Best Friends Love


---NEXT DAY---


Everyone in school is talking about their prom yesterday. Jin Young went to the school by herself; she didn’t notice Seungri is in her front.


Seungri notice Jin Young being weird, he went closer to her and stopped in front of her.


“Jin Young!” Seungri said cheerfully. Jin Young looked up and smiled at Seungri.


Seungri saw TOP and Ha Chan getting closer to them. He grabs Jin Young’s hand and entwines his hand to hers. Jin Young is shock by Seungri’s sudden action.


“Let’s go now.” Seungri said and smiled. Ha Chan and TOP saw the two and smiled.


Seungri and Jin Young went to their room, when they went inside Jin Young let go Seungri’s hand and went to her chair. Seungri sigh and went to his chair.


*Maybe I should give up… But no, I’m still have a chance.* Seungri thought.


*Seungri, why? Why do you always doing this? Whenever I’m with you, my heart beats faster. Aish! No, I shouldn’t feel that way! Calm Jin Young, calm.* Jin Young thought.


Ha Chan and TOP walk pass Jin Young and Seungri’s classroom. Jin Young saw them and looked at the other direction.


*Jin Young, don’t be jealous of them. You don’t have the rights!* Jin Young thought.


Their class started and the lesson went well. Seungri and Jin Young had the result of their quiz. Jin Young looked at Seungri, worriedly.


“Seung Hyun, why did you get a low score? You’re always smart in Chemistry.” Jin Young asked. Seungri shrugged his shoulder.


*That’s the result of always thinking about you, Jin Young.* Seungri thought.


“Jin Young, can you do me a favor?” Mrs. Park asked. Jin Young nodded.


“I guess Seung Hyun didn’t get our lesson, so I want you to teach him our lesson, later after school.” Mrs. Park said. Jin Young looked at Seungri then looked back to their teacher.


“Okay Ma’am” Jin Young answered and nodded. Seungri looks happy and grin.


“Yes!” Seungri muttered and smiled.




Seungri is like a little kid, jumping up. Jin Young walked behind him and stared at him. Seungri stops jumping up and smiled at Jin Young.


“Seung Hyun, let’s go now; let’s faster so that we’ll be done early.” Jin Young said and smiled at Seungri. She grabs Seungri’s hand and dragged him. Seungri looked at Jin Young and to their hands, and then he smiled.


*Looks like she’s falling in love with me! Bwahaha.* Seungri thought.



TOP waited Ha Chan outside of her room. Ha Chan hugged him when she saw her boyfriend, TOP hugged back and they smiled in their arms. After a minute, they let go and smiled.


“How’s your day, jagi?” TOP asked. Ha Chan smiled.


“It’s okay. How about you?” Ha Chan answered. TOP shrugged his shoulder.


“Don’t know. You, not in my side are like hell.” TOP answered. Ha Chan giggled.


“Yeah right! Let’s go now!” Ha Chan said and smiled at her boyfriend. Ha Chan noticed that Seungri and Jin Young are not in their classroom.


“Did you saw Jin Young and Seungri, Tabi?” Ha Chan asked. TOP shrugged his shoulders.


Tabi is TOP’s other nickname, Ha Chan is the only one who is calling TOP like that except to TOP’s parents.


“Maybe, they’re having their own world. Keke~” TOP answered. Ha Chan smiled and agreed.


They went out and made their way to the park. Ha Chan sat on the swings while TOP is pushing her, TOP chuckles at his girlfriend for being childish.




Seungri is sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for Jin Young. Jin Young’s parents are in their room preparing to go out. Jin Young is in her room changing her clothes. After 5 minutes, she went out and went back to the living room with her books.


“Okay, let’s start now!” Jin Young said. She sat beside Seungri and opens her book.


“Open your book on page 146. Then read it, after reading it I’ll give you an activity to do.” Jin Young said and do some activity for Seungri. Seungri nodded his head and read.


“Jin Young, we’re just going somewhere. Take care of yourselves.” Jin Young’s parents said. Jin Young nodded, still her attention in the paper. Her parents went out.


“Wait, I’ll be right back.” Jin Young said. Seungri nodded.


Jin Young went to the kitchen and prepared a snack for her and Seungri. Jin Young looked at Seungri and smiled. Jin Young went back to living room and places the tray in the table.


“Are you finished reading it, Seung Hyun?” Jin Young asked. Seungri nodded.


“Let’s eat first then you can answer all the questions that I did.” Jin Young said and smiled.


They started eating and happily talking and laughing. After eating, Seungri started answering the questions, while Jin Young is watching him.


*I admit Seung Hyun is handsome, cute, adorable and lovable. I think he’s cuter that TOP?* Jin Young thought.




TOP drove Ha Chan in her house. Ha Chan was about to let him in when TOP notice Seungri’s car outside of Jin Young’s house.


“Seriously, are they together now? They’re always together since the prom.” Ha Chan exclaims. TOP shrugged his shoulders.


“Aish, they’re keeping a secret from us.” TOP said and sigh. Ha Chan let him in and sat on the couch.



Annyeong! Updated! Hope you all like it!


Yey! I'm going to graduate in elementary this Friday! I'm happy yet sad because my friends and i are going to study in different schools. =((

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Updated! Chapter 14 is up! Hope you all like it! Next Chapter is the final. =D


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Congratulations!! :)
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
Chapter 9: *speechless* XD hahahha Seung Ri fighting!!!
addin001 #6
Chapter 15: Awsome.. Some intric.. I realy enjoy this..
Awwwwwe it's all over that was such a cute ending :) their kids haha that is so what it will be like when seung ri have kids cuties :) it was the perfect ending love it :) write more stories :)
complete na yehey!!! kekeke....
Yaaaaay! Jinyoung and SeungRi are finally together! Awesome!
awwwwwwww :D:D yay they're together i'm so glad! yayyyy such a cute chapter :D update soon ^_^ hehe happy ending yay