18] Hun is crying, Jun wipe his tears❤️

Always Beside You
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"JUN, JUNMYEON, open your eyes, look at me baby" I said to Jun, who was unconscious in my arms, I patted his cheek for response but got nothing.


I am scared of what is happening to my Jun.


I hugged him.


"Sehun, let's take him to the hospital, quick" I heard chanyeol Hyung say and i lift Jun from the ground in bridal style.


And enter the car 


"I will also come with you," Soo hyung said and hopped in the car, I only hugged Jun in my arms.


Car started 


And tears from my eyes slip one after another


I am scared of what happened to my Jun.Why did my Jun collapse?Why didn't he open his eyes?.



"Jun, please open your eyes, see your hun is crying, please wipe his tears" i said in my broken voice, 


"Sehun nothing will happen to junmyeon hyung, he will be fine after we take him to the hospital" i heard soo hyung said to me, 


I only nodded at him, because i can't believe if my voice will come out or not,


"Jun, please stay strong for me, okay baby, I will not let anything happen to you" I said in a hush voice, only Jun could hear my voice.


Car stopped in front of the hospital. I couldn't concentrate on what was happening around, all my focus was on my Jun.


Chanyeol hyung hopped out of the

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Please motivate me for writing this story 🙁


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Chapter 45: Aww Paa Doh 😭
Chapter 45: ❤❤🍒🐧
Chapter 44: 😍😍😍
Chapter 5: Chanyeol was so sweet by waving to Kyungsoo, he recognised him and it means that he likes him. I am worried that Chanyeol’s fans will make Kyungsoo have a hard time.
Chapter 4: Chanyeol has fallen for Kyungsoo. It is really sweet, what he is expecting is real love but things seem too good to be true. There will most likely obstacles for their love but I am so excited to read their love story.
The first meeting was very cute. Chanyeol took responsibility of his actions and helped Kyungsoo to treat his wound. Kyungsoo did very well that he treays Chanyeol as a normal person.

I hope you get the motivation to write this story because it is very good, even if I am on just chapter 1 , I like it, good job author!
Pshintani #7
Chapter 41: Rahee is the epitome of all fans lol thank you for the update
Chapter 41: Rahee is going to get a heart attack with all this. 🤣
Chapter 41: Rahee is going to get a heart attack with all this. 🤣
Chapter 40: Lol oh no somebody help Reahee! But same girl. Same.