Best Friends Love


---AFTER 20 YEARS---


There are so many things happen after 20 years. Seungri, Jin Young, Ha Chan and TOP graduated. The four best friends graduated in different schools but keep connected. The two couples are like normal couples, fighting and having problems but they’re managing to solve their problems together.


Ha Chan and TOP is married first than Jin Young and Seungri. They have two girls named Min Jung and Yun Hee. Min Jung is two years older than Yun Hee. While Seungri and Jin Young have twins, one girl named So Young and boy named Sang Min.




“Omma! Appa! Wake up!” Sang Min and So Young said in unison.


Jin Young and Seungri opened their eyes and smiled. Seungri hugged Jin Young and tried to sleep again.


“Appa! Don’t sleep again!” So Young said. Seungri chuckled and opened his eyes.


Seungri and Jin Young sit up; So Young and Sang Min climb up in their parent’s bed and hugged them.


“Are you hungry?” Jin Young asked. The twins nodded.


“Tell Appa to make breakfast for us.” Jin Young said even though they all in the same bed and they chuckled.


“Appa, Omma said make breakfast for us.” Sang Min said and smiled.


“Did your Omma say that?” Seungri asked and they nodded.


“Tell your Omma first to kiss Appa.” Seungri said and the twins laugh.


“Please?” Seungri turned to Jin Young and pleaded. Jin Young chuckled and gives him a peck in the lips.


Seungri smiled and they went downstairs. Seungri and Sang Min did their routine first and Seungri make breakfast. Jin Young and So Young went to the bathroom and did their stuffs.




Ha Chan and TOP are already awake and did their routine. After doing their stuffs, they went to their children’s room and wake them up.


“Min Jung. Yun Hee. Wake up!” Ha Chan said.


Min Jung and Yun Hee woke up. Ha Chan and TOP smiled at their children. Min Jung went to TOP and Yun Hee went to Ha Chan and they hugged them.


“Let’s go downstairs, I’ll make breakfast.” Ha Chan said and smiled.


They went downstairs and Ha Chan makes breakfast. After making breakfast, they start eating.




“So Young! Let’s take a bath! Ha Chan eemo and TOP samchon will come here with Min Jung and Yun Hee.” Jin Young said.


“But Omma, I’m still playing.” So Young replied, holding her Barbie doll.


“So Young come to Omma. You can play later with your unnies.” Seungri said and smiled. So Young pouted and went to Jin Young.


After Jin Young and So Young took a bath and change clothes, Sang Min and Seungri went to the bathroom and take a bath.




Ha Chan wash up Min Jung first then Yun Hee. After washing the two, she went to the bathroom and took a bath. TOP took a bath in the other bathroom and change his clothes.


“Ready?” TOP asked and Min Jung & Yun Hee nodded.


They made their way to Jin Young and Seungri’s house and ring the doorbell. Jin Young opened the door and smiled.


“Ha Chan! TOP! Come in.” Jin Young said and let them in.


“Samchon! Eemo!” The twins yelled and went to Ha Chan and TOP. Ha Chan and TOP smiled.


“Hey Sang Min and So Young!” Ha Chan and TOP said and smiled.


“Where’s Seungri?” TOP asked Jin Young.


“I’m here!” Seungri answered and went out of their room.


The two couples and four children eat their lunch; they talk, laugh, and tease each other. The four children played at the living room while their parents are still in the dining.


“Do you still remember our prom night? That was my happiest night ever.” Ha Chan said and laugh.


“Yeah, because TOP confess to you.” Jin Young replied.


“I remember that time, Jin Young is so jealous because of you Ha Chan.” Seungri said and they laugh.


“Well, you’re jealous at that time too!” TOP said to Seungri.


“Jin Young’s confession! I’m so happy that time too.” Ha Chan said.


“Aish! Ha Chan don’t say that again. It’s so embarrassing.” Jin Young said and pouted.


“Aww~ My Yeobo is cute!” Seungri said and kissed Jin Young in the cheeks.


“Eww! You two, get a room!” TOP said and they laugh.


“You’re just jealous!” Seungri replied and laugh.


“I’m not jealous. I have a Yeobo too!” TOP said and hugged Ha Chan then kissed her cheeks.


They spend their day together talking, laughing, teasing and playing with their children. After some hours of talking, Choi family bid their goodbyes and made their way to their house.


“I’m so happy to see our best friends” Ha Chan said to TOP.


“Yeah, me too.” TOP said and smiled.


They’re all happy to see their best friends. Even though they all have an own family, they still best friends no matter what. That's the story of BEST FRIENDS LOVE.


---THE END---


Yey! It's finish! Sorry if it's a boring ending. Keke~

Thank you for all the readers who subscribed, commented and supported this fic! I really love you all! xD

Happy BirthDae to Daesung! =))

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Updated! Chapter 14 is up! Hope you all like it! Next Chapter is the final. =D


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Congratulations!! :)
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #4
Chapter 9: *speechless* XD hahahha Seung Ri fighting!!!
addin001 #6
Chapter 15: Awsome.. Some intric.. I realy enjoy this..
Awwwwwe it's all over that was such a cute ending :) their kids haha that is so what it will be like when seung ri have kids cuties :) it was the perfect ending love it :) write more stories :)
complete na yehey!!! kekeke....
Yaaaaay! Jinyoung and SeungRi are finally together! Awesome!
awwwwwwww :D:D yay they're together i'm so glad! yayyyy such a cute chapter :D update soon ^_^ hehe happy ending yay