Chapter 15

Live and Let Die

When Yubin finished undressing Choi and getting him into bed, she rushed to her room.

Did what just happen, really happen? Did Choi really kiss me? Did he really confess to me?

Yubin laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling. She couldn't get to bed; partly because she had already slept and what had happened with Choi.

She touched her lips with her index and middle finger. Her lips had touched Choi's just minutes ago. His lips were soft and warm, but tasted like alcohol.

Oh, he was drunk.

Yubin forgot that Choi had been intoxicated. He probably didn't mean what he said and that kiss was just a mistake; he must be a romantic drunk.

In the morning Yubin walked down to the kitchen and started making breakfast. She pulled out some sausage, pancake batter, and eggs. She whipped together the food and put a three plates of food on the table and went to wake Choi and her brother.

"Seung, I made breakfast." Yubin knocked on Seungri's door and he zoomed down the stairs to eat.

Yubin crept up to Choi's room and stopped. She was so nervous. So embarrassed. She reached down and clutched the door knob. It was cold on her hands. Yubin slowly turned it and opened the door, slightly.

"Choi," She whispered, "Are you up? I made breakfast."

"Yea. Just getting my shoes on." Choi called out. "Go eat, Ill be down in a minute."

Yubin nodded and turned around and walked down the stairs slowly.

So he must have not known what happened that last night. He was too drunk. So that kiss and that confession probably mean nothing.

Yubin sighed. She felt like crying.

Yubin was only half way down the stairs when Choi caught up to her. "Thank you." Choi whispered in her ear.

Yubin looked at him. Choi had a innocent looking smile on. "Wha?"

"About last night. Thank you. I usually dont get that drunk. And I usually pass out on the hallway floor when I do. So thanks, for helping me."

Yubin nodded. She wanted to mention that kiss. That confession. But she was too embarrassed to. "Oh, yeah, no problem. I was up already and I couldn't leave you like that."

Choi wanted to mention the kiss and the confession too. He wanted to say it was all a mistake. Even though it wasnt. "And about the," Choi started but didn't know what to say.

"The what?" Yubin knew what he was talking about. The kiss. or the confession. One of them.

"Nothing. I barely remember last night. Its all a blur, ya know?" Choi bit his lip and remembered what he had said last night. 'I love you.'

After breakfast Choi drove Yubin and Seungri to school, like usual. Yubin and Choi felt more awkward then before around each other.

Especially in the classes they shared together.

Usually they would talk and laugh with each other, but biology and cooking class were spent in silence.

At lunch they both decided they needed to talk about the incident.

"So, last night, what I said. What I did. I was drunk. You know that right?" Choi asked as he stirred some of the canned peaches on his plate.

"Oh," Yubin said, her voice disappointed. "I knew that. You are my best friend, and I love you too. And best friends can share a kisses too." Yubin rambled on.

Choi's face looked as dissapointed as Yubin's voice. He was hoping she would say something like "Oh. I love you though." but she didn't. She shot him down and it hurt him inside.

"Alright. Good I didn't want any misunderstandings." Choi tried to play it off coolly.

"So, I have a choir concert in two weeks. You should come." Yubin changed the subject quickly.

"I should come? I wouldn't miss it for the world." Choi smiled. Then he realized what he said sounded like he liked her. He got paranoid and quickly spit out. "Besides I have to drive you there and back, and Im sure Seung will wanna go and its going to be what, a two hour concert? So I would drive there, then back home, then back again. That is like an hour and a half just driving there and back. So I should just stay."

Yubin laughed a little. "Yea," She wished he just kept it at "I wouldn't miss it for the world." She sighed. "I have a big solo, and I have to write a song, and I have yet to. So, if you don't mind, I have to go rehearse. See you after school."

"Bye." Choi sighed. He too wished he kept it at "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Yubin walked into the choir room and pulled out a notepad.
She had no clue what kind of song she would write about. She couldn't get Choi off of her mind, too.

"Your my best friend, but you can't be my boyfriend." She began singing. The words just came to her.

'You′re my best friend
but you can′t be my boy friend
Whenever I look at you,
You always look back at me as just a friend

You′re my everything
but I can't confess to you
You live inside my heart'

She began writing them down. She thought that this was a great song, but she could never sing it. She could never sing it in front of Choi. She would embarrass her too much.

"Great song!!" Mr Reed walked out of his office, clapping. "I want to hear more! This could be the big song for the concert."

"I can't sing it at the concert." Yubin sighed. It was turning out to be a beautiful song, but she couldn't let Choi hear it.

"Why not!?" Mr Reed asked, confused. "Its a beautiful song!

"I can't sing it in front of him." Yubin started to scratch off some of the lyrics she wrote down, lightly.

"No! Yubin, this song is great! And there is nothing better that confessing to someone in song. Please, sing it." Mr Reed urged her to sing it until she finally gave in and decided she were to sing the song.
-.- kinda a weak chapter
the song
if anyone is a big wonder girls fan
and knows their songs
then you know the song she is gonna sing is friend
its my favorite wonder girls song
and i was listening to it in my computers class when i began typing up this chapter
and i was like 'omg yubin is gonna sing this song to choi!'

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #3
Chapter 12: Are you Catholic? I don't think there's any Catholic church with a name like that, they're all named after saints....

But other than that, I like this a lot. =)
love the story. but it's already complete :<
Chapter 26: Not exactly a fan of yoobin but anyway I like the story ^_^v
mudkip118 #7
Chapter 20: A fake one, haha.
BubbaLaughs_ #8
omgod! i love it! wondering what happens after though. sequel? lol