Best Friends Love


Ha Chan and TOP went home after going to the places they want to go.


---NEXT DAY---


Before going to school, Jin Young think for a while. Her cousin, Daesung is right. She has to confess to Seungri before it’s too late.


*Daesung oppa is right. If I still not confess to him, maybe one day I’m too late. I can do it! Jin Young, fighting!* Jin Young thought and made her way to Ha Chan’s house.


“Jin Young!” Ha Chan said and smiled. Jin Young smiled back.


“Ready?” Jin Young asked. Ha Chan nodded.


They made their way to the school and saw Seungri and TOP waiting for them in the school gate.


“Jagi!” TOP called Ha Chan. Ha Chan smiled at TOP.


Ha Chan went beside TOP. TOP place he’s hand to Ha Chan waist and kissed her cheeks. Ha Chan blush.


Seungri and Jin Young became awkward because of the couple.


“Hey lovely couple, we’re still here.” Seungri said to Ha Chan and TOP.


“Oh, sorry.” The couple said in unison.


“Let’s just go our room. Bye Jin Young and Seungri!” Ha Chan said and smiled.


TOP accompanied Ha Chan to her room and bid his goodbye to go to his room. Jin Young and Seungri went to their room together awkwardly. They went to their chairs and sat.


While the teacher is talking about their lesson, Jin Young’s mind is flying. Thinking what will her going to say to Seungri later.


*I hope class will end soon! Aish!* Jin Young thought.


After an hour the bell rang, lunch time. The students went out of their room and made their way to the cafeteria.


The four best friends sat in their usual table and eat their lunch silently.  After eating, Ha Chan and Jin Young went to comfort room.


“So, when will you going to say to Seungri?” Ha Chan asked while they’re walking.


“After class.” Jin Young answered. Ha Chan nodded.


They went back to the cafeteria and went to their table.


“Let’s go to our room now.” TOP said and the three nodded.


While walking Ha Chan whispered something to TOP, he nodded and grins.


“Jin Young, Seungri! We’ll see you later! Bye!” Ha Chan said and smiled.


“Bye!” Seungri and Jin Young said in unison.




Ha Chan and TOP went outside of Jin Young and Seungri’s room and waited them. While waiting, Ha Chan and TOP are laughing and teasing each other like they have an own world, they didn’t notice that Jin Young and Seungri are staring at them.


“*cough* Excuse me?” Seungri said. TOP and Ha Chan turned their heads and smile.


“Oh, Jin Young! Seungri!” Ha Chan said and went to them.


“Yeah, we’re here for almost 10 minutes but you still didn’t notice us.” Jin Young said.


“Really? Mianhae.” TOP said and smiled. Seungri rolled his eyes and smiled.


“I’m going now! Bye!” Seungri said and start walking.


“Wait! Seungri, Jin Young wants to talk to you!” TOP said.


“What? A-ani.” Jin Young protest.


“What is it, Jin Young?” Seungri asked. Jin Young lowered her head.


“Aish! That TOP!” Jin Young muttered to herself.


“I think you two should talk in private! We’re going now, bye!” Ha Chan said and dragged TOP away.


“Jagi, you said we will watch them. Why are we here?” TOP said.


“Yah! Tabi, of course we’ll watch them. Secretly! Bwahaha.” Ha Chan answered.


“Let’s follow them! They were going out now. Let go to your car now, Tabi.” Ha Chan said and they went to TOP’s car.




Jin Young and Seungri went to the Han River, thankfully, there are few people. Ha Chan and TOP watch them secretly.


“So, what are you going to say?” Seungri asked.


“Uhm. Sorry.” Jin Young said.


“For what?” Seungri asked. Jin Young stayed silent.


“Ah, if you’re sorry because of the confession. It’s okay, I move on now.” Seungri answered.


*Oww. My heart shuttered in pieces! This is double pain!* Jin Young thought.


“Ahh.” Jin Young said and nodded. She fakes a smile.


“Is that all?” Seungri asked. Jin Young nodded slowly.



“What is this? Why didn’t Jin Young tell her feelings? Aish!” Ha Chan said while watching them. TOP shrugged his shoulder.



“Let’s go. I’ll accompany you.” Seungri said to Jin Young.


“I’m going home later. I want to be alone.” Jin Young replied and smiled.


“A-arasso.” Seungri said and started walking.


Jin Young turned her head to see Seungri walking. She sighs and closed her eyes then opened it.



“Aish! Tabi, let’s go.” Ha Chan said. TOP nodded.


They started walking toward Seungri and TOP noticed it.


“Jagi, we’re going to Seungri?” TOP asked.


“Yes! They have to be together!” Ha Chan answered.


“But didn’t you hear Seungri earlier? He said he moves on.” TOP said.


“Aish! Does not true! I can see in his eyes that he still love our best friend Jin Young!” Ha Chan replied.


“Seungri!” Ha Chan shouted. Seungri turned his head and saw them.


“Ha Chan, TOP!” Seungri said and smiled.


“So, you’re here with Jin Young? But where is Jin Young?” Ha Chan asked.


“She said she wants to be alone.” Seungri answered.


“What did she say?” TOP asked and grin.


“She says she’s sorry.” Seungri answered.


“What? That’s all? She didn’t tell you anything special?” Ha Chan asked. Seungri shook his head.


“Anything special?” Seungri asked.


“Aish! Jin Young is really shy and a little coward!” Ha Chan said.



Jin Young started to walk and spotted Seungri, Ha Chan and TOP talking. She ignored them and starts walking again.


“Jin Young!” Ha Chan called. Jin Young turned her head.


“Come here!” TOP said.


Jin young walk towards them and stop in front of them.


“Tell Seungri, what are you going to say.” Ha Chan said but sounded like commanding Jin Young.


“What? What am I going to say, anyway? I already said sorry.” Jin Young said.


“I know. Tell him now. What you feel.” Ha Chan said. Jin Young sigh.


“We’ll leave you two alone. Jin Young, you must tell him now.” TOP said and smiled.


TOP and Ha Chan left and Jin Young face Seungri.


“Why didn’t you say you still have going to say?” Seungri asked.


“Well, I think it may be useless.” Jin Young answered.


“What is it then?” Seungri asked.


“Uhm. I don’t know how or when I did feel this but after you confess to me, seeing you ignoring me and flirting with other girls, I feel like I’m going to explode in anger. Seung Hyun, I love you. But it’s useless now. I should go now. I said it already.” Jin Young said and smile.


Seungri is still not moving, he keeps on staring at Jin Young.


“I’ll go now! Bye Seung Hyun!” Jin Young said and bowed.


Jin Young started walking when Seungri came back to his senses. He runs towards Jin Young and grab her wrist then he hugged her.


“Seu-seung Hyun?” Jin Young asked. They let go and Seungri stared at Jin Young directly in the eyes.


“Mianhae for saying I’ve move on, for ignoring you and for flirting with other girls. It’s just that I want you to know that I can love someone else. But I can’t, it’s only you that I love.” Seungri said then gives Jin Young a peck in the lips.


“Wh-why did you do that?” Jin Young asked. Seungri smiled.


“Why? Can’t I give a peck of my girlfriend?” Seungri asked.


“What? Girlfriend? Who told you I’m your girlfriend?” Jin Young asked.


“Well, you told me you love me and I love you too. So, I’m yours and you’re mine. Keke~” Seungri anwered. Jin Young rolled her eyes and smile.


“Omo! My girl is smiling!” Seungri teased and Jin Young blush.


“Yay! Jin Young and Seungri are together now! Whoo!” Ha Chan and TOP said in unison.


“You’re still here?” Seungri asked.


“Of course, we have to watch this beautiful scene.” TOP answered.


“And if you want to watch your dramatic confession, just tell us. We have a video of it!” Ha Chan said and smirk.


“What!? You took a video of us?” Jin Young asked.


“Yep, yep!” TOP and Ha Chan answered.


“Yah! Delete it!” Jin Young said and Ha Chan shook her head.


“We hardly capture it then I’m going to delete it? Nope, nope, nope!” Ha Chan said and smiled.


After teasing, they went to their usual café and ordered their usual order. 

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Updated! Chapter 14 is up! Hope you all like it! Next Chapter is the final. =D


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Congratulations!! :)
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
Chapter 9: *speechless* XD hahahha Seung Ri fighting!!!
addin001 #6
Chapter 15: Awsome.. Some intric.. I realy enjoy this..
Awwwwwe it's all over that was such a cute ending :) their kids haha that is so what it will be like when seung ri have kids cuties :) it was the perfect ending love it :) write more stories :)
complete na yehey!!! kekeke....
Yaaaaay! Jinyoung and SeungRi are finally together! Awesome!
awwwwwwww :D:D yay they're together i'm so glad! yayyyy such a cute chapter :D update soon ^_^ hehe happy ending yay