➷。 2seok



The first shot went off with a loud bang and began to fire off more than the man could possibly count. He tried his best to run dodging behind anything that could protect him, but he already knew his life was over the moment the last shot went off.

The man sunk to the ground, hands shaking as he pulled his shirt up to see the gun wound in his abdomen. He stood up, gasping in shock as palmed at the dark red liquid staining his shirt and hands.

His legs trembled as he made it away from the building cursing to himself as he made his way unto the desolate roads illuminated by street lamps and building signs.

There were several cars parked alongside the streets and a few drove pass, none seemed to notice the panicky boy with bloodied outstretched arms. The man's steps became more stagnant, his adrenaline running low, the pain beginning to feel unbearable. He leaned against the side of a shop door almost ready to drop when-

"Oh my, what the happened to you?" A voice questioned worriedly stepping away from the injured man.

He tried to his best to squint to make out the features of the man but nonetheless could see nothing but a figure under bright lights.

"Hey, sunshine. Mind helping me out?"

And with that, he dropped.

"Hyung, are you sure? I can help you close its not safe around here at night," jimin, Hoseok's best friend/ co-worker asks concerned, a deep frown was tight on his face.

Hoseok smiles and nods as he proceeds to clean off the countertops, "Thank you, but I'm fine. If it makes you feel better, I'll call you when I get home," the male offers.

The younger boy nods and opens his arms wide for a hug, Hoseok chuckles and hugs the male squeezing him tight.

Jimin grabs his things and walks to the door and points at the older, "You better call me or else," he "jokingly" warns.

"I will! Drive safe, ok?" Jimin nods exiting out of the cafe, the bells jingling behind him once he exits. Hoseok waits for the small boy to make it into his car and drive off before going back to cleaning.

He can understand why the younger boy is so worried. There's a newly formed gang running rampage around the city. It's nothing the police haven't seen before, but now they've become more dangerous going from small robberies to murdering innocent people on the streets.

It isn't safe, not like its ever been. Nevertheless, Hoseok tries to keep an open eye out, buying teasers, alarms, pepper spray anything that will keep himself safe.

Hoseok continues cleaning for what feels like hours and goes through the to-do list. A triumph smile comes to his face when he realizes he finished up early.

"I think I just beat a new record," he chuckles to himself. The male head to the backroom to the backroom clocking out and grabbing his things.

He takes one last look around to ensure everything is in order, truthfully he doesn't feel like hearing the openers complain. He grins as he turns the open side to the sign to closed and leaves the store with a smile, locking the doors behind him.

As Hoseok turns to leave, he spots a man from his side view leaning beside the door. Hoseok pulls a face at the metallic stench coming from the stranger, and when he finally gets a good glimpse of the man, he sees the dark red liquid covering his hands and shirt.

"Oh my, what the happened to you?" Hoseok asks concerned, and genuinely unsure if he should grab his pepper spray, or not.

The stranger squints, staggering closer to Hoseok, who backs up and instinctively reaches for the pepper spray in his bag.

"Hey, sunshine. Mind helping me out?" The man groans out before collapsing to the ground.

Hoseok gasps as he drops to the man's side, trying to help him up until he notices the wound in the man's abdomen.

"This ing idiot," Hoseok hisses as he takes off his sweater, using it to apply pressure to the man's wound with one hand and pulls out his phone and calls the police with the other.

Surprisingly enough, It didn't take long for the police and ambulance to come. There have been many cases where it has taken hours for the police to arrive, and luckily enough for the stranger (and Hoseok), they came right on time.

Hoseok doesn't know what he would have done if the man just died right then and there, and truthfully he looked he was on the brink of death. Hoseok watches feeling a mix of emotions as the man is placed on the gurney and into the truck.

"Hello sir, we have some questions we'd like to ask you," one of the officers announce as she approaches the male.

Hoseok nods gaze focused at the ambulance driving away, unable to fathom what happened tonight, "Yes, of course," he mutters.

The officer chuckles softly, knocking Hoseok out of his trance. "So, what happened tonight?" She asks when the younger finally looks at her.

"I was locking up the store, and I noticed the man leaned up against the wall, he asked for help before he passed out," he explains, and the officer hums.

"I'm sorry, but do you know the man's name, and what hospital they're taking him to? I'm worried he might be alone there, and I really want to know if he's okay," Hoseok asks, confusing himself.

He wants nothing to do with this man and has no idea what he's affiliated with, yet his heart aches for the male. The man is human as well, and deep down, Hoseok knows it would break his heart if the stranger was alone or even worse.

The officer eyes him before letting out a sigh, "Normally we aren't supposed to do this, but the man's name is Kim Seokjin, he'll be going to Eden Hospital Center."

Hoseok's eyes widen as he nods, "thank you so much, ma'am!"

The officer gives him a light smile as she makes her way to her car but stops and turns to the male, "Do you need someone to take you home?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "No thank you, I'll be fine."

"Alright be safe, have a goodnight."

The officers all drive off one by one, as Hoseok stands on the side, taking everything in, his brain still unable to process what in the absolute had happened.

The male lets out a deep sigh as he finally gets a grasp on reality. He had just basically saved a man from dying and Jimin is never going to let him close by himself... ever again.

Hoseok unlocks his car and throws his things into the back before settling into the front seat, resting his head on the steering wheel, "It wouldn't hurt to visit him in the morning, right?" he mumbles.

What are the chances? The day he tells Jimin to leave early, this happens. Hoseok laughs at the turn of events as he begins his trip back home, unable to stop thinking about the stranger.

"Kim Seokjin, huh?"

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CarolSalles #1
Chapter 17: Meu Deus garota termine, estou morrendo de curiosidade por continuação, parabéns estou amando.