Chapter 21

Live and Let Die

"Jiyong! Stop it now!" Choi screamed as he watched Jiyong caress Yubin's unconscious body. Choi tried moving his hands out of the ropes. He could feel them getting looser and looser. A few more seconds and Choi would be free. But, there was guys standing all around him. Big guys. Big guys with big guns. He, being unarmed, stood no match for them.

"You know Choi, this is exactly like what happened with Carolina." Jiyong laughed. "This is all so nostalgic, don't you think?"

"Jiyong I swear when I get out of these ropes I won't hold back!" Choi shouted.

"When you get out of those ropes, if you do, you won't get more than a foot away from that pole. My men will shoot you down quicker than you can say....quicker than you can say...." Jiyong struggled to find the perfect word to say. "Ah oh well. They will shoot you down pretty quick. And you won't be able to say you girl over here." Jiyong finished ping Yubin's dress and stared down at her half body.

Choi tried looking away. He knew what was going to happen next. A big guy next to him grabbed his head and turned it to Yubin and Jiyong. Choi closed his eyes tightly. "Open 'em. Or I shoot." The big guy barked.

Choi reluctantly opened his eyes and saw Jiyong feeling Yubin up. Choi started having flashbacks of a few years ago. He was in the same situation as he was now. Except for seeing his best friend about to get he saw his half sister. He felt his stomach tighten. It was unbearable to watch.

Choi felt tears coming to his eyes. "Yubin!" He shouted. "Yubin!!" He cried out loudly.

"Shut up Choi! You are ruining the moment!" Jiyong snarled. "I've been waiting for a long time to do this. This damned would never give it up to me. No matter what I did. Claimed she was saving it for marriage." Jiyong laughed. "I guess she won't have anything to save in a couple of minutes. So sorry I gotta take your ity Yubin. I bet you were gonna give it up to your boy toy Choi sooner or later." He laughed as he started to slide Yubin's bra strap off her shoulder.

Choi tried looking away, but the big guy's firm grasp on his head was too much. Choi wiggled his hands out of the ropes. He was now free from them, but he couldn't act yet.

He started debating what he should do. I could try and get this guy's gun, shoot everyone else, then go for Jiyong. He's bound to have gun, but he doesn't have the balls to shoot me. But I would probably get shot by someone else in the process. Damn I'm just too outnumbered.

"Mmm.." Yubin groaned as she felt someone groping her bare . She quickly opened her eyes and saw Jiyong on top of her. "AHH!" She shrieked and backed up away from Jiyong.

"Yubin!" Choi screamed.

Yubin looked over at Choi and tried crawling to him. "Choi!"

Jiyong got up and grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back. Yubin screamed as chunks of her hair was pulled right out of her scalp. "Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't wake up yet."

Choi looked at Yubin then at the guy holding his head. His concentration was no longer on him, but on Yubin, and her bare chest. "Pig!" Choi shouted in a whisper as he got up and kneed the guy in his stomach. The guy dropped his gun and Choi quickly picked it up and fired at the other gunmen in the room.

Most had also been ogling Yubin. Some were fixed on Choi. They quickly fired at him. The missed, for the most part. Some bullets grazed Choi's arm.

"What the hell?!" Jiyong shouted at all the commotion.

Choi managed to take out two other gunmen before the gun he had picked up ran out of bullets. He grabbed another gun from one of the lifeless bodies of the gunmen. The gun he picked up was lightly soaked in blood. The trigger was a little slippery, but Choi managed to fire three shots at two other gunmen.

Click Click Click

The second gun Choi grabbed ran out of bullets. He ran to another one, but was stopped by the last gunmen in the room. The gunmen shot Choi twice in his left arm and once in his chest. Choi flew backwards and landed in a puddle of blood.

"CHOI!" Yubin screamed. She pushed Jiyong away from her and grabbed her dress that was on the floor next to her. She covered up her bare chest and ran to Choi. "Choi! Oh god! Choi!" She bent down next to Choi and looked at the blood oozing out of the three holes in his body.

She saw a gun next to him and picked it up and pointed towards the gunmen who shot Choi. The gunmen was quickly trying to reload his gun. Yubin pulled the trigger of the Smith & Wesson she had picked up. She fired repeatedly until the gun made clicking noises. Bullets entered the gunmen's chest and he fell to the ground.

Jiyong stared at Yubin. "Heh, congrats. I wouldn't think you would know how to handle a gun. To bad its out." Jiyong smiled as he approached her.

"Jiyong, stop this." Choi coughed up some blood as he tried speaking. His lung might have been punctured.

"Choi!" Yubin cried.

"Yubin, run." Choi coughed up some more blood. Choi opened his eyes and stared at Yubin. He reached his arms up to her and strained his body up to hug her. He groaned in pain and more blood poured from the holes in his body. "I'm sorry I missed the concert." He whispered. "But please, just leave now." He begged.

"No, I can't. I can't leave you here like this....with him..." Yubin cried out.

"You better listen to him Yubin." Jiyong said. Yubin looked up at Jiyong. He was holding a gun in his hand, pointed at Yubin. "If you don't you both will die here tonight."

"Yubin go, please. Or else my death would have been in vein. Please, go." Choi laid back down in the puddle of blood.

Yubin shook her head. "No, Choi," She started.

"GO!" Choi yelled. Blood spurted out of his mouth and his wounds.

"Choi," She bent down and kissed him on his blood soaked lips. "I love you. I love you so much, so please, don't die." She cried.

Choi managed a smile and looked up at Yubin. "I promise." He whispered. "Now, go. Walk for a mile then call Rina with my phone. Tell her to come pick you up. And do not come back for me."

Yubin nodded and reached in Choi's pocked and pulled out his phone. "Choi," She bent down and hugged him, then stood up. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled then started coughing up foamy red blood.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #3
Chapter 12: Are you Catholic? I don't think there's any Catholic church with a name like that, they're all named after saints....

But other than that, I like this a lot. =)
love the story. but it's already complete :<
Chapter 26: Not exactly a fan of yoobin but anyway I like the story ^_^v
mudkip118 #7
Chapter 20: A fake one, haha.
BubbaLaughs_ #8
omgod! i love it! wondering what happens after though. sequel? lol