Dreading A Departure

Wishing Upon A Star...
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The end of the two months was approaching closer and closer. Yet, you didn’t want to leave. Everyday, you tried to enjoy the quickly decreasing time you had with Infinite. It seems like you were running out of time way too fast. 


Today was the day before departing. You packed up most of your clothes into your luggage and sighed. ‘Why did time fly by so fast? I wish it could stop so I could stay here forever.’ You slumped down the stairs, shoulders feeling heavier in than usual. You collapsed on the couch and buried your face in your pillow. ‘I’ll miss all this. Most of all, I’ll miss them. How can I just walk out of this place like nothing between us ever happened, when everything that could possibly ever happen did? I must be insane.’


You felt a light touch on your leg. You looked up to see Howon caressing your bare legs lightly. You shifted and buried your head in his lap. “Oppa, I can’t believe I’m leaving tomorrow. I don’t want to go!” you sighed.


He lifted your head up so he could face you. “I don’t want you to go, either. None of us do. B

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loved the story!!!!! Omg I wanna read more but it's over :(
omo I just read this story and it was soooo cute and awesome I really loved it =)
OH MY GAAAAAAHD. just finished reading the story, IT WAS SOOOOOO CUTE!
pink_fairy_floss27 #4
I'm on Chapter 19 now, and i really like, no I mean, i really love your story~!!! Kyaaaahhhh!!! it was daebak!!! xD

I'm hoping for more Myungsoo moments but I don't find if it's Woohyun and Sungyeol also since those 3 are my biases...but if Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungjong and Sunggyu, it's okay to me too since Infinite is jjang~!!! haha
me gusta :D
I had fun reading it :)
4ever-n-alwaies #6
New reader... I loved it! So happy that she came back. :]
awww...she came back! <3
Ahhhh!!!! SO cute!
lostbambi #9
wooot! happy ending:D keke, can't wait for the sequel to come out! i'm so exited! waaah~! :))))
well, good night for now! and thank you author-nim, for the great story:)