MV Shoot!

Your Chance

The next few days went by quietly and quickly.  You only stayed at practice for the entire time every other day and went to the dance practice the days you didn't go.  On the weekend, you were with Infinite and their managers all day, practicing dancing and singing the whole time.  You decided to keep it a secret from Jenna and Lily so that you could surprise them when you came out on stage and had them watch it.  Ailee and IU unnies were there to help you with your singing and you improved every day.  You would be taking a few days off from school to go to the MV shooting and you would be in it as the main girl.  That Monday morning, you woke up early and got ready and packed for the trip to the MV shooting.  You put on a cute vintage shirt with a patterned cardigan and a pair of light grey worn out jeans.  You wore flip flops and you put your hair in a fishtail braid on the left side of your head.  Your bangs had been cut the day before, but only a little bit.  As for your suitcase, you brought everything you would need, maybe even more.  You brought your daily routine pack, three shirts, pants and shorts, pajamas, a bathing suit, under clothing, and some other stuff.  You finished packing and headed downstairs to meet up with Infinite. 


You guys flew to Jeju Island that morning and went one of the empty beaches.  There was a humongous cove and a large cruise ship that you guys would be using as the filming location.  “This is so cool!” you said as you guys arrived at the cove.  “Oh. My. God.  Are we using that in the music video too?” You asked as you pointed to the cruise.  You were extremely excited about the trip even though you were there for work.  The music video would include pair shootings of you with each of the members, individual shootings, a shoot of you guys playing in the water, and a shoot of you guys on the cruise.  The director said that you guys would be staying on the cruise overnight and that would be your ‘hotel’ for the whole trip so that you guys wouldn’t have to go back and forth from the set and a hotel.  You guys rode dune bikes closer to the shore nearby the cruise and then you guys took a smaller boat to the cruise.  The inside was even bigger than the outside which made it easy to get lost.  You guys all stayed in the rooms closest to the main lobby.  There were a bunch of waterpark like areas on the decks and it was completely empty.  “This is kind of creepy, but it’s too amazing at the same time.” You said as you walked with them around the boat.  Today, you guys would be filming the individual shoots and you would be having a photo shoot as well.  Extras and dancers were going to be brought to the cove the next day so you guys enjoyed the emptiness while you could. 


During the individual shoots, you acted as calmly and naturally as possible and the director said you did a great job.  You were wearing a bit of make up because of the lighting and just because.  It took a while for everyone to finish their individual shots and we all changed outfits a couple times.  You were wearing cut off shorts, a floral design shirt, black designer sandals, and your hair was down in loose curls. 


Shirt: (it wouldn't show up as a picture...)




            You changed outfits before, but you ended with this one for the individual shots.  For the photo shoot, you changed outfits many more times and your hair was done differently every time.  You did pair photos and group photos with Infinite and it was actually pretty fun.  The sun was setting and you guys took your last photos.  “That was so fun!” You said as you guys went back to the cruise ship.  “Aren’t you tired?” Sungyeol asked.  “Not at all; am I supposed to be?” You asked.  “We are completely exhausted!” Sungjong whined.  “Really?? Hmm then I guess I’ll be playing on the rides by myself tonight…” You said as you walked ahead.  “We can still go!” They all said.  You guys all laughed and decided to take a little nap before you guys ate dinner and played in the indoor waterpark. 


            For dinner, you guys ate some of the food that the crew prepared for you guys.  After you guys finished eating, you let the food digest and then you went to get ready to play in the water park.  You stomach managed to stay model status flat after you had eaten and you had decided to bring a black two piece bikini:

(it looked like this but the top would have a strap the went from the middle around your neck and then back in the middle and it would be slightly more covering/longer)


You put on a t-shirt on over it and a park of board shorts as well and then you walked to the lobby to meet up with them.  "You look like a dude." Woohyun said.  "And it's perfectly fine." Sunggyu added as he elbowed Woohyun in the side.  You laughed and everyone walked together.  "This place is humongous..." you said as you walked inside the water park entrance.  You guys rode all of the rides at least twice and you ended up taking the shirt off because it was wet and weighing you down.  The last thing you guys went in was the wave pool and Infinite's managers talked on the speaker phone that went throughout the whole water park.  "Okay guys, enough fun for today, you guys have to have enough energy for tomorrow." they said.  You guys reluctantly got out of the pool and headed back to the entrance.  You guys all grabbed towels and wrapped them around yourselves as you walked.  They dropped you off at your room since it was the first one and they all hugged you good night.  Sunggyu gave you a small peck on your forehead and you went inside your room.  You showered quickly and fell asleep on the luxurious bed. 


The next morning you were woken up by one of the stylist noonas and you had gotten a full nine hours of sleep that night.  You did your daily routine and you wore a pair of three quarter length sweats, a V-neck shirt, a thing cardigan, and flip flops.  You would be changing clothes anyways so you didn't care what you were wearing.  You grabbed your sunglasses and slipped them on and headed to the lobby.  They were all waiting there and they seemed as energized as ever.  When you arrived they practically pounced of you and caused you to almost fall.  "Whoa, what's with all the energy?" you asked.  "Today we get to film the pair shoots." Sungjong said.  You said ‘oh’ and the managers called you to the deck.  “The director wants to go over the scenes with you, he’s right over there.” One of the staff told you, pointing to a man surrounded by a bunch of other staff members.  You walked over and he read off a paper the scenes that you would be filming.  Since it was happy love song, you would be a ‘couple’ with each of the members.  You wouldn’t have a long shot with Sunggyu since he was your brother and whatever, but anyways.  “So these will are the scene ideas to match with the members’ image.  For Sunggyu you will be walking around in the cruise looking through the stores.  For Dongwoo, you will be riding the dune bikes across the sand.  For Woohyun, you will be dancing in the club.  For Hoya, you will be sitting on the sand on towels.  For Sungyeol, you will be playing in the water.  For L, you will be taking a walk on the beach, watching the sunset.  And for Sungjong, you guys will be making sand castles.” He said.  The staff member from before took you over to get ready for the first scene.  You got your make-up and hair done. Your hair was styles to look like this: 

And your outfit was this:

(but without the black tights)


               You were brought to the floor that had all of the shops on it and Sunggyu oppa was looking curiously at a shop while the crew was setting up.  The director went over how they would go into shops and the extras were already there waiting.  "Maybe you guys could hold hands, pull him around to the racks and shelves an try to look interested in the little things like they did in their mv for 'Lately'." the female co-director said.  "Okay!" we both said and we walked down the hall to start the scene.  You guys linked arms and walked into the stores together.  The merchandise was actually stuff that looked interesting and cute so you didn't have to act interested.  After you guys had gone to three of the shops, the director called cut and this scene was finished.  "You are definitely a natural actor Jay." the co-director said as she walked with me back to the dressing room. 


You changed into an outfit that looked like this:

(with jean shorts as the bottom)


               And your hair was up in a high ponytail and then straightened do that it would fly around in the wind.  "So do we really get to ride the dune bikes again?" You asked excitedly.  The co-director nodded and smiled as you guys got onto the smaller boat to get to the cove.  Dongwoo oppa was already there and there were some extras who would be riding the fine bikes as well and they could do professional tricks which was pretty amazing.  "This is going to be soooo cool!" you said as you walked up to the one you would be riding.  One of the professionals showed you how to work it and you test rode it for a few minutes.  It was pretty cool and you got the hang of it pretty quickly.  You guys took the shot of speeding along on the bikes together and with the others in the background doing tricks that were really cool. 


               Your next stop was to film the beach scenes with Hoya, Sungyeol, and Sungjong.  You changed into your bikini since they thought it looked okay and it was covering enough so they didn’t have any problems with the video being rated.  You wore a sundress over it for the moment since you weren’t filming yet.  The co-director walked with you to the sets and you were doing the scene with Hoya first.  You guys just talked and played games while you were sitting under an umbrella on towels.  You actually got to know him a bit better and it was like you weren’t even acting at all.  The director called cut and you were taken over to Sungjong who was looking out at the waves. 


You put the sundress back on so that your legs wouldn’t get too sandy while you worked on the sand castles with Sungjong.  You and Sungjong would be having a sandcastle competition against Sunggyu and Woohyun which would be fun.  “We are so gonna win this!” Sungjong said; he was all pumped up and he had flames in his eyes.  You laughed and you two walked to the spot where they told you to make the castle.  Sunggyu and Woohyun kept on having trouble while they made their castle and yours was made perfectly with a bunch of shell decorations. When you guys finished, you double high-fived and made funny faces at them.  “Yah! Kim Jaein! Lee Sungjong!” Sunggyu yelled.  The two of them got up and started chasing us around on the beach.  “Jaein?” Sungjong asked after they had caught you and almost tossed you into the water.  “That’s my Korean name…” You said.  “Ah… It’s pretty, why don’t you use it?” He asked.  “I don’t know, I don’t even know what it means.” You said with a small laugh.  “If I’m correct, it means ‘talented person’.” He said as he thought.  “Really? That’s actually pretty cool, but I like Jay better…” You said.  He laughed and then Sungyeol started to drag you to the water.  “Wait! What are you doing?” You shouted, as you struggled to get out of his grasp.  “It’s time to shoot my pair scene, playing in the water.” He said playfully.  He had let his guard down and you shot out of his grasp.  You walked to go take the sundress off and the rest of Infinite joined Sungyeol.  They crept up behind you and picked you up and dragged you into the water.  Thankfully the camera crew had gotten it all on camera…


You guys all played in the water and you used Sungyeol as a shield so they would have shots of only you two.  You started to get tired so they stopped the scene because they already had two songs worth of filming for this one scene.  “I feel like a salty prune….” You said, after you had all gotten out of the water.  “That is such a weird thing to feel like.” Sungyeol said, handing you a fluffy towel.  “Now dry off you salty prune.” He added.  You glared at him and he laughed. 


For the walk on the beach scene with L, you changed into a different outfit that looked like this:

And you held this pair of shoes that looked like these: 

L was wearing one of his many plaid shirts and a pair of cut off jean capris so he matched the beach look.  The director called ‘action’ and you guys started walking down the cove.  “I’ve never actually seen a sunset like this in person.” You said as you stared at the waves and the movie like picture.  He laughed a little and you guys walked and talked about the places you’ve been and the things that you would want to see in the future.


You guys all went back to the cruise ship on the small boat and did the last scene, which was the club scene, next.  You went to the dressing room and changed into a dance club dress that looked like this:

(except it was an emerald green color)

Your shoes looked like these:

Your hair was up in a high ponytail and the ponytail was wavy/curly.  You walked to the club and you could hear the music from down the hallway.  Woohyun was waiting for you outside the door and there was a cameraman who was going to start filming you guys.  “Have you ever been clubbing before?” he asked.  You shook your head and then the camera man told you guys to walk halfway down the hallway and then you guys would walk in together with happy faces.  You laughed at the happy faces part and then you guys walked down the hallway.  The camera man walked backwards as you guys walked to the club.  Then when you guys walked in, he stayed there.  You guys walked into the club and you were hit with a wave of music.  “This place is amazingly loud…” You shouted so that he could hear you.  He laughed and just led you to the dance floor where all the extras were dancing.  There were a bunch of cameras and you guys just danced for a while with everyone to a bunch of remixed songs. 


            You guys then got to film the dance parts of the music video.  The first dance scene would be in the club, and the next one would be filmed tomorrow at a studio set.  There would also be another photo shoot at the studio as well.  “That means we have to leave tomorrow!!!” You said, saddened by the fact that you guys couldn’t stay here longer.  “We can always come back.” Sunggyu said, patting my back.  “Anyways, how longer are you going to have to stay in that revealing outfit?” He asked, looking at you with the same disapproving face as he had used for the volleyball shorts.  “Not this again….” You said with a sigh.  The rest of Infinite laughed and then the director told you guys to go on the dance floor.  It was a raised platform with a cool DJ stand in the back and the floor panels changed colors and patterns.  You guys got into position and the starting formation was you in the middle of them and they surrounded you in a circle. 


            You, thankfully, didn’t make any mistakes and you mouthed the words perfectly so they aligned with the song when it was your part.  You guys did the dance a few times through and then they said we could finish for the day.  “So when do we start performing?” you asked as you guys walked back to the dressing rooms.  “Next week I think. Right?” Woohyun said.  “Yeah, and we have to practice all week after you guys get out of school.” Sunggyu said.  You nodded and then went into your changing room to change. 


            The next morning you guys got woken up and you were already all packed since you didn’t really take any of your own clothes out the whole time.  You had one of the staff members take pictures of you guys while you were filming and at the water park so while you waited for everyone you started to look through the pictures.  In some of them, you guys were posing for the camera and there were some group photos.  You took pictures of each of them as they walked towards you and they each posed differently.  You guys headed off on the small boat and then on the bigger dune bikes.  As you guys were on the plane back, you played games with Sungjong and Sungyeol. 


            You guys arrived back and there were a bunch of fans waiting for Infinite at the arrival exit.  There were security guards waiting for them and you guys were taken to the van and then you guys set off back to the house.  The managers let you guys have two hours or rest and then you had to head to the studio set.  “How are you not tired?” L oppa asked after he yawned.  “I just woke up, how could I still be tired?” You said.  “I’ve decided, you are Infinite’s source of infinite energy.” He said.  You laughed at the silly idea.  “You need some more sleep.” You said.  The van pulled up to a warehouse looking place and you looked at it curiously.  “This is the music video studio?” you asked as you stepped out of the car.  They nodded and you followed them inside.  “This is really cool…” you said as you saw the set.  It was extremely colorful and there was a cool photo shoot set next to it.  You got into costume and your hair was done as well.  They straightened your hair and put in fake blond extensions in random spots on your head.  Your outfit was a combination of these things:




            You guys did the dance routine a few times and then you guys worked on the photo shoot.  You actually felt a little bit exhausted when you guys arrived back home after everything was finished.  The managers would send the music video to Sunggyu the next day when the people had finished editing it and stuff.  You had to go to school the next day and thankfully it was a Friday so you would only have one day of school.  You went to sleep that night and had a nice peaceful rest




Okay so that is the end of my super chapter spammm! haha.  I uploaded 4 longg chapters and it took me a whole two weeks to write them!

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Follow Kim Jay/Jaein's journey into the idol world~

- infinitesummer623

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
