Running Man! Part 1

Your Chance

That morning you put on a cute outfit:

and you went with Infinite to the beauty salon.  Your hair was straightened and the stylist put on some waterproof makeup (eyeliner, mascara, etc.).  You were done before them because they were all half asleep and they couldn’t keep their eyes open long enough.  You went and listened to music on one of the couches that they had and waited.  You guys all got onto a bus and you were handed mission instructions.  “This is sooo exciting!” You said as you sat in the bus.  They all laughed.  Cameras came in and you guys did individual poses for the camera.  The writer handed you guys a mission card and you read what it said out. 



Make your way to the destination on the bus.  Every person must leave a small
item on the bus, but you cannot tell anyone what the item is.  Give it to the
assistant one by one and then groups will be chosen at the airport at the US

Choose wisely! 


You set the paper down and started thinking of an item to give; something that wasn’t too obvious that it was yours, but something that would remind people of you at the same time.  You decided to put your infinite necklace in.  Each group would get different color jackets. 

You wanted to get the black one with white sleeves and stripes or the green one with white sleeves and stripes.  “Jay, you give your item to the assistant first.” Sunggyu said.  You took the necklace off when try were looking and put it into your pocket so they didn’t know and you went to the assistant.  You gave it to him and then went back to your seat.  Each of them went one by one and you guys soon arrived at the airport. 


“I can’t wait to go back to the US!” You said as you guys walked into the airport.  “You lived there didn’t you?” Sungjong said.  You nodded and you guys
went through security and you guys were followed by cameras the whole time.  L and Woohyun oppa brought you to a gift shop and you bought a magazine and a Twix bar.  You guys went back to the gate and you saw Song Jihyo walking towards you guys.  “Oh my god! It’s Song Jihyo!” You said excitedly.  “Annyeonghaseyo, Song Jihyo ibnida.” She said, bowing slightly.  You stood up and did a 90 degree angled bow.  “Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Jay ibnida.” You said.  “Annyeonghaseyo, Infinite ibnida.” Infinite said bowing as well.  You guys talked together and the rest of the cast came soon after. 


“We are really glad to be here.  Jay is the ultimate Running Man fan.” Sunggyu said.  “Oppa!” You said.  The cast laughed and you shrugged.  “Infinite and
Jay-sshi, please go over to the gate entrance so we can shoot the entrance part of the show.  The seven Running Man members lined up together at the gate and the camera started to film the scene.  You watched in awe and the director signaled for Infinite to come.  They walked together and introduced themselves to the ‘audience’ and talked with the cast for a little bit.  “So, we brought someone with us today so come on out.” Sunggyu said.  You walked and one camera filmed you as you walked over there and Jaesuk told you to stand in between Infinite and Running Man.  You introduced yourself to the ‘audience’.  “You have been all over the internet, raising not only yours, but Infinite’s popularity as well.  You are still doing that other show about your life and how it has changed right?” Jaesuk asked.  “Yeah, I’ve been a pretty busy high school girl if I must say.” You said.  They laughed a little and smiled.  “Well it’s nice to have such young and happy spirits here to join us today for this two week special.” Jongkook said.  “So where exactly are we going today?” You asked.  “That is a really good question…” Jaesuk said.  “We are going to…. The Hollywood!" He shouted.  Everyone clapped and you were really excited.  “I heard you used to live in the States am I correct?” Jongkook asked.  You nodded and said, “I can’t wait to go!”  You smiled and the director said cut.  “Wait at the gates now, we will be taking a separate plane there so we will see you guys there.” He said.  You and Jaesuk were handed smaller video cameras and he told you guys to film the plane trip. 


You guys boarded the plane and had gotten the first class seats which was pretty cool.  You filmed as much as you could even though you ended up falling asleep for most of the 16 hour long plane ride.  You woke up from a nudge from L oppa who was sitting next to you.  “We are here.” He said.  You rubbed your eyes gently and stretched a little bit.  You yawned and stood up with him.  “I can’t believe I’m back home…” You said.  You walked with them through the LAX airport and when you guys arrived at the arrivals area, there were sooooooo many people.  “Oh…My…Gosh…” You said.  “This is crazy.” You said.  You saw that you had a generous amount of fans waiting there as well which was a surprise since you had only featured in one of Infinite’s songs.  “Jay!!
You could hear people shouting.  Others were saying ‘Infinite!’ or ‘Running man!” or members of the running man cast’s names.  People handed you gifts and Sunggyu told you to take them.  You walked out of the airport with more than 10 things in your hands, not including fan mail.  “That was absolutely the craziest thing I’ve ever been through…” You said as you guys piled into the bus. 


You looked out the window and started to remember all of the streets, places, friends, and family that were here.  “Do you think I can stay for a little
longer after we finish shooting the show oppa?” You asked Sunggyu.  “Most likely, we can stay with you too since we don’t have a schedule for the next
couple of days after the filming.” He said with a smile.  “Yayy! I can go meet up with my old friends. I wonder if they still remember me….” You said.  “No one can forget someone as important as you.” He said and he gave you a shoulder rub.  You texted with Jenna and Lily while you were in the bus and then you guys were told to get off the bus.  You walked off the bus and you tried to figure out where you guys were.  "Hmmm..." You said.  "What?" L asked as he stood next to you.  "I'm trying to figure out where EXACTLY I am." I said as thought.  You guys went into a Starbucks and sat down at some tables.  "Okay, so now we get to choose out teams." Jaesuk announced to you guys and the camera.  "The Infinite members and Jay have all given personal items and the Running man cast will be  split up into groups.  Let's get into those groups and then we will choose the items." Jaesuk said.  You and Infinite watched as the eight members (pretend Song Joongki is still there...) chose their partners by shooting darts at numbers and then when they got their number, the PD told them who was what number.  The teams were Gary and Sukjin, Kwangsoo and Jaesuk, Jihyo and Haha and Joongki and Jongkook.  "So now we have to pick our guests!" Haha shouted.  The assistant from before came out with a tray that had all of the objects spread out on it.  You easily found your necklace and smiled.  "I was wondering why you weren't wearing your necklace." L whispered.  You smiled and watched as the pairs discussed which two items they wanted. 


Kwangsoo and Jaesuk grabbed a picture of a young boy and teddy bear phone charm probably hoping it was yours.  Gary and Sukjin took a towel packet and a ball point pen.  Jihyo and  Haha took a handmade bracelet and a cell phone.  You smiled in your head but kept a straight poker face when you realized that you would be on the same team with Flower boy and Sparta Kook.  They took the bracelet and a plaid fedora hat.  "Okay now that we have chosen all the items we will stand facing the camera and you guys will stand behind the people who chose your items." Jaesuk announced.  The Running Men and Woman walked outside to the front of the Starbucks and stood next to their partner.  *I wonder whose hat that is... I've never seen it before
yet I live with them -_-* The PD told you guys to go after they had set up the cameras outside and the cast was facing away from you guys.  "Let's go." You
said as you all headed to the door.  We went one by one and you went first.  You stood behind them quietly and made funny/cute aegyo faces at the camera in front of them.  You watched as all the others went to their groups and you were surprised to find out that L was the owner of the plaid hat.  You guys silently
high fived and then you turned back around to face the cameras.  "Okay, one the count of tree turn around and figure out who your team mates are.  Hana, dul, set!" the PD said.  Joongki and Jongkook high fived when they saw you and you smiled.  "Awwww! Thats like the best team ever..." Sungyeol and Haha complained.  It was funny since they were on the same team too.  You laughed and then everyone was sent to get their team jackets and shoes. The teams were:

1. Kwagsoo, Jaesuk, Hoya, and Sungjong
2. Gary, Sukjin, Woohyun, and Dongwoo
3. Jihyo, Haha, Sunggyu, and Sungyeol
4. Joongki, Jongkook, L, and You/Jay 

Luckily your team got the black and white varsity jacket and you were extremely happy.  You also got a white t-shirt, long white socks with two black bands near the opening where you put your foot in, and a pair of neon colored running shoes.  "You can keep these after the show as well." the staff person said. 
"Omo! Chincha??" you asked.  She laughed and nodded at your happiness.  "Do you think they will sign it for me after?" You asked.  "Most likely, this show is
the farthest they have ever been for a filming of the show so they might sign it to make more happy memories." she said.  "Woohoo!" you said.  She laughed again and brought you to the bathroom so you could change.  

You came out of the bathroom with your 'new' outfit on (White t-shirt, your jean shirts from before, varsity jacket, socks, and neon running shoes).  "Aww my
dongsaeng looks cute!" Sunggyu said as he hugged you.  "Oppa... I Can't.... Breathee!" you said while you were being suffocate by his hug.  He let you go
and went to change.  You walked over to L, Joongki, and Jongkook who were all talking causally together with their outfits on.  "Why am I the only one who has neon colored shoes?" You asked, noticing that they were all wearing plain black running shoes with the Nike sign on them.  "Jihyo is wearing them too I think." Jongkook said.  "Ah... So it's a girl thing." you said understandingly.  They nodded and you joined their conversation.  "Jay, come over here for a second, we need to cover up your scars." Sunggyu shouted over to you.  "Scars?" Joongki asked.  "I'm a volleyball player." You explained.  "I get scars, cuts, bruises, burns and sprains all the time." You said.  "Sounds painful..." L muttered.  You giggled and then went over to Sunggyu who had a few things out that he had brought from home.  You helped him cover up your bruises and scars with the cover up make up and then you wrapped a bandage around your thumb since you didn't want to injure it during the filming.  "All done.  Your scars were covered up and your skin looked flawless.  "Come over here guys!" the PD shouted and you all gathered in the new filming area on the sidewalk.  All the groups were handed mission cards and you guys separated and read the mission cards. 

The others could somewhat read the words but some where in English instead of Korean but your team had the special advantage, You!  "Head to the Santa Monica pier and look for the running man sign." you read in English.  The three guys just stared at you in confusion.  "Oh right..." you said, face palming yourself remembering that they don't understand much English.  You translated it to Korean for them and they all said 'Oh...' at the same time.  "Let's flag a taxi first unless you guys want to take the bus." You said.  "Taxi." they all said at the same time and you guys laughed.  You all had one VJ and you guys piled into the taxi, being the first team to leave.  "Could you take us to the Santa Monica Pier please?" you asked the driver.  "Sure, no problem." he said.  He was a nice middle aged man an you were glad it wasn't some weirdo that would creep everyone out when they watched the show.  The VJ sat in the front seat while you guys squished into the back seat which wasn't very big.  You ended up sitting on Joongki and L's lap after the driver turned quickly, trying to avoid a drunk pedestrian.  "Los Angeles sure is something." Jongkook said.  "You have no idea." you sighed.  You guys talked during the ride and then you saw the ocean.  "I miss this place..." you said in English.  "Young miss? You used to live here?" the driver asked.  "Yeah, I moved back to South Korea a couple years ago." you said.  "Oh really? I'm guessing you hit the jackpot there." he said.  "What do you mean by that?" you asked.  "You are shooting a TV show am I wrong?" he said.  "Ah, you mean I got famous.  You could say that I guess." you said with a sheepish grin.  He chuckled.  "My name is Harris Klein.  You are?" he asked.  "I and Jay Kim." you said with a smile.  "I'll make sure to look you up when I get home.  Who might these young men be?" he said.  "This is Jongkook Kim, Joongki Song, L Kim, and this is our camera man." you said motioning at each person including the camera man.  He looked through the rear view mirror at a stoplight and looked at the guys.  "How do you say hello?" he asked.  "Annyeonghaseyo." you told him. "Annyeonghaseyo." he repeated, waving to the guys through the mirror.  "Hello!" they said in their 'Engrish'.  You laughed and then you saw the pier coming into the distance.  There was a large crowd of people waiting there as well.  "Wow, you guys sure have a lot of fans..." Harris said as he looked at the crowd.  "Would you mind signing this for my daughter? She happens to be a fan of Asian music since she's half Korean." he said as he pulled out a small notepad and pen from his pocket after he parked the taxi.  "Sure, I'd love to! This is the first time i'm ever giving a signature out to someone." you said.  "He wants us to give him an autograph." you told the three of them who had been confusingly listening to you and Harris talk this whole time.  They signed the paper and you did to. 


You paid for the ride and you guys got out of the car.  "Goodbye Harris!" you said before he drove away.  He waved
and then drove off.  "How do you make friends with a middle aged taxi driver within minutes?" Joongki asked.  "I have no idea..." you said.  "No wonder she's
so popular at school." L said.  " I am not!" you exclaimed.  "The whole school is like your friend." he said.  You thought about and then shrugged realizing it
was kind of true.  "I found the sign." Jongkook said pointing to the Running Man sigh being held up by a man in a yellow track suit.  "Kaja!" you shouted and
then you guys headed towards the man.  


He handed you a mission card and you read it in English first again.  "Play at least five games and then being back the prized to be judged." you read.  You
translated for them and you looked around at all the booths.  "Let's play a game that wins big prizes!" you said.  "Good idea." Jongkook said.  You guys walked around and looked for big prizes.  You started to have mini flashbacks of when you can here with your friends on your birthday. You played all of the games with your friends Samuel Kim, Alex Oh Jack Kwon, Jason Kim, Andrew Park, Ryan Kim, Vladimir Park, and Kylie Jung.   Ryan was your ex boyfriend but you guys were on good terms since the relationship wasn't even that long.  Andrew was like the funny, emotional big brother; Samuel was really a chinky best guy friend who you missed a lot.  Alex was the quiet cyclist who was going out with Kylie before you left; Jack was the 'player' and he was the major flirt of the group.  Vladimir, everyone called him Vlad, was the short joker type of guy; and Jason was the smart, thin, shy boy.  Kylie was the first friend you made when you came to the states and you really missed her a lot.  "Earth to Jay!" you heard L say as her waved his hand in front of your face.  "Sorry, flashbacks
were overwhelming me..." you said giving a small smile.  He laughed a little and you guys found a game that gave huge teddy bears out as prizes.  


You had to explain the rules to them and you five were the only players.  It was a dart game where you had to hit the inside of any of the white stars on the
board.  You each got one dart per dollar and you all went at the same the same time.  Surprisingly yours actually landed on the top point of one of the stars. 
"Woo hooo!!!" you shouted in victory.  The woman working at the stall asked you which color bear you wanted.  You pointed at the cream/beige colored one and she got one for you from behind the booth.  


You guys played another game and the other teams arrived soon after your team won a second prize.  Sunggyu's team actually finished first which was surprising since your team had gotten there first.  The teams all finished up and you guys gathered by the ferris wheel with your prizes.  Your team had five huge prizes and the others had mixed sizes.  "So, the groups will now choose to keep four prizes and leave one for a mission later.  You guys decided to leave the big stuffed snake toy and then you guys were given another mission card.  "Head to the Hollywood Walk of Fame and find all the stars with the last name 'William' and memorize their first names." you read out loud.  You translated and then you guys took another taxi. 


This time the driver didn't talk to you guys and the drive was somewhat silent.  Your team arrived and you showed them what the name William looked like so they could spot it.  You guys searched and eventually you found all fifteen stars.  "That was absolutely exhausting." you said.  "Recite the names please." the PD told us as you guys got back to the start of the Walk of Fame.  "Okay: Andy, Bill, Billy Dee, Cindy, Earle, Esther, Guy, Hank, Joe, Kathlyn, Paul, Robin, Roger, Tex and Vanessa." you all said at once.  "Pass." the PD said.  You we're handed yet another mission card.  It told us to find the Running Man van and that the hotel we stay at depends on which van we choose.  "Let's just go with the first instincts okay?" Joongki suggested.  "Yeah it sounds reasonable." L agreed.  You all nodded and started looking for the mysterious Running Man van.  You found one and the driver let us in.  You guys were blindfolded during the ride and when you arrived, everyone took the blindfolds off at the same time.  To your surprise you guys were actually at a fancy hotel.  The thing was, you all had to share one room.  The VJ left and you guys had your stuff brought up after it arrived at the hotel.  "I'll sleep on the pullout bed since you guys need more space." You said as you pulled out the couch bed.  It was actually nice and comfy for a couch bed and you fell asleep right after you changed and washed up in the bathroom.  



Hi guys!! Sorry I didn't update for like a 'long' time... But its spring break and I was on vacation -___- Anwyays! I absolutely love the variety show running man so I decided to incorporate it into the story somehow, so here you go!

Make sure to subscrie/comment and check out my new story called Secret Agents!  (

- infinitesummer623 :D

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
