Happy Birthday!!

Your Chance

            It was Thursday already and you were getting ready for the performance.  You wore an outfit that looked like this:

and your hair was up in a high ponytail with the hair in the ponytail curled and the hair at the farthest ends of your bangs were loosely curled.  You sat and watched the performance as the others were getting ready for the show.  “We are going to take you out somewhere after the show.” Sunggyu said to you as he sat down next to you on the couch.  “Really? What for?” you asked.  “It’s your birthday tomorrow so we want to be the first ones you celebrate with.” He said.  “Awww! Oppas are so thoughtful.  I don’t even want anything for my birthday this year, I already have everything I need; all of you guys whom I live with.” You said.  He let out a low laugh and you smiled.  “What are your favorite lyrics in the song?” He asked.  “Hmmmm, maybe ‘I believe in you like I believed in fairy tales when I was a child.  I can't wait to see you again; I know you will come back again someday’ would have to be it.” You said.  “Why? Is it because you sing that part?” He asked teasingly.  “Oppa… It’s part of the chorus, we all sing it…” You said.  We both laughed and then we were called for standby.


            When you sang the lyrics that were your favorite part, you looked directly at Sunggyu and then when we went behind everyone after the chorus, we silently laughed together.  You guys walked off the stage and you went over to L oppa who had tripped, yet again.  “You are so clumsy…” You said as you examined the red bruise mark that was starting to form on his hand from hitting his hand on the floor with the microphone in it.  “I get used to it; I mean what can I say, even the floor loves me.” He said jokingly.  You laughed and then went to get a small plastic bag and some ice from the café next to the waiting room.  You came back and handed him the bag and then they dragged you guys into the car.  “So, where exactly are you guys taking me? I haven’t even changed out of the performance outfit.” You said as you sat in between Sunggyu and Sungjong.  “It’s a secret…” Sungjong whispered.  You sighed and then someone put a bandana over your eyes so you couldn’t see where you guys were going.  “Seriously? Is this really necessary?” You asked.  “Yeah it is, just go with it.” Sunggyu said and then someone patted your back. 


            You heard the car stop and you were pulled out of the car and someone picked you up bridal style and you instantly pulled the skirt of the dress down.  You heard a chuckle but you couldn’t decipher who it was.  They were all talking about random things as they walked and you were being carried and then the person put you down and put their hands on your shoulders.  You could hear other people’s whispers and you could feel stares from every direction.  “Can you guys take this off now?” You asked.  Someone untied the bandana and you adjusted to almost complete darkness.  “So… what’s going on?” You asked.  Then you saw a firework fly up into the sky and burst into an array of colors.  A bunch of other fireworks colored the dark sky and then one last firework went off with a wide range of colors.  Then colorful lights went on at the restaurant that was there and you saw a cute little garden that had a table set up in front of you.  People who were walking by stared at the sight and they stood there to watch.  You noticed that the restaurant was at the pier and you could see the Ferris wheel and game booths all over the place.  “This is amazing~!” You said in awe. 


            They brought you over and you guys sat down at the table together.  “What does the birthday girl want for dinner on this fine evening?” Sungyeol said in a funny accent as you guys were looking through the menus.  “All these foods sound really yummy.” You said as you went through the never ending menu full of foods.  The waiter came by and he asked you guys what you wanted to eat.  You ordered food and then you guys talked while waiting.  “So, we have some gifts for you, BUT you will have to wait until after we eat dinner.” Sunggyu said.  You were sitting in between Sungjong and L oppas and you gave Sunggyu your best puppy dog/aegyo face you could make.  “N-no, you will have to wait.  Aegyo won’t work this time.” He said, stuttering the first word.  You guys laughed and then the waiter and some other servers came with your orders.  “This place is pretty fancy don’t you think?” Sungjong asked.  “Yeah, it is.  How did you guys afford this?” You asked after you swallowed a bite of your food.  “Celebrities have connections.” Hoya said.  “Oh wow…” You said.  They laughed and you guys ate your meal while talking about their past birthdays. 


            “My parents were never home for my birthdays so I always spent it alone at home.” You said.  They kept silent for a moment with sad faces.  “Oh, it wasn’t that bad.  I mean I practically got whatever I wanted when I was a child, except for attention from my parents that is.” You said.  “Yeah, my mom was always there but I always wondered where my dad was.” Sunggyu said.  “I still can’t believe we are related though.” You said from across the table.  He nodded and you guys thought about things.  You guys finished your meals and then you were excited about the presents.  “So…. What did you guys get me??” You asked excitedly.  “Everyone prepared something for you individually so choose a name out of this jar and that person will give you their gift first.” Woohyun said, passing you a jar.  You closed your eyes and picked out a slip of paper. 



            “Sungyeol oppa first.” You said as you set the paper down on the table.  He stood up and gave you a neatly wrapped box.  “I hope you like it!” He said with a caring smile.  You carefully unwrapped the box and inside was a cute mirror and comb set that look like this:

“Aww this is so cute? Where did you get this?” You asked him as you took it out of the box and looked in the mirror.  I went into one of those girly stores and they had it there on display.  The ahjumma working there asked me if it was for my girlfriend.” He said with a laugh at the end.  “Thank you so much! Now I won’t have to ask people if my eyeliner is drooping because it always does and I end up looking like a freaking raccoon.” You said smiling.  You gave him a hug and chose the next name out of the jar. 




            “Sunggyu oppa.” You said.  He gave you a bag that had colorful tissue paper in it and you took the papers out one by one.  You gasped as you took out the new polaroid camera that was still in a cardboard box and it looked like this when you opened it up:

“You did not!” You said.  “Yes I did.” He said with a satisfied smile on his face.  “How did you find this camera? I’ve been looking for one for about three years!” You exclaimed.  “I had this old friend who went into the photography business and he was given a free camera and I asked if I could buy it from him.” He said.  “This is absolutely amazing!!!” You said, jumping up and giving him a generous bear hug.  “Thank you sooooo much oppa!” You said.  You pulled out another piece of paper and you read the name. 




            “Sungjong oppa is next.” You said.  He set a big box in front of you and you took the ribbon and top part off.  Inside was a full outfit from head to toe (minus undergarments) that looked like this (Choose one yourself): 

“How did you know what size I wear?” you asked.  “The stylist noonas helped me with that part.” He said cheerfully.  “Aww! Thanks Sungjong!” You said giving him a nice hug.  The next name was pulled out.




            “Hoya oppa.” You said.  He set a wrapped item in front of you and you unwrapped it carefully.  It was an old fashion journal with the lock and key and stuff.

"You always seem to have a lot on your mind so I thought you would like to write it all down once in a while you know?" Hoya said.  "Wow, that's a great idea." you said with a smile.  "I'll write in it tonight.  Oh by the way, where did you find something so old fashioned?" you said.  "My mom used to write in a bunch of diaries but she stopped writing a whole ago so she had a bunch of antique style ones." he said.  You said oh and gave him a hug and said thank you.  You picked out the next person. 




"Dongwoo oppa." you said.  He put a bag in front of you and you looked inside it.  Inside it was an infinite sweatshirt that had his signature on the lower left side:

"Whoa, this is really cool!" you said as you put in front of your body.  "I knew you'd like it.  I mean we are your favorite KPOP group of all time." he said with his signature laugh at the end.  You thanked him an have him a hug.  Then you pulled out the next name. 




"Woohyun oppa." you said.  He set a colorfully wrapped box in front of you.  You in wrapped it and inside were two cute cell phone cases that looked like these: (one was had ears and the other was a decoden type case). 



"Uwahh these are so cute!!" you squealed.  "thank you Woohyun oppa!" you said, giving him a hug.  "My friend made the sparkly one." he said holding it and looking at it.  "Wow it's so detailed though..." you said.  He laughed and you pulled out the last name even though you knew who it was. 




"L oppa." you said.  "Close your eyes Jay." he told you.  You obeyed and he grabbed your left wrist.  You felt cold metal on it and guessed it was a bracelet of some sort.  Then you felt another piece of cold metal on your ring finger.  "Open your eyes now." he said quietly.  On your wrist was a delicate bracelet with an angel charm on it, and on your ring finger there was a ring that had little angel wings on it.

 "These are... Wow..." you said as you admired the jewelry.  "How much did this cost you?" you asked.  "It wasn't cheap but it wasn't too expensive." he said.  You sighed and stared at the ring.  "Thank you so much, they are beautiful!" you said with a meaningful smile.  He smiled a satisfied smile and you gave him a hug. 


"We have one more surprise for you but it's at home." Sunggyu said.  "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" you said as you stood up from your chair and gathered your presents.  They laughed and you guys headed to the van that they had 'kidnapped' you in earlier. 


You guys walked into the house and you were greeted by two of the cutest little puppies you had ever seen:

"Who are you little guys?" you asked them in a babying voice.  "They are Pomeranian puppies.  Don't they remind you of puff balls?" Sungjong said.  "They are so cute!!!" you squealed.  "They were already potty trains and all that stuff so we are good for that part."  Sunggyu said.  You nodded and carried both of them with you to the entertainment room.  You took a picture with Infinite and the two puppies with the new Polaroid camera and you stuck the picture on the first page of your new diary. 


            That night you packed some clothes, toiletries, your new diary, your two cameras, a volleyball, and your laptop into a duffel bag and you set it aside next to your desk.  You sat on the floor and played with the two puppies for a while.  Soon you got tired so you decided to wash up and you played games on your iphone for a little while.  You were playing ‘Draw Something’ with all the members of Infinite and it was the new house craze because everyone was playing it at the same time with each other.  Soon you fell asleep and Sunggyu came in after he noticed that you weren’t playing the game anymore to make sure you were tucked in.

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
