What Do You Want?

Wishing Upon A Star...
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You went up to go roam around the house. Suddenly, you heard a loud snore. You peeked in Woohyun’s room. He was on his stomach with his face tilted on his pillow. A bellowing snore was coming out of his half-open mouth. You tiptoed inside and crawled into his room, only moving the covers slightly so he wouldn’t wake up. You laid your head on the other pillow and stared at his beautiful face. ‘How lucky am I for him to love me?’ You smiled and lightly traced your finger on his nose down to his lips. You moved up to his jawbone down to his neck.


He stirred in his sleep and your hand jerked back. His eyes fluttered open as his lips slowly curled into a sweet smile. “~~~~~~~,” he mumbled. 


“Woohyunnie oppa~~,” you cooed. You shifted on the bed and snuggled your face in his chest. You felt his hard abs against his thin shirt and moved your hand along them slowly.


He wrapped his arm around your waist and chuckled with a teasing glint in his eyes, “Come on, the only part you want from me is my abs?”


You looked up at him and rolled your eyes. “Please. When I was back in America, any fan wanted your abs. And of course, being yourself, you would occasionally lift your shirt up and give them what they want.”


Woohyun grinned wider. “So you admit that you’ve searched me up before just to see my abs.”


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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loved the story!!!!! Omg I wanna read more but it's over :(
omo I just read this story and it was soooo cute and awesome I really loved it =)
OH MY GAAAAAAHD. just finished reading the story, IT WAS SOOOOOO CUTE!
pink_fairy_floss27 #4
I'm on Chapter 19 now, and i really like, no I mean, i really love your story~!!! Kyaaaahhhh!!! it was daebak!!! xD

I'm hoping for more Myungsoo moments but I don't find if it's Woohyun and Sungyeol also since those 3 are my biases...but if Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungjong and Sunggyu, it's okay to me too since Infinite is jjang~!!! haha
me gusta :D
I had fun reading it :)
4ever-n-alwaies #6
New reader... I loved it! So happy that she came back. :]
awww...she came back! <3
Ahhhh!!!! SO cute!
lostbambi #9
wooot! happy ending:D keke, can't wait for the sequel to come out! i'm so exited! waaah~! :))))
well, good night for now! and thank you author-nim, for the great story:)