Old Friends~

Your Chance

"Oh my god..." You said quietly.  You instantly told them to play a specific song which you had been singing since you were a little child.  Woohyun came to sing it with you and you looked at the people who stood out to you in the crowd.  "This is for my amazing friends who have remembered me for all of these years I've been gone." You said smiling at them.  Your friends had somehow gotten here to Disneyland that day.  Either it was a complete coincidence or it they heard about it from someone and came here.  You saw Kylie, Samuel, Ryan, Vlad, Andrew, Jack, Alex and Jason all standing together near the front of the stage.  You sang your heart out with Woohyun and it was set up like the Davichi performance of the song but instead of the people with hand motions, the rest of the cast came up on stage.  (Here's a link for the Davichi version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O4R1mIi2CM).  After it ended, the fireworks went off in the background since it was at the castle.  "Daebak..." You guys said. 


After that, there was an autograph session for the Running Man cast and Infinite came with you to meet with your friends after they got auto graphs.  Kylie ran up to you and hugged you until you were suffocating.  "I can't breath!!!" You shouted and she let go.  "Oh my gosh! We missed you so much Jay!" She said in English.  Infinite stood by the side and watched you.  "Jayy!!!" The guys shouted, attacking you with hugs.  "I can't believe you guys are here right now!" You said.  The 16 of you guys had moved over to the empty merry-go-round and you talked with your friends in English the whole time even though you all spoke Korean.  The guys were definitely taller than they used to be since the used to be as tall as you but now they ranged from a couple inches to at most a foot taller than you.  You talked with them and caught up with what had happened while you had been gone.  Alex and Kylie were still going out together and it had been at least two and a half years since you last came here.  You lived in the states when you were really little and that's when you met all of them, but you had known Jenna and Lily before that.  You left when you were about 7 years old and then came back when you were 11.  Then you left the next year again.  Now you were here on a visit for the show.  "You remember Jackie?? She's three years older than us but she's pregnant already!" Kylie gossiped to you.  "You're kidding me! Innocent Jackie?" You asked shocked.  You kept on getting juicy gossip from Kylie and then you decided to introduce Infinite. 


"Okay guys, I'm guessing you don't really know Infinite right?" You asked.  Kylie was the only one who didn't nod.  "They've won number one on a couple shows with their song 'Be Mine' and ...." She blabbered on about them and you stood there waiting until she was done.  "You still have that habit of blabbing out information." You said snickering.  "What can I say, it's a gift and and curse at the same time." she said.  You laughed and then introduced them.  "Infinite oppas, meet my friends." You said to them in Korean.  "Annyeoghasyeo, Jung Kylie ibnida.  This is Alex, Samuel, Andrew, Jack, Ryan, Jason, and Vlad." She said pointing to the guys.  "Oh, you guys speak Korean? We thought you only spoke English since you were speaking it with Jay." Sunggyu said.  "We are all Korean so our parents sent us to Korean school when we were little, that's how we met." Kylie said.  "Ah. That's cool.  So, Annyeonhaseyo, Infinite ibnida!" Sunggyu said.  "Sunggyu ibnida.  This is Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, L, and Sungjong." he said.  "I made the guys watch that show about your lives once it came out.  We were so surprised you were on a TV show." Kylie said.  "You are soooo lucky!' she whispered.  You laughed and then Infinite went back to sign autographs. 


"I got a new phone so I lost all of your numbers." You said.  You took out your phone and they each entered their numbers in your phone with funny nicknames and everything.  Kylie was SisKylie; Samuel was Chinkybuddy; Ryan was Tanahjusshi; Alex was Husbandinlaw; Jack was Playeroppa; Andrew was BigbroA; Jason was Geniusoppa; and Vlad was Busbuddy:). All of the nicknames were good memories and they reminded you of them. “What are you guys doing tomorrow?” You asked. “Nothing, why?” Samuel said. “I can stay a couple more days so I was wondering if we could hang out and go down memory lane.” You said. “That sounds fun, let’s do it.” Kylie said. “Well I have to go now, but I’ll text you guys!” You said. “Aww! Already?” Kylie said sadly. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” You said. You hugged them all and then headed back over to the Infinite and the others. The Running Man cast gave you their phone numbers and so did the producer just in case. Their names in your phone corresponded with their images on the show or on other shows.


Jaesuk’s was Grasshopperman; Gary was Peacefuloppa; Jihyo was Aceunnie; Jongkook was Kookie~; Kwangsoo’s was Giraffeman; Sukjin’s was Bignose; Haha’s was Pororo:); and Joongki’s was FlowerboyJ. They all had schedules and they had to head back to Korea that night which must have been tiring for them. “I have a house here, we can stay there.” You said, remembering that you guys didn’t really have any place to stay. “Really?” Sungyeol asked. “Yeah, my aunts and grandparents live there, it’s pretty big and it’s a traditional house that they had built here.” You said. You guys drove in a van taxi thing and you called your aunt. "Auntie! Is everyone home?" you asked. "Neh. Why?" she said. "I'm coming over for a visit in a few minutes with one of my brothers and his band mates, we need a place to stay for a couple of days. Can we stay at the house?" you said.  "You're in town? Why didn't you say so earlier?? Of course you can stay." She said.  "Kayyy, we'll be over in like five minutes! See you soon." You said.  You guys were driven to the house and you arrived in exactly five minutes.  "That was really quick." Sunggyu said.  "Jay!" Your aunt shouted as you guys got out of the taxi.  "Auntie!" You shouted back.  The middle aged woman came up to you and hugged you.  "What are you doing here?" She asked.  "We were filming for a show." You said.  "Filming! What show?" She asked.  "Running Man." You said.  "Wah! My niece is amazing!" She said happily. 


You introduced Infinite to your other family members and they were surprised to see Sunggyu and he actually resembled them a little bit, it was probably because of the eyes...  You guys were tired from the filming so you guys shared the empty guest rooms.  You were alone and the others shared two rooms.  The next morning your aunt cooked your favorite pancakes for you guys.  You texted Kylie to bring the guys over to your aunts house and then you had a conversation with her over text:

SisKylie: I still can't believe you're famous Jayy!

MockingJay: Neither can I! It happened so unexpectedly and stuff... -___-

SisKylie: So, what's it like living with so many famous people? Especially those beastly gods 2PM!!! *fangirl moment*

MockingJay: Of course you would ask this kind of question... sighhh.  It's pretty amazing, but their usually never home since they have schedules and stuff.  I bet my life is going to become something like that soon o____o

SisKylie: You know they are my absolute FAV group in the whole universe!!  You know I wouldn't be able to avoid that question

MockingJay: I was wondering when you were going to ask me about it hahaha >.<

SisKylie: Well we are almost here, we took the bus since none of us can drive yet... Alex, Andrew, and Jack got their permits though!

MockingJay: REALLY?? Wait how old are they? I totally forgot. 

SisKylie: They are two years older than us.  Samuel, Vlad, Jason and Ryan are one year older.  How could you forget that, but not forget other obvious things?

MockingJay: You know I have like the worst memory on earth.

SisKylie: Yeah, you really do... Sometimes things go right through one ear and then out the other lmao

MockingJay: You werent supposed to agree with me... -______________- 


Then there was a knock on the front door of the main entrance and you went to open the door.  "HI!!!" Kylie shouted, giving me a bear hug.  She let go and then the guys hugged me too.  "Can Infinite come with us? They wanted to look around, but I'm the only person that they know here..." You asked.  "Sure!" Kylie said.  The guys just nodded and smiled.  "Is Jane's still there?" You asked.  Jane's was an old restaurant that was run by another friend's parents.  "Of course! With food like theirs, there's no way they would go out of business." Alex said.  "Cool! Let me get ready and then we can go. Make yourselves at home for now." You said, letting them inside the house.  You went to change clothes and you picked this outfit since it was really hot outside already. 


Infinite wore casual clothes with hoodies, and sunglasses or hats.  "Too bad we still have to wear disguises..." L said as you guys met up at the main entrance.  "Someone got a new wardrobe." Kylie said looking at your outfit.  "Well at least I got some new stuff instead of wearing all those old things like I used to." You said.  "Okay, off to Jane's!" You said.  You all walked out and headed to the cafe.  "Where are we going?" Sunggyu asked.  "We are going to our friend's parents' cafe." You said, pointing to the cafe that was in between a little, girly, asian store and a flower shop.  "What do they have there?" Hoya asked.  "You'll see." Kylie said.  You opened the door to the cafe and then everyone walked in after you.  "Welco--. Oh my gosh! Is that Jay?" The girl named Haley said.  "Hey Haley! It's nice to see you again!" You said smiling.  "Unnnie!!!" She said, giving you a hug.  You guys all sat down and ate some of the delicious pastries that they had. 


You guys left and then took a little trip down memory lane.  You visited your old elementary school and middle school.  You went to the park by your old house, and the mall that had all of your favorite stores.  There was an ice cream store that you used to work at and a music store too.  You guys went to see a bunch of friends and you visited your friend's parents as well.  You guys went to Kylie's dad's restaurant for dinner and then you guys had to head back since it was getting a bit late and you were leaving the next day.  "Jay! You can't stay any longer?" Kylie asked with saddened eyes.  "I can't, I have to go back and actually get signed to a company and stuff like that so I need to get back soon." You said sadly.  "But we only got to spend a day together! We need like a whole month if we want to catch up completely!" She said.  "I know, but now that I have your numbers and stuff I can call you guys and chat with you." You said.  "Fine, but you better not forget about us and leave us hanging or else we will get worried." Samuel said, before Kylie could say anything else.  "I promise." You said, holding out your pinky.  You pinky promised with all them.  "We'll see you guys off at the airport tomorrow." He said with a smile.  "I'll see you guys tomorrow morning then." You said with a smile.  "We'll see you later." They all said and then they got onto a bus. 


The next morning, your aunt took you all to the airport and your friends were all there waiting for you.  "You have to come back whenever you go on break okay!" Kylie said.  She was a very emotional person so she was lightly sobbing since she missed you so much.  "Stop crying or you'll make me cry." You said, hugging her.  She wiped her tears and smiled.  "Big bro! I'll miss you." You said to Andrew.  He hugged you and you pinched his cheeks lightly.  "Jack, you player, stop looking at all the girls at the airport when you're saying good bye to me!" You said, punching him on the arm.  "Ow! Yah, I'll miss you." He said, giving you a hug.  "Hey husband-in-law, come give me a hug and then you can go back to comforting your wife." You said.  "Can't wait until you come back again, we'll miss you until then." He said giving you a hug.  "Genius boy, get your face out of that book and say good bye." You said, pulling the text book away from Jason and giving him a hug.  "My bus buddy! I miss riding the bus with you all the time." You said, giving him a hug as well.  "Tan ahjusshi! Will you miss me too?" You said, giving him a hug.  He nodded and smiled.  "Chinky boy, I'll miss you." You said, giving Samuel a hug as well.  "Well I guess this is it until next time guys." You said sadly.  One tear slipped from your eyes and Samuel wiped it off your face.  "You guys better get going or you'll miss your flight." He said.  You nodded silently and then waved to them as you and Infinite went up the escalator to the gates.  "Text us later you PABO!" They yelled.  You smiled widely and then you guys went over to the gate and boarded the plane. 

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in the process of updating! sorry for the long wait!! :/


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pinkypn #1
if seems like she is closer to infinite and they spend more time with her than the others. i can see her and l getting closer
infinitesummer623 #2
COMMENT IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHANGE THE 'LOVE' INTEREST! and give me ideas of who to change it to if you want to change it. If not comment saying you don't want me to change it please!!
