L oppa's instincts + Karaoke Time!

Your Chance

You ate dinner with all the groups and you talked nonstop to them about their lives.  "You guys are so luuucky with all this fame!" you said as you finished you meal and went back to the kitchen to put the dishes in the sink.  Everyone finished their meals and we had a large clean up crew since there were so many dishes to clean.  The cleaning crew was chosen by sending the loser of each group after playing 가위 바위 보    (rock-paper-scissors).  You went against Ailee unnie and IU unnie and sadly you lost.  You along with Kevin oppa who is the worst at playing rock paper scissors, L oppa, Eunjung unnie, Taecyeon oppa, and Suzy unnie went into the kitchen to start the cleaning.  You set up two assembly lines there were three in one line and three in the other.  You, Suzy unnie, and Eunjung unnie in one; and then L oppa, Taecyeon oppa, and Kevin oppa in the other line.  You and L washed the dishes, Suzy and Taecyeon dried the dishes, and Eunjung and Kevin oppa put them away.  The others finished unpacking their stuff while we washed the dishes.  You turned the water on and it was burning hot so you yelped in surprise.  L with his instincts turned the hot water off and turned the cold water on.  He pulled your hand under the cold water to cool it down.  Steam came off of your hand as it made contact with the icy cold water and you pulled it away after it felt better.  "Omo! Gwaenchanh -ayo Jay?" Suzy unnie said as she rushed over.  I nodded slightly and L oppa gently dried my hand.  "Be careful..." he said quietly so only I could hear him.  "Thank you." you said as your hand felt better. 

You guys finished up the dishes and headed to the entertainment room where everyone had gone to after they had finished unpacking.  You had wrapped up your arm in a thin layer of gauze so that it would heal quicker.  Everyone was sitting in the room talking and watching the large television screen which was showing that nights episode of Running Man.  You sat down on the floor in front of the middlw couch and remembered something.  You got up again and headed towards the closet that had some boxes inside.  *Which one was it.....* "Ah!" you said out loud as you picked the box up and brought it into the room.  "You guys are all singers right?? Why don't we do karaoke?" you asked.  "That's a good idea!" Min unnie said standing up from her seat on one of the couches.  A few of you guys plugged the machine into the TV and T-ara chose a song to sing first.  "You guys should do one of your songs first and then later do someone else's." You suggested.  Soyeon unnie nodded and they looked through the song book and chose their song 'Cry Cry'.  You just happened to know some of the dance moves since you loved listening and dancing to kpop so you and SungJung oppa, Kevin oppa, and SungYeol danced together to the song as they sang.  Next it was 2PM who chose 'Hands Up!'.  The whole room was following along with the arm dance that was included in the song and by the time the song was over your arm hurt.  Infinite was up next and they chose 'Be Mine' and you followed along with the dance as well.  They were the best dancers you had ever seen in the history of kpop for being in sync the whole time.  U-kiss went up next and did 'Neverland' which was extremely amazing with the foot work that was involved.  Miss A chose their song 'Goodbye Baby' and you knew that dance as well so you danced with SungJung oppa.  Ailee sang her song 'Heaven' which took everyone's breaths away as she reached all the complicated notes.  IU sang 'You & I' and everyone sang along since it was kind of easy to go along with. 

"Jay, why don't you sing a song?" Soyeon unnie asked.  You shook your head violently and said, "No thanks..." "You do realize that all of your siblings are the main vocals, well except Ailee and IU who are excetional singers themselves, right?" EunJung unnie said.  "How about we sing with you?" Ailee unnie suggested, with a head nod from IU.  You shrugged and they pulled you up on stage with them.  "What should we sing?" You asked as you looked through the book of songs.  You guys ended up picking 'Gee' since it was one that all of you guys knew and it was easy to follow along with in general.  The music started and Ailee said the beginning.  "Aha. Listen boy, my first love story.  My angel and my girls my sunshine.  Oh! Oh! Let's Go!"  You sang shakily at the beginning of the song, but by the time you got to the first chorus when Ailee and IU sang with you, you had gotten the hang of it.  You even held Taeyeon's long note as well which surprised you.  You could see everyone doing the little hand motions since they probably had done the dance at least once in their lifetime already.  The song ended and then Infinite insisted on doing one of their songs with you.  *Inside you were like "OMG I CAN DIE HAPPILY NOW" but on the outside you just accepted cooly.*  They chose their song 'Nothing's Over' and you sang with them.  You sang with the rest of the groups and everyone just sang together sometimes. 

It was around 11 p.m. when you started to get a little sleepy and so were some of the others so everyone decided to get ready.  Each room had their on bathroom and you were able to quickly get ready.  You said good night to your new unnies and oppas and when your head touched the pillow, you instantly fell asleep. 




SO?? how was it? please give me feedback and i can't wait to get more into the story so please wait for the new chapters of 'Your Chance'!

- infinitesummer623

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
