Best Friends Love


Seungri drove Jin Young to her house. Jin Young’s parents noticed a car outside of their house. They went out of their house and check it. Jin Young went out of Seungri’s car and Seungri was about to drive, Jin Young’s parents called him.


“Seungri!” Jin Young’s parents called. Seungri turned his attention to them and smiled.


“Thank you for accompanying our daughter.” Jin Young’s dad said. Seungri smiled.


“No problem Sir. I’ll be going now.” Seungri replied and smiled. Jin Young’s parents nodded and he went off.


Jin Young and her parents went inside of their house, while walking towards the living room, her parent are smiling at Jin Young.


Jin Young notice her parents smiling at her; she just rolled her eyes and went to her room. She changes her clothes and went back to the living room.


“Mom, Dad. We will be having our prom this Friday. And Seungri is my partner.” Jin Young said. Her parents grin.


“Really? Then you should be the prettiest in your prom! Your dress should be look y and hot in you!” Her mom said.


“Eh?” Jin Young exclaims.


*What did Seungri do to my parents? Why are they like Seungri?* Jin Young thought.




Ha Chan told to her mom that they’ll be having their prom this Friday. Her mom looks more excited than her daughter. Her mom even more excited when she knew that her daughter’s partner is TOP.


“Aigoo~ Ha Chan, we should go to salon, dress shop etc. You have to look beautiful in front of him!” Her mom said happily.




The next day have past; after class, Jin Young and her parents went to the mall. They’ll buy a perfect dress for their daughter. Ha Chan and her parents went to mall that day too. They stroll in the mall and after strolling they bought the dress.


Seungri and TOP are preparing for the prom too. TOP is planning that he’ll confess his Love to Ha Chan in their prom night.


The two boys and their parents went to the mall and bought a suit.




Friday came, TOP is very nervous while Seungri is very excited. Jin Young is nervous yet excited, Ha Chan is REALLY excited. 6 PM is the start of their prom. Because of excitement, Ha Chan is already dress up, still 4:30.


Ha Chan’s dress:


Ha Chan’s hairstyle:


“Ha Chan! My daughter! You’re so beautiful!” Ha Chan’s mom said and smiled. Ha Chan smiled back.


Ha Chan looked at the mirror and smiled at herself.


*Is this really me?* Ha Chan thought.




While in Jin Young’s house, her mom is very excited for her. She just sits down on the edge of her bed and calm.


“Omo! Jin Young today is your prom already!” Her mom exclaims. She smiled at her mom.


“Jin Young, change your clothes now. Seungri will be coming soon.” Her dad said and she nodded.


Her parents went out of her room and change her clothes. Her hair and make-up is already done.


Jin Young’s dress:


Jin Young’s hairstyle:


After changing, her mom knocks on her door. She let her mom in.


“My daughter is so beautiful! I bet Seungri will love you… More.” Her mom said and whispered the last sentence.


Jin Young walked toward her mirror and smiled.


*I can’t believe, this is really me.* Jin Young thought.




TOP went to Ha Chan’s house to fetch her. Ha Chan smiled when she saw TOP. TOP take Ha Chan’s hand and smiled at her.


“You look beautiful tonight.” TOP said sincerely and smiled. Ha Chan’s mom is watching them a far, being happy for her daughter.


“Thanks. You look handsome.” Ha Chan replied and smiled. Ha Chan and TOP greeted Ha Chan’s parents and they went off.


Jin Young is patiently waiting for Seungri, actually Seungri is late for five minutes already. After waiting there’s a knock on their door and Jin Young’s parents opened it.


“Annyeong Haseyo Ma’am and Sir! I’m sorry for being late.” Seungri greeted Jin Young’s parents. Jin Young’s parents smiled and let him in.


Jin Young’s mom called Jin Young and she went out of her room. When Seungri saw Jin Young, he keeps on staring at her. He can’t take his eyes on her.


*Wow! She’s… She’s… She’s stunning!* Seungri thought.


Jin Young is already in Seungri’s front but he keeps on staring at her.


“Seung Hyun!” Jin Young called for the nth times. Jin Young called him again and finally he came back to reality.


“You’re so pretty tonight and breathtaking.” Seungri said sincerely and smiled. He held Jin Young’s hand and kissed it gently. Jin Young secretly blush and smiled at Seungri.


“*cough* We still here. *cough*” Jin Young’s dad said. Seungri smiled at Jin Young’s dad and mom.


“Were going now, Sir. I’ll take care of your daughter.” Seungri said to her parents. Jin Young’s parents nodded.


“We trust you, Seungri.” Jin Young’s dad replied. Then Jin Young and Seungri went off.

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Updated! Chapter 14 is up! Hope you all like it! Next Chapter is the final. =D


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Congratulations!! :)
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
Chapter 9: *speechless* XD hahahha Seung Ri fighting!!!
addin001 #6
Chapter 15: Awsome.. Some intric.. I realy enjoy this..
Awwwwwe it's all over that was such a cute ending :) their kids haha that is so what it will be like when seung ri have kids cuties :) it was the perfect ending love it :) write more stories :)
complete na yehey!!! kekeke....
Yaaaaay! Jinyoung and SeungRi are finally together! Awesome!
awwwwwwww :D:D yay they're together i'm so glad! yayyyy such a cute chapter :D update soon ^_^ hehe happy ending yay