
Wishing Upon A Star...
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When you and Myungsoo finally arrived back at the dorm, it was around 8 o’clock. You watched as Myungsoo took the keys out of his pocket and pressed his finger to his lips. “Shhh,” he whispered. You giggled in response. He opened the door quietly and murmured in the dark room, “Anneyong?”


Suddenly, the lights flickered on and you jumped in surprise. You squinted as you saw Woohyun charging straight at you followed by the others. “YAHHH!” he screamed. You squealed as he swooped you up to his chest bridal style. You entangled your arms around his neck as Sunggyu raised his eyebrows. “Where have you two been?”


You partially hid your face in embarrassment, thinking about your kiss with Myungsoo.


Myungsoo shrugged. “I took ~~~~~~~ with me to Janggok.”


Sunggyu’s mouth popped open just a bit. “Janggok?! Why did you do that? While you two were having fun, we were worried sick about you.”


You clung onto Woohyun tighter. “Mianhae, oppa.”


Myungsoo cleared

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loved the story!!!!! Omg I wanna read more but it's over :(
omo I just read this story and it was soooo cute and awesome I really loved it =)
OH MY GAAAAAAHD. just finished reading the story, IT WAS SOOOOOO CUTE!
pink_fairy_floss27 #4
I'm on Chapter 19 now, and i really like, no I mean, i really love your story~!!! Kyaaaahhhh!!! it was daebak!!! xD

I'm hoping for more Myungsoo moments but I don't find if it's Woohyun and Sungyeol also since those 3 are my biases...but if Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungjong and Sunggyu, it's okay to me too since Infinite is jjang~!!! haha
me gusta :D
I had fun reading it :)
4ever-n-alwaies #6
New reader... I loved it! So happy that she came back. :]
awww...she came back! <3
Ahhhh!!!! SO cute!
lostbambi #9
wooot! happy ending:D keke, can't wait for the sequel to come out! i'm so exited! waaah~! :))))
well, good night for now! and thank you author-nim, for the great story:)