Best Friends Love


Seungri is pacing back and forth in his room, hesitating to go to Jin Young’s house.


*Should I go? I’ll just ask for our homework.* Seungri thought.


After hesitating, he asks his mom if he can go to his classmate’s house.


“Okay, take care.” Seungri’s mom said and smiled.


Seungri made his way to Jin Young’s house. He knocks on the door then Jin Young’s mom opened it.


“Annyeong Haseyo. I’m here for Jin Young. I’ll just ask for our homework.” Seungri greeted Jin Young’s mom and bowed.


“Come in. Jin Young is in her room, I’ll just call her.” Jin Young’s mom said to Seungri. She let Seungri in and Seungri sat on the couch.


“Jin Young, your classmate is here, asking for your homework.” Jin Young’s mom peeks in Jin Young’s room.


“Okay. I’ll be downstairs.” Jin Young answered. She went downstairs and found Seungri sitting on their couch.


“Seung Hyun.” Jin Young called Seungri. He turned around and Jin Young smiled.




Omo! Jin Young’s smile! So cute!


“Uhm. Can I copy our lesson and our homework in History?” I asked and she laughs.


“Why are you laughing?” I asked her. She stops laughing and became quiet.


“You didn’t do it earlier, don’t you? I saw you in your own world and not taking the notes.” Jin Young said and smiled. I nodded.


*I didn’t do it so that I’ll be able to go here. Keke.* I thought.


---END OF POV---


Jin Young went to her room and gets her notebook. She came back to living room and gave it Seungri.


“Thanks Jin Young! You’re the best, best friend!” Seungri exclaims. Jin Young smiled.


“You’re welcome.” Jin Young said and smiled.


“I’m going now, Jin Young. Thank you again.” Seungri said and grin.


Seungri went out and made his way to his home. Jin Young sat on the couch and turn on the television.


“Who is he, Jin Young?” Jin Young’s mom asked. She sat beside Jin Young.


“He’s Seung Hyun. But everyone calls him Seungri. He’s my best friend and classmate.” Jin Young answered. Her mom nodded.


“Do you like him?” Her mom asked. Jin Young turned her head and shook.


“Ani. I don’t like him.” Jin Young answered immediately.


“Really? You kept on smiling when he still here but when he went out, your smile fade away.” Her mom said like teasing. Jin Young look at her mom.


“Actually mom, I don’t know.” Jin Young hung her head low. Her mom became worried and hugged her.


“Why Jin Young? Do you have a problem?” Jin Young’s mom asked. Jin Young let go and stood up.


“Uhm. Mom, I’m sleepy. I’ll go to my room.” Jin Young said and smiled.




I went to my room and lied on my bed, staring at the ceiling.


Actually, I don’t know if I like Seungri or not. Every time I’m with him I’m happy. But he’s not the one that I like.


I went to the bathroom and wash up. I change into pajamas and sleep.


---END OF POV---


---NEXT DAY---


Ha Chan went to Jin Young’s house and they went to school together. Seungri and TOP saw the two and called them.


“Ha Chan! Jin Young!” Seungri and TOP yelled. Jin Young and Ha Chan turned around and saw the two guys.


They smiled and walked together.




Ha Chan went to her class, same as TOP. Jin Young went to her class immediately, leaving Seungri. Seungri is in Jin Young’s back, following her. He doesn’t know why Jin Young acting like that.


Jin Young is in her own world when Seungri went to her. He tapped her shoulder and she look up and saw Seungri.


“Oh, Seungri?” Jin Young raised her eyebrows. Seungri gave to Jin Young her notebook.


“This is your notebook.” Seungri said and smiled. Jin Young accept it and smiled back.


Seungri went back to his sit. He watches Jin Young and she’s still in her own little world.


The bell rang, meaning that the class will start. Jin Young went back to reality when their teacher went in.




Ha Chan is listening to their lesson but she can’t concentrate. Her mind is flying to other room. She kept on thinking Seung Hyun. She looked out of the window and exactly TOP went out of his room.


TOP saw Ha Chan looking outside, he waved at her and she wave back. They smiled to each other.


---TOP’S POV---


I asked for permission to my teacher if I can go out and she agreed. I went out and I saw Ha Chan looking outside. I waved at her and she waved back, I smiled at her and she smiled back.


She looked back in her teacher and I continued to walk to my destination. I went to comfort room and went immediately to my room.


---END OF POV---




Jin Young went home immediately, not saying her goodbye to her best friends. Seungri, Ha Chan and TOP became curious why Jin Young is acting like that.


Jin Young went immediately to her house because her dad will be home. She really miss her dad, her dad went to L.A for his work.




I opened our door and my dad’s luggage is in the living room. I went immediately to dining room and saw my mom and dad, eating.


“Omo! My Jin Young!” Dad exclaims. I went closer to him and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back.


“I miss you dad!” I said happily. My mom smiled at us.


“I miss you too, Jin Young.” My dad replied. We let go each other and I sat on the other chair.


“How many days are you going to stay here?” I asked. He looked at mom and smiled.


“I’m not going back anymore in L.A. I’m going to work here in Korea.” Dad explained. I widen my eyes and grin.


“Really? That’s great!” I said and smiled. He smiled back and we eat happily.


---END OF POV---


While the three best friends are in their usual café.


“Why does Jin Young went home immediately?” Seungri asked his friends worriedly. Ha Chan and TOP stared at him and Ha Chan smiled.


“You like her, don’t you?” Ha Chan asked. Seungri seems shock and look at Ha Chan.


“Why do you ask?” Seungri asked back. Ha Chan smiled.


“Well, you always look worried about her. And I saw you yesterday; you went to her house right? You like her!” Ha Chan explained. Seungri sigh and gave up.


“Okay fine. I like her but I think she doesn’t like me, she like someone else.” Seungri said sadly. TOP tapped him in the shoulder.


“Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. I like someone too but I think she doesn’t like me back.” TOP said. Ha Chan look at the two boys.


“Hey, TOP! Who’s this girl then?” Ha Chan asked. TOP raised his eyebrows and shook her head.


“Secret~” TOP answered. Ha Chan roll her eyes.


“Okay. Always secret! Jin Young has a secret too!” Ha Chan said playfully. Seungri and TOP laugh at Ha Chan’s behavior.


“Well, you know two of you. You should ask that girl you like; you don’t know they feel the same.” Ha Chan advise Seungri and TOP.


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Updated! Chapter 14 is up! Hope you all like it! Next Chapter is the final. =D


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Congratulations!! :)
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
Chapter 9: *speechless* XD hahahha Seung Ri fighting!!!
addin001 #6
Chapter 15: Awsome.. Some intric.. I realy enjoy this..
Awwwwwe it's all over that was such a cute ending :) their kids haha that is so what it will be like when seung ri have kids cuties :) it was the perfect ending love it :) write more stories :)
complete na yehey!!! kekeke....
Yaaaaay! Jinyoung and SeungRi are finally together! Awesome!
awwwwwwww :D:D yay they're together i'm so glad! yayyyy such a cute chapter :D update soon ^_^ hehe happy ending yay