Chapter 9

Live and Let Die

After Choi and Yubin shopped for Yubin they shopped for Seungri.

"What size is he?" Choi asked searching through some pants.

"Uhm, Im not sure. Probably a size smaller than you." Yubin said as she scanned for some clothes.

"What is his usual style?" Choi asked as he picked out a few clothes.

"Oh I don't know. He only has a few pairs of clothes. They are all different." Yubin said as she also picked out some clothes.

Choi nodded and got some more clothes. Yubin and Choi walk to the cashier again and she rang up the new clothes. "Alright, the total is $1,560 dollars."

Yubin gasped. She just over a thousand dollars of someone else's money. "Chump change," Choi laughed as he handed the women a golden credit card.

"That you Mr Seunghyn, I hope you have a nice day. Bye bye." Choi and Yubin gathered up the bags and walked out of the store.

"Just put them in back." Choi said as he opened the trunk of his car. "Next we go grocery shopping."

Yubin and Choi drove to the nearest grocery store, Safeway. "Alright, I don't know how to shop for food, so you are going to have to teach me." Choi said as they stepped in the store.

Yubin laughed, "Ok, c'mon!" Yubin grabbed Choi by the hand and pulled him into the store.

"Alright, I made a list of things we need to buy." Yubin pulled a list from her hand bag.

"Lemme see," Choi took the list from Yubin, "Eggs, milk, bread, fruits, vegetables, pasta, blah blah blah."

Yubin lightly hit Choi on the arm, "Its what we need."

Choi froze. 'We'. Its what 'WE' need. Choi liked the sound of that. 'We'.

They spent the next hour shopping for food. Choi kept trying to get chips and unhealthy foods, but Yubin stopped him. "No, we don't need this. Its bad for you." There was that 'we' again.

After shopping Choi and Yubin were pushing their cart of food to Choi's car when Yubin gasped. "Jiyong..."

Choi shot over to where Jiyong was standing. "What are you doing with her." Jiyong, who had been leaning on his car, asked as he got up and walked over to Choi.

"She is staying with me. Its not safe at her house. I'm surprised you didn't know that." Choi said.

Jiyong starred coldly at Choi then at Yubin. "What do you mean its not safe? I'm sure its safer than being with you!"

"Heh, you really do not know anything about Yubin, do you?" Choi laughed in Jiyong's face.

"What do you mean? I know everything about her. She is the love of my life." Jiyong argued.

"Then you might know that her mom is an abusive alcoholic. You might also know that she waits at the school with her brother late into the night waiting for her mom to pick her up. If you did love her, no if you just LIKED her, you would offer to drive her home one night. And you would see her house and you might even see her mother. If you cared about Yubin at all you would know. But you don't. You dont know anything." Choi yelled passionately as he pushed Jiyong away.

"Its started." Jiyong said has he balled his fists up and punched Choi in the face.

Choi balled his fists up and punched Jiyong back.

Yubin screamed, "Choi, dont!"

Choi looked over at Yubin. She was crying. Choi backed off of Jiyong and walked away with Yubin.

"He isn't who you think he is Yubin! He is a dangerous boy! If you are smart you would stay away from him!" Jiyong yelled.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #3
Chapter 12: Are you Catholic? I don't think there's any Catholic church with a name like that, they're all named after saints....

But other than that, I like this a lot. =)
love the story. but it's already complete :<
Chapter 26: Not exactly a fan of yoobin but anyway I like the story ^_^v
mudkip118 #7
Chapter 20: A fake one, haha.
BubbaLaughs_ #8
omgod! i love it! wondering what happens after though. sequel? lol