Chapter 11

Live and Let Die

After Choi, Yubin and Seungri finished their lunch Choi drove them home. "Do you guys wanna go something today?" Choi asked as he opened the door to his house. "I was thinking we could see a....." Choi stopped and looked at the man standing in the house. "Dad?"

"What are you doing here?" Choi asked his father.

"What, I'm not allowed in my own home?" Choi's father hugged Choi and turned to Yubin and Seungri. "Your girlfriend?"

"HUH!? No, no, Dad, this is Yubin and her brother Seungri. They have been staying here the past couple of days. If its alright I want them to stay longer." Choi informed his dad.

Choi's father was a strictly business man. And Choi knew that his father would not approve of Yubin and her brother staying in the house any more. "Oh of course, son. Oh and I have someone I want you to meet." Choi's father left the room for a moment.

"Your father seems nice." Yubin whispered.

Choi seemed confused. His father didn't seem like his normal self. "My father is the most ruthless devil in the world. He lives, breathes business. Letting strangers stay in his house isn't like him." Choi whispered back.

Choi's father returned with a lovely looking women that resembled Choi's mother. "Choi, this is Kalini, your new step mother."

Choi gulped. "STEP MOTHER?!" He was shocked. When Choi's mother died Choi's father was devistated and swore he would never remarry. To Choi's surprise, he did.

"Yea, I met her in India. And I fell in love with her. We got married last summer. I know, I know, I should have told you, but work, I was just to," Choi's father smiled. He seemed really happy.

"You were too busy. Story of my life. Too busy. Dad is too busy. Too busy to see me being born. Too busy to see me learn to walk. Too busy to hear me say my first word, which was 'Daddy' by the way. Too busy so see me on my first day of school. Too busy be just be there for me. Too busy to tell his only son he was getting remarried. Oh and TOO BUSY TO BE WITH HIS OWN WIFE DURING HER LAST MOMENTS! TOO ING BUSY" Choi yelled and stormed off to his room.

Yubin ran after him. "Choi!" She called out.

Choi sat on the edge of his bed with his hands in his face. He was crying. Yubin walked over to him.

She felt awkward and didn't know what to say. "Choi," she began.

"The nerve of that man! You know, I think I have spent more time with you in these past days then I have ever spent with that man. Its all business and no family. When my mom was dying he was off in Paris. We called him so many times, but it was all the same. 'Can't talk now. TOO BUSY'" Choi shook his head and continued to cry.

Yubin wrapped her arms around Choi. "Shh." She comforted him.

Choi lifted his head and wiped away the tears. "If you tell anyone that I cried I will tell everyone you wear black lacy thongs." He laughed.

Yubin laughed along with him.

Around dinner time Choi and Yubin walked downstairs and into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"What are you doing? Ralphe is here." Choi's dad said.

Ralphe was their personal chef that usually followed Choi's father wherever he went.

"Oh, I forgot you were here." Choi said, trying to not make eye contact with his father.

"Uhm, Yubin, since like my dad and his new wife are eating with us tonight we will probably be using the grand dining table." Choi said as he walked with Yubin into a room off of the kitchen.

Yubin had already seen the grand dining room. It was a large room with a beautiful table in the center. When Yubin saw it the first time it was bare, but now there were candles, plates, and a white lacy table cloth on it.

Yubin and Choi sat down next to each other across from Seungri who had been talking with Choi's new mother.

When Choi's father entered the room Ralphe and his waiters brought out a bunch of food. They served everyone at the table the retreated back into the kitchen.

"So, Yubin, was it? How long are you and Seungri staying here?" Choi's father asked Yubin with a smile.

Yubin began to answer but Choi cut her off. "As long as I like." Choi said coldly as he filled his mouth with soup.

"Ah, I see. Is there a reason why they are staying here?" Choi's father asked, glaring at Choi, who refused to look his father's way.

"Yes." Choi simply answered.

Not wanting to work the issue Choi's father nodded and said, "Wonderful. I love having guests over."

"You hate having guests over." Choi contradicted his father.

"Choi, do not contradict your father." Kalini said sternly.

Choi looked up at his step mother, "You are not my mother. You do not need to tell me what to do."

"Choi," Choi's father began.

Choi got up and stormed out of the room and walked up to his room. Yubin followed.

"Choi," Yubin grabbed Choi's arm and brought him into her. She hugged him. They stood there in that position for awhile. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He is going to be gone in a few days. And he is gonna take that new wife with him." Choi pushed Yubin away from him. And began walking up to his room.

Yubin followed him. "I, uh, I'm gonna go to bed now. Get up early for school tomorrow." Yubin forced a smile and walked to her room.

Choi went to his room and thought about Yubin. She was so cute. So cute. And she was different then the other girls Choi had been with. Yubin was strong and loving. And Choi was begining to fall in love with Yubin.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #3
Chapter 12: Are you Catholic? I don't think there's any Catholic church with a name like that, they're all named after saints....

But other than that, I like this a lot. =)
love the story. but it's already complete :<
Chapter 26: Not exactly a fan of yoobin but anyway I like the story ^_^v
mudkip118 #7
Chapter 20: A fake one, haha.
BubbaLaughs_ #8
omgod! i love it! wondering what happens after though. sequel? lol