Chapter 3

Live and Let Die

After school Choi went looking for Yubin.

He finally found her at her locker.

"Hey, Yubin," Choi approached Yubin. "I went to all my classes! It was so boring, but I did it. New record."

Yubin smiled at Choi, "Congratulations. Are you going to all of them tomorrow?"

"Myeh, Im thinking about." Choi smirked.

"Alrighty," Yubin said shutting her locker and walking off.

Choi stood there watching Yubin walk away.
She's pretty cute, he thought.

Yubin and her little brother Seungri waited and waited for their mother to pick them up from school, but she didn't show.

"Wanna ride?" Choi pulled up in his nice red Italian sports car.

"If you don't mind." Yubin walked up to Choi's car with her brother.

Yubin opened the door and let her brother enter first. She handed him her backpack and got into Choi's car.

"You know, Im surprised your boyfriend wasn't out waiting with you." Choi said. "No, Im surprised that fool didn't drive you home. If you were my girl," Choi stopped and looked over at Yubin.

She looked to be interested in what he was saying. "If I were your girl-what?"

Choi shook his head, "Nothing."

They drove in silence for the rest of the ride.

"Its right up here." Yubin pointed to a small, dilapidated house.

"This is your house?" Choi asked with pity.

"Yea, its not much, I know. My mom brings home a waitress' paycheck and its just me, seung and her so we dont have any extra money to fix the place up." Yubin looked down in shame.

"I understand." Choi didn't. He lived his whole life having money and living in nice houses.

"Thank you for the ride. You aren't as bad as Jiyong says you are." Yubin smiled.

Yubin and her brother left his car and began walking up to their house.

"Yubin!" Choi called back for her.

Yubin turned around and walked back to Choi's car, "Yea?"

Choi debated asking her about Jiyong and is she knew of his gang involvement. But he quickly changed his mind for his own sake. "You forgot your backpack."

Yubin blushed and got her backpack from Choi. "Thanks." She returned to her brother's side and walked up to her door step.

Choi watched her try and open the door, it was locked.

She banged on the door, "MOM! Its Yubin and Seung! Come let us in!"

There was no answer.

Yubin knocked on the door some more, but there was no answer.

All the lights in her house were off and her mother's car was not in the drive way.

"No one home?" Choi called out to Yubin.

Yubin walked over to his car and shook her head, "No. Seems like she is still at work. She'll be home soon, maybe." She lied.

Yubin's mother often worked at a strip club for the extra cash. She usually left the door open for Yubin and Seungri, but this time she must have not. Yubin's mother would not be home until very late.

Choi saw through Yubin's lie. "It's gonna be a cold night, tonight. You wanna go to my place for the night?" Yubin looked at her brother then at Choi. "Of course he can come too."

"I dont want to put you out." Yubin felt disgraced.

"Oh you wont." Choi smiled.

"No funny business, k?" Yubin said. Choi nodded.

Yubin gestured for her brother to grab their belongings and return to Choi's car.

"I live about forty five away from here, so its gonna be a long drive." Choi said.

Yubin and her brother nodded. "Why do you live so far away?"

"My mother fell in love with a house on the outskirts of town. When she passed away my father couldn't bring himself to move out of it. Even though he only lives in it twenty days out of the year."

"Im sorry. What does your father do for a living?" Yubin asked.

"Owns a bunch of hotels. A few here in the states and a bunch in Cancun, Cuba, India, Australia, and a bunch of other countries."

Yubin wanted to ask if Choi was rich, but she could already tell by his car, clothes, and his father's occupation that he was. "So is the reason you don't go to school is because you think your daddy will be there to give you money whenever you want?" Yubin's voice was harsh.

"Ouch, that burned a little. But no, I don't go to school because I think it is a waste of time. Ive learned a lot more being out of school then being in school."

Yubin crossed her arms. She hated people like Choi. "Education is the key for a successful future."

"Yes, EDUCATION is. Not school. Two totally different things, Yubin." Choi pulled out a cigarette from his pack.

"SCHOOL is the key for a successful future. And I really hate these things." Yubin took Choi's cigarette from his mouth and broke it in half and threw it out the window.

"You know you have a lot of nerve breaking two of my cigarettes in one day. Especially when I am letting you stay at my place for the night." Choi shouted.

"Well you can pull over and let us out, because I won't stay at your house if you are going to on those cancer sticks!" Yubin shouted back.

Choi was taken back. No one has ever spoken to Choi like that. Not even his own father. Choi had great respect for Yubin.

"Alright. I wont ' on these cancer sticks' for the rest of the night." Choi put his cigarettes in the glove compartment.

"Thank you." Yubin said.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #3
Chapter 12: Are you Catholic? I don't think there's any Catholic church with a name like that, they're all named after saints....

But other than that, I like this a lot. =)
love the story. but it's already complete :<
Chapter 26: Not exactly a fan of yoobin but anyway I like the story ^_^v
mudkip118 #7
Chapter 20: A fake one, haha.
BubbaLaughs_ #8
omgod! i love it! wondering what happens after though. sequel? lol