M! Countdown!

Your Chance

All the idols were back at the house and they had talked with you the day you guys arrived back too.  You went to school the next morning and you briefly explained to Jenna and Lily that you were sick for a few days and Infinite had been out of town for filming of their new MV.  “Why didn’t you just say so? We thought something horrible had happened to you!” They said.  “Well she did have a pretty bad fever…” Suzy said.  She and the rest of the idols who go to school with me knew that I wanted to keep it a secret about me debuting with Infinite.  They just nodded as the four of us walked to the garden.  You couldn’t wait to get home from school and watch the music video and you had gotten a text during lunch from Sunggyu that he had received the email and they wouldn’t open it until I got back from practice.  You rushed to the gym and Jenna and Lily struggled to keep up with you.  “Why… are… you… running… so… fast?” They asked between gulps of air after we had stopped running.  “I can’t wait to get back into the gym again.  You know that feeling you get after you haven’t played in a while and then all you want to do is play?” You asked as you changed into your volleyball clothes.  They just nodded and changed with you. 


            You jumped into the car right after practice was over and you patiently waited until you arrived at home.  You were texting L and your conversation went a little bit like this:


You: OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I can’t wait to watch it!!!! OMG! Can’t the driver go any faster??????

L: calm down…. It’s just a music video

You: So! This is the first time I’ve ever been filmed professionally and this is the first time I’ve ever been in a music video or song of any sort! U understand right? Lik when u first debuted?

L: yeah I guess I kind of understand but still… plus if the driver goes any faster than the speed limit, you guys will get pulled over which would extend the time it takes to get back here.

You: Ughhhhh stop being so technical! LOL

L: fine gosh…

You: Ack! We’re almost homeeeee!

L: K, well I’ll open the door for you now so that you can run inside when you get here

You: HAHAHAHA okay, get ready!


The car pulled up into the driveway and you jumped out of the car.  L oppa was actually standing there with the door wide open and you laughed hysterically as you walked up to the door.  “I didn’t think you were being serious when you said that.” You said.  He just smiled and you guys hurried back inside.  You dropped your bags on the floor and you sat on one of the couches in the entertainment room.  Sunggyu put the CD that had the MV on it in the DVD player and you guys waited for it to load.  The music started to play and you mentally fainted because this was actually real and happening to you in real life (lol… that totally doesn’t go with the whole fan FICTION thing… -______-).  The first part showed the empty cove and the cruise was pulling into the area where it had been anchored.  Then it showed the dance part from the studio set and the singing started.  You watched carefully and sang the lyrics in your head as the song went on.  The video was a really good quality and the sets looked amazing the whole time.  You looked at yourself during the individual shots and laughed mentally so it wouldn’t disturb the critiquing silence that was going on.  The video ended and there was a shot of you guys all looking out at the sea and then everyone posed at the camera.  Woohyun did his signature arm-heart throw; Sunggyu did his chinky smile where you could barely see is already hard to see eyes; Dongwoo smiled widely; Hoya smiled shyly; Sungyeol did some weird-funny-funky thing that I can’t really explain; L did his rare smile that nobody usually sees; and Sungjong did a girly, but dude like pose-smile.  You just smiled and put up a peace sign since you didn’t really know what to do.  Everyone clapped at the end and it seemed like you guys had just watched a four minute movie. 


“That was sooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!” you shouted as you jumped of the couch and did a little dance.  “The dance was even more in sync than usual.” Hoya said.  “When do they post this on youtube?” you asked.  “The day of the live show.” Sunggyu said.  You said ‘oh’ and then you guys decided to start practice.  The rest of the next week went by quickly and it was Thursday, your first stage and Infinite’s comeback stage.  You didn’t go to practice that day because you had to go and get ready for the show.  There was a practice on the stage before the whole show started and your practice was at around 4.  The show airs live at 7 pm and it goes on until 8.  “No one has heard their song yet right?” You asked their managers as they walked you guys down the hallways to the dressing rooms.  They both shook their heads and you sighed. 


Your outfit was the same one as you had worn in the studio set filming and you had been practicing in high heels like those ones at home.  Surprisingly your feet didn’t hurt and you were perfectly fine.  You weren’t nervous at all and you did the practice rehearsal perfectly.  You guys watched it and Sunggyu told us what to work on.  You guys watched as the show started and the MCs After School’s Lizzy and Tony Ahn talked about what would be happening on the show.  You called Jenna and talked to her.  “Turn on your television set this instant young lady!” You said.  She laughed and then you heard the television come on.  “Go to the mnet channel and watch the show okay? BYEEE!” you said and then hung up on her.  You turned your phone off and put it in your bag.  You watched the show with Infinite and then they called you guys for standby.  “I can’t believe I’m not nervous…” you said.  “That’s good!” Sungjong said.  You guys walked down the hallway and to Infinite’s comeback stage.  They went up and did their intro song and when it was over, the lights went off and you went on stage and got in the circle between all of them.  “Fighting!” You guys whispered before the lights came back on.  The lights came back on and still, nobody could see you since you were surrounded by them.  You could hear the fans cheering for them and saying their names and it was a beautiful sight to see.  The music came on and then they started the dance, where one person would leave the circle each three beats until there was only one person left, L, who was standing in front of you.  The first person to sing was L; he turned around and you stepped to the left.  The crowd started to cheer wildly at the sight of you and they noticed that you had a microphone as well which meant that you would also be singing.  You sang your parts and you guys danced in perfect sync the entire time.  You guys bowed and went off the stage.  You guys went back to the dressing/waiting rooms and on your way there, idols shook your hands and it seemed as though they approved of your singing and let you into the idol world.  When you guys got into the room, you did another little dance of excitement and everyone laughed.  “That was sooooo fun!!!!!” You exclaimed.  “Glad you had fun!” Sunggyu said.  Everyone group hugged and you guys settled down to critique the performance.  The managers were in the process of uploading the music video to Woolim Entertainment’s youtube channel and you went to get your phone. 


You turned it on and there were fifteen missed calls from both Jenna and Lily.  You called their house number and Jenna picked up the phone.  “Guess who?” You said.  “You! Oh my gosh! How could you not tell us about this? You actually just performed on M countdown with Infinite in front of more than a million people in the audience and online combined…” She rambled.  You held your phone away from your ear and then she said, “Are you listening to me?”  “Yeah I’m listening.” You said.  “Dude, we are coming over to your house after you guys get home, you got that? Be ready for the Jenna and Lily invasion!” She said, then she hung up.  You laughed and went back to sit down.  “I could hear her shouting from over here…” Sungyeol said and you laughed.  “Who was that?” Sunggyu asked.  “Jenna.” You said.  “And she said she was the calm one.” L said.  “Oppa! She said she was the calmER one not that she IS calm.” You corrected.  “Then I am afraid to find out what Lily is like…” Hoya said.  They all laughed and you guys had to go and stand on the stage so the winner could be announced. 


That night, Jenna and Lily came over and bombarded you with a million questions.  “You’re lucky that all the volleyball games are on Wednesday and Mondays only.” Jenna said.  There were both sitting on the bed with your laptop in between them as they watched your live performance again.  “I love that outfit….” Lily said.  “The shirt was a bit itchy though.” You said.  You were on the floor getting ready to remove your stage makeup with various types of makeup removal items that you had borrowed from your unnies.  “This stuff smells weird…” You said.  Someone knocked on your door and you opened it.  “Congratulations!!” You were taken downstairs to the dining room with Min and Soyeon unnies and Jenna and Lily following behind you.  “What is all this for?” You asked, looking around at the main table which was filled with all kinds of desserts and a cake that said ‘congrats’ on it.  “It’s to congratulate you on your first show of course!” Soyeon unnie said.  They put the cake on another table and they set up candles.  “You guys really don’t have to do all of this…” you said.  “Jayyyy, just let them do it!” Lily said as she stared at the cake.  “You just want to eat…” You said.  “Nooo!” She exclaimed as she denied her hunger for the cake.  Everyone laughed and you then they let you blow out the congratulatory candles.




Hey guys!! Thankfully i've been able to update now without getting scared that I will lose all of it again... -__- I save all the stuff on microsoft word or whatever and keep extra files and stuff.  SO ANYWAYSS! I hope you guys still like my story, i added some Myungsoo/L action in there ;) and tell me if you guys want it to be someone else so that i can make a twist on it or something... idk.  PLZ SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! stop being silent little ninja people and just reading quietly without saying anything... it makes me sadddd :'(

Continue reading!

-infinitesummer623 :D

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
