Chapter 25

Live and Let Die

"Hey, Choi," Jiyong spat out some blood. His whole body was on fire. His mouth was dry and hot. He wanted some water so bad. Jiyong peered over at Choi. He was lying motionless on the floor. "Choi!" Jiyong fell over on his back next to Choi.

"Oi! Choi!" Jiyong kicked Choi's leg with his foot.

Choi didn't respond.

"You're really gone, huh?" Jiyong sighed. "You know, even though we were rivals and all, I had great respect for you. And if we weren't in rival gangs, I'm sure we would have been friends."

Choi didn't respond. He laid there. His chest didn't move up and down to signify breathing. His eyes didn't move around under his eyelids. His body didn't move at all.

"What about that promise you made Yubin?" Jiyong asked, trying to revive Choi.

Choi remained silent.

"You know, not to die?" Jiyong's voice got quieter and quieter each sentence he spoke.


"I know I said I wouldn't let you out of here alive..."

Choi didn't say anything.

"But I would just DIE if I saw Yubin see you like this." Jiyong laughed a little. As he laughed blood squirted out of his wound. Jiyong moaned in pain.

Choi still didn't say anything.

"Damn, so I'm gonna die next to a guy like you..." Jiyong tried to antagonize Choi, even though he knew Choi was gone.

Choi didn't take the bait. His lifeless body remained quiet.

"" Jiyong started to list of words that rhymed with Choi. He started to feel dizzy and light headed, and a little loopy. The end was near.

Choi, still, didn't do anything.

"" Jiyong's voice was started to sound distant, and it was becoming a whisper.

" up?!" Choi whispered oh so quietly, Jiyong barely heard him.

"CHOI!" Jiyong cheered in a whisper. "You aren't dead....yet."

"Promised Yubin......not die...." Choi's mouth moved slowly and the words croaked out in a tiny voice.

"Heh...I'm not doing to well." Jiyong sighed.

"Like.......wise." Choi mouth hung open, and no longer moved with the the sound of words.

The two boys stayed silent for a while. They both thought that one another had finally left this world.

"Sorry." Jiyong started to breath heavily. Numbing pain surged through his body. He started to cough insanely. Blood and mucus came up with the coughing.

"Huh?" Choi turned his head to Jiyong who was starting to choke on his blood. "Jiyong!" Choi yelled in a whisper.

" sorry!" Jiyong managed to get out as he choked. "For everything." Jiyong strained his voice so he was able to speak in a normal whispering voice, it wouldn't go louder. "Bye Choi Seunghyun."

"Jiyong!" Choi tried to get up to help his falling enemy, but he couldn't move without opening his wounds farther. "Hang in there! Yubin will be back soon!" Choi yelled in a whisper again.


"Here! Here it is!" Yubin pointed to the warehouse.

Rina pulled into the parking lot and saw Choi's car and some other cars in the lot. "Listen, Yubin, you shouldn't go in there."

Yubin ignored Rina and ran into the warehouse and found Choi and Jiyong in a puddle of blood. Both were not moving.

"CHOI!!" Yubin ran up to Choi, slipping on the blood.

She bent down to Choi felt for his vitals. She couldn't feel them. "CHOI! NO! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T DIE!!

Rina walked over to them, cautiously. She bent down to Jiyong and felt for his vitals. She found none. She shook her head and pulled down his eyelids. "He's gone."

Yubin nodded and felt tears trickle out of her eyes. "Choi's.....Choi's gone too." She started to cry hysterically.

Rina nodded and walked away to call an ambulance.

Yubin held on to Choi. "You promised!!" She cried loudly.

"Yu---" Choi started to cough.

Yubin stared at Choi. "CHOI!" She cheered.

" make you worry." Choi whispered, then fell silent.

"Choi?" Yubin yelled. "Choi!!"

Rina head Choi's quiet whispers and ran to him to check his vitals. He was still alive. "He's still alive. I called an ambulance. It should be here shortly. Now, come, you mustn't crowd him." Rina pulled Yubin off Choi and brought her outside.

A few minutes later five ambulances pulled up and checked all of the corpses to see if anyone was still alive. They picked up one of Jiyong's gunmen, Choi, and then they checked Jiyong.

"He's still alive!" One paramedic yelled out.

Yubin looked over at Jiyong. Paramedics were boarding him on a stretcher. His chest was going up and down. He was breathing.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #3
Chapter 12: Are you Catholic? I don't think there's any Catholic church with a name like that, they're all named after saints....

But other than that, I like this a lot. =)
love the story. but it's already complete :<
Chapter 26: Not exactly a fan of yoobin but anyway I like the story ^_^v
mudkip118 #7
Chapter 20: A fake one, haha.
BubbaLaughs_ #8
omgod! i love it! wondering what happens after though. sequel? lol