My New, Shinee Love

Hae Won's P.O.V.

I twist my plain gold band around my finger.

He should be here by now!

Someone picks me up from behind and starts to swing me around.

"Onew!!!! Stooooop!" I shriek.

"Why? I wanted to surprise you," he whines.

"Well, I have something to tell you..." I declare dead serious.

"What is it?" he turns me around and looks at me, worried.

I take a deep breath,"I don't really like kids, but..."

"Omo... omo... No way!" he starts jumping up and down.

"What are you doing?" I smack his arm,"People are staring!"

"Eheh... So I got you preggers on our wedding anniversary~" he chuckles like a kid.

"Aish! Don't think I forgot where you hit me with that box!" I scowl.

"Sorry! I don't have good aim," he holds his hands out in peace.

"You could've just handed it to me like a normal person," I mutter angrily.

We munch on the food slowly and after we're done, he grips my hand.

"Oh right, we're gonna have a kid now..." Onew giggles.

"Weirdo! It's nothing special. Just something living in my tummy," I shudder.

"That's definitely special!" he protests.

"Eun Mi's already had like, 3 kids -.-"

"Yeah, but they aren't our kids are they?" he pouts.

"You do know that I'm going to gain a million pounds right?" I make it clear.

"I'll help you get on that! Hold on, yobo~"

He runs off to who knows where.

I sigh and just lean against a tree.

The sound of small feet pound up next to me.

A little girl tugs at my shirt.


"I'm not your unni," I pat her head.

"Then, omma?"

"No. Just call me ahjumma," I laugh.

She laughs along with me.

Onew jogs back.

"Omo, is that the baby?" he looks at the girl.

"Onew.. I just found out that I was pregnant," I give him a "really?" look.

"Ah, right, right."

So slow sometimes...

He hands me an ice cream and gives the kid his.

"We can share," I offer.

"No, no! I don't want your mommy germs," he shakes his hands profusely.

"C'mon! Just have some!" I shove it in front of him, but it ends up getting all over his shirt.

He starts walking towards me with his arms wide open,"I want a hug~"

"I don't want to hug you!" I start running away.

"Come back yobo!!" he calls after me.

I just laugh and keep running.

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I just finished reading your story and I love it! It's cute! especially the ending! :3
MinGwen18 #2
@mei-chan. oh okay.
mei-chan #3
Eh, Lumpy and I are amateur writers, we didn't really think it through xD but thanks~
PS: Since when did I have 57 subscribers. 0.e ... *feels famous*
:L Happy Khmer New Years~ { even though it was yesterday }
Keep an eye out for our next joint project. :)
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #4
Good ending!! 2 thumbs up!! Loved how onew proposed!
I liked the story but I just have something to say about Hae Won's family: first off, the whole family is heartless and should die. Second; her older brother found out she got abused and left her there with those monsters? And now he acted like nothing happened? What kind of sick person is he? Ah well at least she's got her happy ending now
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #6
Really ending that soon? T.T he's her brother!! For both of them lol! Update soon pretty please.
mei-chan #7
@MinGwen18 HAH! I checked before I wrote the chapter. This is her REAL mom. :)
MinGwen18 #8
ohhh. i thought taemin already knew eunmi's mom from the prologue?
mei-chan #9
@TaeJumble : Pfft, ikr ? :3 That was a good anime ^ 0 ^
WOO Angel Beats :D