Variety Shows

Your Chance

        You listened to music on your way home and when you arrived, you didn’t even bother to change out of your uniform because you had some intense cooking to do.  “Flour, eggs, salt, sugar, meat, grill, salmon, wieners, oil, etc... What else???” You said out loud as you looked at all the ingredients on the island table.  “Do you need help?” A voice asked from behind.  “AHHHH!” You screamed.  The person had walked in while you were in deep thought so you didn’t notice at all.  “Whoa, didn’t you hear us come in?” The person asked.  You turned around to see the JYP family, who was living with you, in the kitchen.  “No… sorry I was kind of in deep thought.  Mom and Dad are coming over today for dinner so we kind of need to prepare a feast.” You said with the expression that anime characters have when they have the sweat drop thingy (If you know what I mean…).  “Dad’s coming over?” Junsu asked, instantly interested in helping cook.  “He is?” Min said, also becoming interested.  You nodded and looked back at the ingredients.  “What am I missing????” You whined.  “Tell us what you are making; then you might be able to remember what you are missing.” Taecyeon oppa said.  “I'm making: hamburgers, hotdogs, rice, sushi, dumplings, kimchi pancakes, french fries.... AH! I forgot to get some good meat for the korean bbq i was going to set up..." You said as you realised.  "We can go pick up some meat and seafood really quickly. Apparently there is a huge supermarket nearby." Junsu said.  "Really?? Oh, thank goodness! This dinner wouldn't be complete without it." You said with a relieved sigh and then everyone laughed. 

        Junsu oppa went with Junho oppa, and Fei and Jia unnies to get some meat and seafood for the bbq while everyone else helped you cook the food.  You taught them how to cook american style foods and they were pretty amused by it all.  "Nickhun oppa, could you watch this for me?" You said, pointing to the dumplings that were frying in the pan in oil.  Then a few drops of hot oil 'jumped' out of the pan and onto your arm.  You hissed a little at the pain, but you made sure that no one noticed.  "Why is your arm red?" Nickhun asked as he walked towards you and the pan of dumplings.  "It's red?" You asked; you were pretty good at acting and making your self seem oblivious to things you obviously knew.  "Oh, maybe it was just my imagination." He said smiling.  You nodded and went to the bathroom.  You put your arm under cold water to stop the burning and then you let out a sigh.  "That was close..." You whispered to yourself.  It didn't look red anymore and you went back to the kitchen.  

        All the other idols came home a half hour before dinner to help set up and get ready.  You got a text from Junsu saying that there were a lot of people waiting to get he meat and seafood, but that they would be home before Dad and Mom got home.  You sent him a text back telling him to hurry as much as he could and good luck.  They arrived around fifteen minutes later with a huge bag full of raw food.  "That is a LOT of food..." You said as they unloaded the contents of the bags onto the counter.  "Well we do have to feed a LOT of mouths, so it only makes sense to have a lot of food." He said.  You nodded and went to find the table grills that everyone could use at their own tables.  You grabbed all of them and Suzy helped you set them up at each table in the dining room. 

        Your parents arrived at around 7 pm and you guys started to eat.  You sat with your half-siblings and parents at one table and the everyone else sat together at different tables.  "So what did you guys want to talk about?" You asked, going straight to the point while everyone was busy getting food and grilling meat.  "Oh right.  So the reason we came here was to ask you a question.  Well this paper explains it all better than it would if we tried to explain it ourselves." Your mom said.  They handed you a paper and you read it out loud. 

Life as a Family..

We had an idea of making a TV reality show out of the things that are happening in your life at the moment.  It’s Ko Janghyun, remember me? Uncle Jang? Anyways I am the CEO at SBS, and my producers and I have thought of that idea.  We think that the show would introduce you into the world of entertainment and idol life.  This show could lead to more possibilities in your life and we would think the viewers would be glad to have a fresh new face to watch.  It would be like any other reality show with trips, missions, etc.  We patiently await your answer,

Ko Janghyun + SBS Producer Staff

You finished reading and sat there for a moment.  "That would be sooooo cool...." You mumbled.  "So you want to do it?" Your dad asked.  "Of course! Can I see Uncle Jang too??" you asked excitedly.  They all laughed in response.  "Yes you can see him soon.  How about you guys, do you all remember Uncle Jang?" Your mom asked.  They all nodded and were in deep though for a while.  "It shouldn't affect our other schedules too much; I'll have to run it by manager hyungs first though." Sunggyu oppa said, he took out his phone and called the managers.  There was some silence from the rest of us and then he hung up.  "We can do it." He said.  "These days we don't really have anything to do so this will be pretty fun." Soohyun oppa said.  "We might not show up too much because of our upcoming JYP tour, but it should be pretty fun." Junsu oppa said with agreement from Min unnie.  "We will be in Japan for a while, but we can still do it." Soyeon unnie said.  "I can." Ailee unnie said with a nod from IU as well.  "Okay it's settled,
I will contact Janghyun-sshi and then the show should start in a about three or four days." Your dad said.  "Coooooll... i get to be on TV!!!" You said with energy and excitement.  They laughed again and you guys continued eating and talking about other things.  

        The next few days went by in a blur and you didn't tell anyone at school about the show.  It was Friday after school and you received a message from your mom saying that the producers had come by during the day to set up cameras and things for the show.  You would be getting a text message from this number (XXX)-XXX-XXXX about the instructions about what to do.  On your way home, you got a message and it was from that number. 

Dear Jay,

We have set up numerous cameras in places that you won’t notice, they are and plugged in but we won’t be using any of that material unless we ask for permission first.  Tomorrow morning, follow the instructions on the card that is in your room and there is a post-it note on the side of the card telling you how to start off.  So thank you for accepting the offer for the show! Please wake up a bit early so you don’t wake up the other people as you follow the instructions.

-PD Kim

You smiled inwardly and waited until you got back home.  That night you went to sleep with your alarm set for a bit early in the morning so you could follow the instructions at a good time.  You woke up right before your alarm went off the next morning and you went to do your daily routine.  You put on an outfit that looked something like this:

; and your hair was in loose braids on both sides of your head.  You went over to your desk and read the post-it note first.  It said to film yourself while you read out each mission. 


        You did the missions and mission 4 involved waking up two people and having them help you make breakfast.  You chose Sungjong and L oppas to help you and then you guys made a yummy american breakfast with pancakes, waffles, lots of bacon, eggs, toast, and other things. 

        Later, Producer Kim and Janghyun Samchon (uncle) came over and talked to you guys.  They talked about the rules of the show, like how they wouldn’t show any of the things that had been filmed previously on the cameras and stuff like that.  “We want the half-siblings to come up with a theme song for the show.  We will use it in the second episode, film while you guys make the song as well.” Producer Kim said.  “Wait, does that include me?” You asked.  “Why not?” he replied.  “I have to sing?” You asked.  “Yes, do you not want to?” He said.  “No, I’m okay with it, but I’ve never sung professionally…” you confessed.  “They can help you.” He said.  You nodded and then you got to talk with Uncle Jang for a while and then they had to leave.  “I hope to see you again soon and good luck!” He said from inside the car.  You waved and then they all left.




SOOORRRRYYY for not updating for a while!! since the whole website crash thingy i haven't been updating on the website but i have still been writing this whole time so get ready for the udpates of your lives!! hahahaha XD

Anyways during the crash, i never got this chapter back so i had to make a shorter, more to the point type of chapter just skimming over the things that i had written about so this chapter is pretty bad... My other chapters though shouldn't be as bad. 

So have fun reading! I need to get a cool background image for this story so that it looks less boring -____-

wish me good luck!

- infinitesummer623

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
