My New, Shinee Love


"We need to talk,"

Taemin's voice suddenly got more serious compared to his usual playful tone.

"There's nothing to talk about," my eyes start to water and I turn away, hiding my pre-tears.

"It's just a misunderstanding," he smiled a little, causing my throbbing heart to break into pieces.

"Misunderstanding?"  I echoed and shuddered.

"The only thing I misunderstood is that you would always be there for me, but it's self evident that you're not, you already have a girl toy," I started pouring my thoughts out to him.

Taemin looked more concerned as I went on.

"You replaced me with that plastic Barbie doll! After everything I've done for you, I've always waited for that ONE call, a call where you would say 'Thanks hun, I'm doing fine, I love you and miss you," I shook my head as it hung.

"I-" Taemin started but I cut him off.

"That call never came, but instead you go off and find someone else?!" by the time those words came out of my mouth the diamond tears were trinkling down my face.

"And even if you apologize to me, I don't think I'll ever be the same. The pain I've gone through just for you to CHASE YOUR DREAMS is just too much to bear. I've waited, been lonely on those nights we'd usually go on dates, watched you have fun without me on variety shows, listen for your part during SHINee songs, seeing your smiles you used to give me to other girls, and you repay me for waiting for you by giving your heart to someone else!?"  My voice rose and my bottled anger started to take over me.

"Eun Mi.." Taemin frowned and tried to calm me down, but it was too late.


"And guess what? It's MY TURN to leave you and chase for my dreams. Maybe I'll meet someone BETTER than you, because your the worst person I've EVER met, goodbye" I stormed off into the chilling rain, leaving Taemin and his speechlessness behind.

My warm tears caused other people to look and judge at me. It felt like years, walking through the streets of seoul. I felt like I was in the center of attention.

I felt stupid and used. Why did he do that? Why couldn't that girl he loves now, be me?


Why did I ever love him?




Finally, I met Hae Won halfway. There was a regretful look over her face, probably because her secret meeting with Onew didn't turn out very well.

"A-are you o-okay?" she studders and tries to find words to speak.

I subtly shake my head, still panting from crying so much.

I started to develope a headache, with tears blurring my vision, and I felt like crap.

My thoughts were slow, my words were slurred, my feelings were unbearable.

Somehow, we arrived home.

I forget how we even got here.

Eun Mi and I seperated our ways and set out to the places we think the best.

Hae Won went to take a shower, and I found myself on my bed, staring at the ceiling with bloodshot eyes.

Random thoughts played with my emotions.


I can't wait for this day to be over.

This is the worst I've ever felt in years.

There's a hole in my heart, a scar.

I look through my phone for someone else to talk to rather than Hae Won.

I had no one else.


Pathetic, right?

I pulled the covers over my head, with the intentions of falling asleep.

The room was quiet, the clouds outside were darkening as it rained on my parade.

I think I may be over thinking this.

But another part of me says, "Forget Taemin, he's useless."

Realizing my mistakes, I frown.

If I had listened to Taemin for a second, maybe things wouldn't turn out this way.

There's always two sides to a story, right?

With drooping wet eyes, I fall asleep.

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I just finished reading your story and I love it! It's cute! especially the ending! :3
MinGwen18 #2
@mei-chan. oh okay.
mei-chan #3
Eh, Lumpy and I are amateur writers, we didn't really think it through xD but thanks~
PS: Since when did I have 57 subscribers. 0.e ... *feels famous*
:L Happy Khmer New Years~ { even though it was yesterday }
Keep an eye out for our next joint project. :)
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #4
Good ending!! 2 thumbs up!! Loved how onew proposed!
I liked the story but I just have something to say about Hae Won's family: first off, the whole family is heartless and should die. Second; her older brother found out she got abused and left her there with those monsters? And now he acted like nothing happened? What kind of sick person is he? Ah well at least she's got her happy ending now
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #6
Really ending that soon? T.T he's her brother!! For both of them lol! Update soon pretty please.
mei-chan #7
@MinGwen18 HAH! I checked before I wrote the chapter. This is her REAL mom. :)
MinGwen18 #8
ohhh. i thought taemin already knew eunmi's mom from the prologue?
mei-chan #9
@TaeJumble : Pfft, ikr ? :3 That was a good anime ^ 0 ^
WOO Angel Beats :D