Running Man! Part 2

Your Chance

You woke up the next morning to someone poking your face.  "Jay, wake up, we have a mission." You heard someone say.  You mumbled indecipherable words.  "Wait, mission" You said, sitting up in the bed.  Joongki was sitting at the side of the bed and there were some cameras in the room.  Rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the light, you asked what the mission was.  The PD handed you a mission card that just said to head to the last destination.  You and the guys got ready quickly and headed to the van and were taken to the destination.  "Where do you think we're going?" Jongkook asked, looking out the window at the freeway signs which were all in English.  "I have no idea, but we seem to be heading somewhere north I think..." You said, reading the signs trying to figure out where you guys were headed. 


After around an hour of driving in the car, you guys arrived at a place.  "Oh my god! I haven't been here since I was a little girl!" You said excitedly as you jumped out of the van.  "Where are we?" They all asked at the same time.  "DISNEYLAND!" You shouted.  They all smiled at your excitement and you guys headed to the front gates.  The park was full of tourists early in the morning and the rest of the Running Man cast gathered together at the entrance gate.  "So, what are we doing here today?" Haha asked.  "We are here at Disneyland to play a few games.  Our first game will be a type of searching game."  Jaesuk said.  The PD gave a mission card to each team and you guys went to different locations to start the missions.  You guys played the mission out until Jihyo's team won.  Your team were the seekers and the other teams were the mission team.  "We are playing our famous, Bells and Seek game today.  It's around 5:30 right now and it's already somewhat dark out as you can see.  So let's see how this goes..." Jaesuk said.  Your team was taken to an employee room and you guys were given bells to tie to your shoes.  They gave you guys walkie-talkies and you guys headed out.  "I wonder what their mission is..." You said, thinking of the possibilities. 


After a couple more hours, It was down to you and Jongkook versus Sungyeol and Jihyo.  It was darker and the mission teams' mission was to find all the characters in Disneyland and find the hidden Disney markings.  "Oppa, I spotted the two of them at the merry-go-round.  Hurry over!" You said quietly over the walkie-talkie and he replied saying that he would be there quickly.  You snuck up behind Sungyeol who was looking around on all the horses on the merry-go-round while people were riding on it.  You jumped at him right as the ride ended and you ripped his nametag off the back of the varsity jacket.  "Aghhh!" He shouted after you ripped it off.  You laughed and then the people took him away to the 'prison'.  Then you heard Jihyo shout something as you saw Jongkook rip off her nametag.  "Woohoo!!!" You shouted as you got over to them.  "We won!!" You shouted.  The two of them were smiling at your happiness and you guys headed to the 'prison'. 


"That was so much fun!" You said as you guys were on a small break.  Everyone laughed with you and everyone was happy.  You guys started filiming again and this time you guys were on a stage in front of the Disney Castle.  "Today we have some guests today who have come here from all the way in South Korea!  Please welcome Infinite and Jay!"  The announcer said.  You guys were performing in the parade which you thought was absolutely amazing.  All of the people applauded and there were a bunch of korean and non korean Running Man fans in the crowds since over the day, people had come after hearing you guys were filming here.  You guys had changed into your performance outfits and you were in position on the dark float.  Then the lights came on and the music started.  The float was at the end of the parade and it was set up at the end.  It didn't move so people had come to surround it like at a concert.  You guys sang the song and people cheered the whole time.  After it ended, you were given a chance to speak to teh crowd since you could speak English.  "Thank you all for coming here to watch and support us.  I can't tell you how happy I feel to be here right now since I haven't been here in such a long time.  It definitely brings back memories." You started to say.  "I am not even signed to a company yet, but I am singing here on stage for all of you guys and you have no idea how much this means to me.  Thanks so much for the support and I can't wait to come back." You said.  Then the crowd cheered and someone shouted 'sing something for us!'.  You looked over to the PD who was standing with some of the camera crew and the Running Man cast.  "What should I sing" You asked.  "Sing OUR song!" You heard someone shout.  You were confused and you tried to find the person who had shouted it.  You gasped as you saw who it was.  "Oh my god..." You said in a quiet voice.




Sorry it's such a short chapter... I have school and everything so I was kind of busy, but this is going to be a double update after I finish writing the next chapter...

So who do you think the mystery person(s) was? It might be a bit obvious but I thought it would make it somewhat more interesting... -_____-

I'm not exactly the most creative person when it comes to writing stories, but it was worth a shot :D


- infinitesummer623 ~ <3

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
