Chapter 13

Live and Let Die

After lunch Choi walked Yubin to her next class; choir.

"So, are you any good at singing?" Choi asked as they walked into the large, oval room.

"Yeah, I think so. I guess its only matter of opinion though." Yubin placed her backpack down in the corner of the room and walked up to the multiple sets of risers and sat down on the edge. "The teacher is pretty cool, he might let you stay and listen for a while."

Choi nodded. He would love to hear Yubin sing. Her regular speaking voice was soft and smooth, so her singing voice must be the same. "Alright. Where is your teacher? Lets go ask if I can stay."

Yubin jumped off the risers and grabbed Choi's hand and led him to her teacher's office. She knocked in a rhythmic beat on his door. "Mr Reed? My friend Choi wants to know, if its alright, if he can stay and listen to us rehearse for a while. If that is okay."

Yubin's teacher, Mr Reed, a tall man with dark skin jumped out of his chair and smiled wide. "Yes! That would be wonderful! The more the welcome!" Mr Reed stuck his hand out for Choi to shake. "Hello, Im John Reed, the choir teacher."

Choi released his hand from Yubin and shook Mr Reed's hand. "Im Choi."

"Hello Choi. I think I had you last year. For only a couple days though." Mr Reed gave Choi a suspicious look.

"Yeah I had choir I think. But I have no interest in becoming a singer, so I didn't bother showing up." Choi used that lame excuse again.

Mr Reed nodded and began to say something but the bell for class to began interrupted him. "Ah, class time! Uhm, Choi, there is a seat in the front over there, you can sit and watch us from there." Mr Reed pointed to a small cubical like desk in the front.

Choi thanked him and went and sat down and looked over at Yubin. She stood in the middle row, in the middle, in between to girls with long brown hair.

"Class today we have a visitor. A friend of Yubin's." Mr Reed pointed to Choi, who slightly waved his hand at the class.

During class he kept his eyes on Yubin. She would occasionally look up from her sheet music and smile at him. Then look back down and continue singing.

It was hard to pick out what Yubin's singing voice sounded like. Choi strained his ears to pick out Yubin's voice, but the choir class sounded as if they had meshed their voices together and it was just on person singing.

"Alright, next song. Yubin, this is your big solo for the concert. Do the best you can with this one. And no pressure, especially since your friend is watching." Mr Reed joked.

This was it. This was when Choi would get to hear just Yubin sing. He felt excited. Like he was a four year old in a toy shop with a hundred dollars.

Yubin slowly approached the front of the class and looked at Choi. He had a small, excited, smile on his face. Yubin was nervous. She had gone over the song plenty of times, but singing in front of Choi brought a swarm of butterflies in her stomach.

Choi saw the uneasiness in her face. "Good luck!" He mouthed the words and held his thumbs up.

She smiled and began singing. Her voice started out quiet then gradually grew louder. Her singing voice, like her normal speaking voice, was so soft and smooth and angelic. It flowed through Choi's ears like water flowing through a stream.

When her solo was over the bell for class to end rang. Choi got up and thanked the teacher again for letting him stay and listen. It was a real treat for his ears.

"Come again anytime!" Mr Reed cheered as Yubin and Choi walked out of the room.

"That was, that was amazing. I had no idea you had such a great voice like that. Why didn't you tell me?" Choi smiled.

"You never asked." She smiled back. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach flap around.

After school Yubin was getting some books from her neatly organized locker. Her brother was outside in the car with Choi. They had plans to go to the movies and dinner tonight.

"Yubin," Jiyong slowly approached Yubin. "Can we talk for a moment?" Jiyong's voice was fully of sincerity and seriousness.

Yubin slightly glared at him. She was angry, so very angry, at Jiyong. He wasn't the person she thought he was. "Choi and Seungri are waiting for me outside." She slammed her locker shut and started to walk away.

"Yubin. Please." Jiyong's voice sounded as if he were begging for his life. "I just wanna say a few things."

Yubin felt obligated to hear what Jiyong had to say. She turned around and faced him. Jiyong's face was full of pain. Pain of not having Yubin. "Make it quick." She said casually.

Jiyong reached down and grabbed Yubin's hand. "I know I wasn't much of a boyfriend. I didn't bother learning anything about you. I didn't offer you ride home when I would see you waiting outside til the late hours. I know Choi has told you things about me. Bad things. And, honestly, it's all true. Anything and everything he has probably said about me. I'll be a man and admit it. But I can tell Choi hasn't told you about the real him. Now I wont tell you how dangerous he is or anything, but just know, he isn't what you think."

Yubin looked at Jiyong. Tears were forming in his eyes. "Jiyong," she could feel tears stinging her own eyes.

"I know. I'm sorry." Clear droplets of salty tears fell out of Jiyong's eyes. "I miss you so much. Yubin, I'm in love with you."

That was the first time Jiyong actually said he was in love with Yubin. Sure he had said "I love you babe." or "Love ya!" many times, but it was just a casual 'love you'. nothing serious.

"Jiyong." She turned her head away from Jiyong and pulled her hand out of his. "Im sorry, but, Im in love with Choi."

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #3
Chapter 12: Are you Catholic? I don't think there's any Catholic church with a name like that, they're all named after saints....

But other than that, I like this a lot. =)
love the story. but it's already complete :<
Chapter 26: Not exactly a fan of yoobin but anyway I like the story ^_^v
mudkip118 #7
Chapter 20: A fake one, haha.
BubbaLaughs_ #8
omgod! i love it! wondering what happens after though. sequel? lol