Their Visit

Your Chance

Summer break was over and you were at school with everyone on Monday.  Over the break, you had volleyball practices three times a week and you weren't performing since you finished performing with Infinite until the next time you featured in their song.  The song with U-kiss was put on hold for a while since they were still busy with Japan promoting and stuff like that.  You guys got to school and you were excited about the volleyball game you were going to have that day.  "Are you guys going to be able to come watch the game on Wednesday?" You asked L as you guys walked down the hallway to your locker.  "Yeah, we don't have a schedule today, recently we haven't been having schedules on Wednesdays..." L said.  "I wonder why..." You said.  "I bet Sunggyu hyung asked if we could have the half day off after school on Wednesdays.  The other hyungs who aren't in school still have morning schedules though." He said.  "That sounds complicated though." You said.  "We get used to it." He said.  The two of you got to your locker and L opened it while you got the text books out of your backpacks.  Then your phone buzzed in your jacket pocket and you checked it after you handed him the books. 

SisKylie: Guess who's dropping in for a stay???

You stood there staring and then you squealed loudly.  "Yah! What's going on? Did you win the lottery?" Jenna asked as she and Lily walked up to you guys.  "No, I wish... My friends from the states are coming over for a visit!!" You said.  You jumped up and hugged L in the excitement.  Then you realized it and let go immediately.  "Sorry..." You said.  You immediately called Kylie and she picked up after the first ring.  "Hey!!" She said excitedly.  "Are you seriously coming here to Korea?" You asked in english.  "I wouldn't lie about something that important would I?" She said.  "No, of course not." You said.  "So when are you guys coming and where are you going to stay?" You asked.  "We just arrived! I called your parents earlier and they said we could crash with you!" She said.  "Seriously?? Why wasn't I told this until now?" I asked.  "Because it was a surprise!" She said.  "Yah, Samuel, take the phone I found my luggage and it's going away!" You heard her shout, making you laughed.  "Hi Jay!" Samuel said.  "Hi! I can't believe you guys are here right now!" You said.  "I know us either." He said.  "Is everyone here?" You asked.  "Yeah, even Jack." he said.  "I'm so excited!! I don't think I'll be able to concentrate at school now." You said.  "Yah, you better pay attention and get good grades." He said.  I laughed and then the bell rang.  "Was that the bell?" He asked.  "Yeah, I'll see you guys later, I'll tell someone at the house that you guys are going to be there." You said. You guys said goodbye and hung up on the count of 3.  You went to your class with Jenna and Lily after giving L a hug.  "So, we finally get to meet the famous American friends of yours." Jenna said.  "You guys will love them! I think you might even fall for one of the guys too." You said, nudging their sides with your elbows.  You guys laughed and went to your seats. 


You texted Nichkhun about how they were coming over and he said he would get them settled in for you.  You were totally excited and when the bell at the end of the day rang, you rushed out the doors of the school.  In the car you couldn't sit still and when you got home, you burst through the front doors.  You ran to the entertainment room where everyone was at and you flew into the room.  "Jay!!" Kylie shouted as she saw you.  You squealed with happiness and hugged her tightly.  You saw Nichkhun smiling and then you saw the guys.  "I can't believe you guys are actually here!" I shouted.  You hugged each of them and then sat down in their little circle on the floor.  "Did she attack you when you let her inside?" You asked Nichkhun.  "For your information, I actually kept calm." Kylie said proudly, holding her head up high.  "If you call a short scream and a bear hug calm, then pretty much." Nichkhun said.  You all laughed and then they talked about the flight and stuff that had happened since you had left. 


You called up Jenna and Lily, telling them to come over so we could all go and grab something to eat.  Nichkhun had a schedule so he left, but L, Sungyeol, Kiseop, and Dongho had come home early so they decided to tag along.  We were a large group of 15 people and I called the restaurant that we were going to eat at before hand so that they could set up the tables.  You decided to wear a pair of large black glasses and you put your hair up in a loose braid in the back since you didn't do that very often.  You changed into a casual outfit so you looked normal.  The other idols were casually dressed with either hoodies, sunglasses, glasses or hats.  Jenna and Lily decided to meet at the place instead of at the house and you guys left.  As you guys walked down the streets, you hooked arms with Kylie and you guys talked in English.  "So, found any guy yet??" She asked.  I was a bit surprised by the question, but I shook my head in response.  "You know that L guy is pretty good looking, he's always looking at you with this look that I can't really explain..." She said with a smile.  "Well Alex looks at you with a look too." you said.  "We're already going out, and plus that's just his face." She said, causing you to laugh.  They guys were walking behind us you turned around to see them all looking at you two.  "Is something wrong?" You asked.  "Everything's fine back here, just keep walking." Alex said.  "Okay husband in law." You said, turning your head back aroud.  You could see Jenna and Lily's figures waiting in the front of the traditional korean bbq restaurant and you smiled when you saw them.  "Hey guys." You said as you walked up to them with everyone in tow.  You introduced everyone to everyone and you guys walked inside.  We would take up three tables with five seats each and we would just talke amongst ourselves loudly. 


"Yah, yah, Jay! What is that guy's name again?" Jenna asked in a whisper across the table as she pointed to Jason.  "Jason... Wait why?" You asked, plastering a sly look on your face.  "No reason, I just forgot his name." She said, leaning back in her chair.  "Sure..." You said.  You were sitting in between Kimmy and Samuel.  Jenna and Lily were across from you and L was in between Lily and Samuel.  You guys talked and then after an hour, everyone finished eating and you guys decided to grab some frozen yogurt.  "So, how's the idol life been treating you?" Samuel asked in english as you two were ahead of everyone else.  "It's been hectic, I barely got the day off today." You said.  "Don't over work yourself.  I don't want to hear about you fainting from exhaustion if I read something on the internet." He said patting your head.  "Arasso." You said.  You guys walked into a self serve frozen yogurt shop and you made your dessert. 

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
