She said getting up from where she sat and slapped my face.

"You and everybody else is so selfish! You've been hiding the truth all this time! You deceived me! Now what are you going to do? Now that I know everything... assuming that what you are telling me is the actual truth... what are you going to do? You can't expect to erase everything all over again!" Sungye said with all the anger that she had been keeping for the past 5 years.

I said nothing. I didn't know the answer to that. When she didn't hear anything from me she slapped me again and ran off. I didn't follow her. She needed time to take everything in.

Take as long as you want Sungye.

You deserve the truth and now it's time for you to accept it.



Hi! I hope that I wrote this chapter well. I planned a big reveal but then I ended up with this. I hope that the situation is clear now and that people can now understand what is happening. i'm really sorry. I'm still in the process of writing stories as they come... I'm still an amateur so... anyway i've said too much... I hope you guys continue reading and see what happens next now that Sungye knows everything.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 64: Awwww....loooooooooooooved it! Anyways done reading this one ^^
Chapter 67: I just finished reading this. Haha. I loved it~~~
jchloegian #3
I love it man!!!!!! can you write another fanfic with shinee's taemin in it? sorry if i sound demanding. its just your so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annyeong.. here I am again.. haha last fic to be read.. wahaha.. finally i read all your fics :) wooohh...^^,
WTFFFFF TWIN??????? HUHH????????<br />
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Annyeong. New reader. I like the story line! Mian, but leeteuk's name is not jungso. Its jungsu. And yoona not youna, nontheless, i like the story line ^^
HyunNi_Shin #7
OMG!!! it ended already??? i just read from chapter 57 today~~ sorry for being late eonni... so busy from last few weeks... <br />
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Firstly, i wanna say that this story is "AWESOME"!!!! i'm so loving it!!!! u're genius eonni!!! your story is very moving and play with readers feelings a lot!! i really feel like everything that u wrote playing like a drama like some kind of image in my mind. this is so DaeBak!! how can u think to make a very.... very.... very.... uhmm... i can't even describe it in words... but seriously u're the most genius fanfic author ever!!! u should published u'r story into book u know!! so that some director will make it into drama or movie ;)<br />
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I feel bad for Haeyin TT~~ i kinda like her... and knowing that she is actually Siwon's & Leeteuk's only sister~~ hmmm~~ i don't want her to die... no now... siwon & leeteuk just knew about her truth... they haven't even spent their time as siblings together!! but still... if that(to die) makes her happy than anything else... I can't say much about it...<br />
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Wait2!! Minye is Sungye's twins right?? she fall in love with someone in the class?? dugu 2x?? is he someone that well known?? I want to know more about Minye!!<br />
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and HeeYoon couple~~~ lalalalala~~ they're not alone... does that means they're together?? as in... in love?? did they notice that already?? omo!! i can't wait to read the sequel!! all my tense from coursework disappear after reading your fics!!! love it so much!!!<br />
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lastly... CONGRATULATION!!!! another story of yours end~~ chuka-hae eonni ^o^
AllMyHeart #8
Omg! It ended (( <br />
But it was a good fanfic. <br />
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I feel so sorry for Haeyin (((<br />
But I like the ending <3<br />
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Charanda!! <br />
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