Hanging with Friends

Your Chance

The Day's End by IU




"Hey, do you guys want to go somewhere today?" You asked at the table while you guys were eating breakfast.  "Can we go to a mall? I need some new clothes..." Kylie said.  "I wanted to go to the electronics store." Jason said while he was reading.  "I wanted to go to a true norebang..." Jack said.  "How about the COEX aquarium? I wanted to take some cool pictures." Andrew said.  "How about we go to the aquarium during the day and then go to Hongdae tonight? We can go shopping there right?" Samuel suggested.  "Why didn't I think of that?" You said, face palming your self.  Then your phone started to buzz again and you went to the kitchen to answer it.  "Yeobosayo?" You asked.  "Hey it's Sunggyu." He said.  "Oppa? What's up?" You asked.  "Nothing really, but our schedule was cancelled so we were wondering what you were doing today." He said.  "Ah, my friends and I were going to go out for the day." You said.  "Would you mind if Sungyeol, L and Sungjong tagged along? Their getting bored in the car already." He said.  You laughed a little.  "Sure why not.  Are you guys close to the house?" You asked.  "Yeah, we'll be there soon." He said.  "Okay, well we're going to get ready so we'll be here." You said.  "Okay." He said.  You hung up and went back to the table.  "You guys don't mind three guys from Infinite come with us do you?" You asked.  "Of course not!" Kylie said.  "We don't mind." Vlad said.  "Cool, let's get ready then." You said with a smile.  They all cleared the table and you guys went to your rooms to change.  "What should I wear?" Kylie asked.  You picked out an outfit for her and then she picked an outfit for you.  After changing, Kylie fishtail braided your hair and you styled her hair to the side and curled it a little bit. 




Inside your bag, you put your wallet which had your subway card, credit card, cash money, ID card from school and some unused gift cards; your camera; cellphone; and iPod.  Kylie packed her stuff and you guys went down stairs and waited for the guys to finish getting ready and for the Infinite guys to arrive.  You heard the front door open and you could hear Infinite's loud voices from the living room.  "We're here!" Sungyeol shouted.  "Already knew that!" You shouted.  You heard laughter and they walked into the living room and they sat down.  "You look pretty." Sunggyu said as he sat down next to you and put his arm over your shoulder in a brotherly way.  You smiled and said thanks.  "Yah! Why did you take my pants? They're definitely too long for you." You heard Jack shout.  "These are my pants! And are you calling me short?" You heard Vlad shout back.  "Jack, those are actually his pants..." You heard Jason say.  Jack cleared his throat and then you and Kylie burst into laughter.  "What did they say?" Dongwoo asked.  You explained what happened, but they still didn't really understand it very well, but they brushed it off. 


The other guys walked into the room and the members of Infinite who weren't coming along, left the room after saying bye.  You put your sunglasses and so did the Infinite guys.  "Kaja~" You sang as you jumped off the couch and smiled.  They all laughed at your actions and followed you out the door.  "Should we take the bus?" Kylie asked.  "It'll probably be safer than the subway, so let's take it." Samuel said.  You nodded in agreement and waited at the bus stop.  You and Kylie played little hand games that you learned when you were in the states and then some korean games while you waited.  "The bus is coming!" Sungjong said as he pointed to the approaching bus.  We each had our money in hand and waited for the people who were exiting to get off before boarding the bus.  We sat in the almost empty bus and I sat with Vlad since we were bus buddies.  "Just like the old days." You said with a smile.  He nodded and smiled back.  "So where are we going Jay?" Sungyeol asked as he propped his shoulders on the top of the back of my seat.  "COEX aquarium." You said.  "Really? I haven't been there before!" Sungjong said from the seat parallel to you and Vlad.  "Neither have we." L said.  "Cool, so we all get a first time experience today!" You said excitedly.  After the half hour long ride to the aquarium, you guys got off of the bus and headed into the aquarium entrance instead of the mall entrance since you guys were going to shop afterwards. 


The aquarium had many people looking and walking around inside, but the place wasn't extremely full so it would be easy for you guys to take pictures.  "Uwahhh~" You said as you guys walked into the fancy aquarium.  You, Kylie, Andrew, and L instantly took out the cameras upon seeing the tanks and exotic fish.  You took selcas with everyone to document memories and just for fun.  You and Kylie took funny pictures with each other along with the fish.  You put your camera away and played around while L was your official camera man.  "Oppa, come over here." You said as you motioned for him to come over to where you were.  You were squatting in front of a little tank and there were really cute little fish inside the tank.  "Aren't they cute?" You asked.  You put your finger in front of the tank and the fish followed your finger around in the the motions you moved it in.  He chuckled and you smiled.  You got up and continued to look around as L followed and took pictures of you and the fish.  "It's so cute!!" Kylie shouted as she looked at a baby puffer fish.  She and Alex were walking around together holding handsand you smiled.  Hours passed by as you guys walked around in the aquarium and it was already lunch time when you checked your phone for the time. 


We went to the last area and then we went to grab something to eat in the food court.  After you guys ate, you headed to the shops and you and Kylie pounced at the clothing stores.  "How many can we try on at once?" Kylie asked, both of her arms filled with clothing she just found within a two minute time bank.  "Definitely not that many at a time..." Sungjong said.  You laughed and she made a pouty face.  You walked around and browsed the clothing racks.  You found some clothes and tried them on while Kylie tried on practically everything in the stores.  You found a cute shop that had a whole bunch of cute accessories.  "Hey guys, we should make matching ones." You said as you pointed to the handmade phone charms.  Your friends from LA came and made some with you while L took pictures and Sungyeol and Sungjong played around.  You guys paid for them and left the store.  "Off to Hongdae!!" You said.  Kylie had Alex carry some of her bags and you found it cute while he found it horrible.  When you guys arrived it was kind of late.  You guys  walked around and played games.  "Hey~ It's that stand from last time, and the same ahjumma is there." You said as you pulled on L's sleeve and pointed to the stand where he had won the giant teddybear.  "Hey guys. let's go over there." You said as you walked over.  "Annye- Ah! I remember you guys. Who are these young people?" The ahjumma said as we stood in front of the stand.  "Annyeonghaseyo ahjumma, these are my friends from abroad." You said. 


Kylie spotted a fun game and pulled the others with her while me, L, Sungjong, and Sungyeol stayed behind and talked with the ahjumma.  "I see you're wearing the necklace." She said.  "Ah, I was going to ask about it last time but you were swamped with customers." You said.  She just smiled.  "You can keep it." She said.  "Are you sure? It looks expensive." You said.  "Yeah it's fine, consider it a present." she said, patting your shoulder.  "Kamsamnida!" You said and you bowed a few times.  "Now go and have fun, but come and visit when ever you come back to Hongdae arasso?" She said.  "Neh~!" You said.  You and the three guys met up with Kimmy and the others and you decided to grab some dinner since it was dark out and you were hungry. 

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
