What Happens Now?

Wishing Upon A Star...
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After a few more hours of running through the streets, singing randomly (mainly Myungsoo), and buying random items, you and Myungsoo were exhausted. You walked up to the bus stop, preparing for the hour-long ride back to Seoul. Myungsoo dug out money from his pocket to pay for the bus fare. Your arms were a little sore from carrying all the shopping bags, but it was worth it. 


The bus finally arrived after five minutes of waiting. Myungsoo boarded first, paying for the fare while you went towards the back of the bus. You saved a seat for him as he strutted to his designated seat. You giggled at his ridiculous behavior. It felt good to see his true personality. 


He buried his face in your neck and you rested your head on his. Never had you thought that you would actually be in a relationship with one of the Infinite members when you arrived in Korea, even though you fantasized about it back home. A thought was still itching at the back of your mind. How will the public and the rest of Infinite react at you and Myungsoo’s relationship? You were silent for a long time. 


Finally, you spoke. “Myungsoo oppa?” 


He lifted his face from your shoulder and looked up at you. 


You didn’t make eye contact with him. Instead, you just stared straight ahead. “What happens now?” you inquired. “Soon, everyone will now about...us. Then what’ll we do?”


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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loved the story!!!!! Omg I wanna read more but it's over :(
omo I just read this story and it was soooo cute and awesome I really loved it =)
OH MY GAAAAAAHD. just finished reading the story, IT WAS SOOOOOO CUTE!
pink_fairy_floss27 #4
I'm on Chapter 19 now, and i really like, no I mean, i really love your story~!!! Kyaaaahhhh!!! it was daebak!!! xD

I'm hoping for more Myungsoo moments but I don't find if it's Woohyun and Sungyeol also since those 3 are my biases...but if Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungjong and Sunggyu, it's okay to me too since Infinite is jjang~!!! haha
me gusta :D
I had fun reading it :)
4ever-n-alwaies #6
New reader... I loved it! So happy that she came back. :]
awww...she came back! <3
Ahhhh!!!! SO cute!
lostbambi #9
wooot! happy ending:D keke, can't wait for the sequel to come out! i'm so exited! waaah~! :))))
well, good night for now! and thank you author-nim, for the great story:)